Loudoun Teen Rapist Covered Up By Schools Placed on Sex Offender Registry for Life

The teenage ‘boy in a skirt’ who raped two girls in Loudoun County, Virginia was sentenced this week. He avoided jail but was placed on the sex offender registry. It also came out that there is allegedly a third victim now.

The judge was horrified by the student’s psych evaluation and said so in court.

Luke Rosiak reports at the Daily Wire:

BREAKING: Loudoun Rapist Sentenced, Put On Sex Offender Registry For LifeThe 14-year-old boy who raped a ninth-grader in a girls’ bathroom while he wore a skirt and blouse was sentenced on Wednesday to residential treatment, as it emerged that he also allegedly attacked a third girl, and after the judge said his psycho-sexual evaluation was one of the most disturbing she has ever seen.The boy, now 15, appeared with his hair in a bun and his ankles in chains, and apologized directly to the two girls that the court found he sexually assaulted in school. His name is being withheld by The Daily Wire due to his age.But one of the victims said he would not be rehabilitated until he acknowledged that there was also a third girl he has assaulted. “I hope one day you tell them what you did to that girl,” she said. The judge said a report she reviewed as part of sentencing also noted the existence of a third victim.The mother of the first victim said: “These horrific sexual assaults should have never occurred. There were people who could have turned it around years ago.”Scott Smith, the father of that victim, told the court “this whole thing caused a huge division in our community … We were accused of lying about this sexual assault for political gain. That didn’t go over well with half of Loudoun County, who didn’t patronize our business” as national media painted him as an ignorant conservative bigot for being angry at a school board meeting.But on Wednesday Judge Pamela Brooks said the assaults did occur, saying, “Over the years this court has read many psychosexual reports, and when I read yours, frankly, it scared me. It scared me for you, it scared me for society.”

None of this should have happened.

Never forget what was done to the father of one of the victims.

Rebecca Downs writes at Townhall:

Commonwealth Attorney Buta Biberaj not only went easy on the 15-year old, but chose to prosecute and sought jail time for Scott Smith, the father of the first victim, after he was arrested at a June 22 school board meeting for disorderly conduct.Biberaj was funded not only by George Soros, but also supported by former Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D), who was elected in 2013 and then ran again in 2021, as the Virginia constitution prohibits governors from serving back-to-back terms. McAuliffe went on to lose to Governor-Elect Glenn Youngkin (R) last November.

Here’s a local video report:

Tags: Campus Sexual Assault, Crime, Education, Virginia