Loudoun Teen Rapist Covered Up By Schools Placed on Sex Offender Registry for Life
“Over the years this court has read many psychosexual reports, and when I read yours, frankly, it scared me.”

The teenage ‘boy in a skirt’ who raped two girls in Loudoun County, Virginia was sentenced this week. He avoided jail but was placed on the sex offender registry. It also came out that there is allegedly a third victim now.
The judge was horrified by the student’s psych evaluation and said so in court.
Luke Rosiak reports at the Daily Wire:
BREAKING: Loudoun Rapist Sentenced, Put On Sex Offender Registry For Life
The 14-year-old boy who raped a ninth-grader in a girls’ bathroom while he wore a skirt and blouse was sentenced on Wednesday to residential treatment, as it emerged that he also allegedly attacked a third girl, and after the judge said his psycho-sexual evaluation was one of the most disturbing she has ever seen.
The boy, now 15, appeared with his hair in a bun and his ankles in chains, and apologized directly to the two girls that the court found he sexually assaulted in school. His name is being withheld by The Daily Wire due to his age.
But one of the victims said he would not be rehabilitated until he acknowledged that there was also a third girl he has assaulted. “I hope one day you tell them what you did to that girl,” she said. The judge said a report she reviewed as part of sentencing also noted the existence of a third victim.
The mother of the first victim said: “These horrific sexual assaults should have never occurred. There were people who could have turned it around years ago.”
Scott Smith, the father of that victim, told the court “this whole thing caused a huge division in our community … We were accused of lying about this sexual assault for political gain. That didn’t go over well with half of Loudoun County, who didn’t patronize our business” as national media painted him as an ignorant conservative bigot for being angry at a school board meeting.
But on Wednesday Judge Pamela Brooks said the assaults did occur, saying, “Over the years this court has read many psychosexual reports, and when I read yours, frankly, it scared me. It scared me for you, it scared me for society.”
None of this should have happened.
BREAKING: The "skirt wearing" boy at the center of the Loudoun County school rapes has been ordered to a life registration as a sex offender.
The judge apparently noted the teen had "the most disturbing" psycho-sexual evaluation she'd ever seen.https://t.co/gO9WYgpKcV
— 4W (@4WPub) January 12, 2022
Never forget that the mainstream media tried to label the rape victim's father a domestic terrorist for demanding justice.
And never forget that the Loudoun County school district helped them. https://t.co/t6ljN5W4Eo
— Cabot Phillips (@cabot_phillips) January 12, 2022
Never forget what was done to the father of one of the victims.
Rebecca Downs writes at Townhall:
Commonwealth Attorney Buta Biberaj not only went easy on the 15-year old, but chose to prosecute and sought jail time for Scott Smith, the father of the first victim, after he was arrested at a June 22 school board meeting for disorderly conduct.
Biberaj was funded not only by George Soros, but also supported by former Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D), who was elected in 2013 and then ran again in 2021, as the Virginia constitution prohibits governors from serving back-to-back terms. McAuliffe went on to lose to Governor-Elect Glenn Youngkin (R) last November.
Here’s a local video report:
LOUDOUN COUNTY TEEN FOUND GUILTY FOR SEXUAL ASSAULTS AT SCHOOL: The judge ordered that he live at a residential treatment facility to go through a program and register as a sex offender.
More details here ➖ https://t.co/OVuGjeraVz pic.twitter.com/UHp2GMo9FY
— Sierra Fox (@thesierrafox) January 13, 2022

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OK, now do all the school officials who let him off the hook the first time. They should be in prison for a very long time and the civil suits should destroy them financially. And the school system should be on the hook for hundreds of millions.
If it doesn’t REALLY hurt, and personally, nothing changes.
I believe elected officials enjoy immunity from personal civil liability unless they’re convicted of a crime directly related to that liability. The rule makers have always protected themselves, first.
I don’t think that is true for libel-defamation. This family business should be able to recover lost profits through damages. They need a good contingency litigator..
To be honest, I don’t know how Virginia works on this particular subject. I do know that federal employees – included elected members – enjoy near absolute protection from defamation claims due to something called ‘The Westfall Act.’
I don’t think mbecker is talking about the defamation of the father, which is entirely separate from the rape of the daughter and the other girl/s.
As for that, as I recall there was no actual defamation; the school board president didn’t accuse the father of anything. The father demanded to know what was being done about his daughter’s rape, and the school board official denied knowledge of any rape. By implication, this meant the father was lying, but I’m not sure that’s enough for defamation. Even if it were, he could claim that he hadn’t known about it, and so his denial was honest.
Well, that covers the people who libeled the dad, but does nothing to punish the DA that put the rapist back in school.
Mr. Smith should sue the school board in toto, and each member individually for what happened to him. The asshole who was in charge at the hearing should now be tried for violating Mr. Smith’s First Amendment rights. I pray they remove each and every one of these woke clowns from office. Their names should be made public on some social media site so they have to endure a fraction of the embarrassment Mr. Smith endured. The attorney for the Commonweath should be brought before the state bar association on charges of malicious prosecution, and be disbarred. VA has a Republican governor, lieutenant governor, and AG taking office this week. This would be a good first step towards squelching the power Biberaj believes comes with the office. Perhaps she will advocate for sharia law next.
No school officials “let him off the hook”. It wasn’t up to them to have him on a hook in the first place. As soon as the girl complained the school reported it to the police officer on duty there, and from that moment it was in his hands and those of his department. The boy was arrested and charged, and transferred to another school while awaiting trial. Where he raped the second girl, and presumably the third too, if there really was a third. None of that is the fault of anyone at the original school.
The school officials had a responsibility to protect the other students. They, not the cops, chose to allow the kid to remain in the school population instead of suspending him until such time as the courts had acted after the first rape.
The fact is that they knowingly created the opportunity for the kid to rape again and someone ought to be paying a price for that.
Um… these were people on the school BOARD, who had responsibility for both the schools.
From yesterday’s Fight For Schools mailer:
“Last week, Commonwealth Attorney Buta Biberaj was working overtime in court to prevent Fight for Schools from intervening in that case. Further, she refuses to recuse herself from the case, despite having prosecuted the case against the perpetrator and allegedly recommending that he be allowed back in school.”
Biberaj is another problematic Soros protege.
Those members of the court who tolerate this freak appearing before a judge in a skirt and blouse are more insane than the rapist.
Be more accepting of trans people.
Although.. how did a trans person become a ‘boy in a skirt’ once found guilty of serious sexual assault? It’s almost as though the school board, justice system and media have switched from conspiring to protect a trans person from sexual assault charges to conspiring to conceal the trans nature of the rapist.
Pure gaslighting. Look at the photo. He’s a boy in a skirt… and a blouse… and a neckband… and maybe even a training bra.
Huh? Where did you get the idea that he appeared before the judge dressed like that?
What makes you think he was ever a “trans person”? I don’t know why he was wearing a skirt, but doing so doesn’t make a boy “trans”. I’ve seen nothing to indicate that he thought of himself as a girl, and I very much doubt his girlfriend/victim thought of him as one.
If the prosecution would have had its way in the case of the distraught father. The father would have done jail time. Far worse than the perv got.
The boy didn’t get jail time only because the girl’s family asked for him not to. As it is he’s effectively getting 3 years anyway, but they’re calling it “treatment”.
It all looks fishy to me, more like hysteria.
Wut? Maybe not the dumbest thing someone has written on the internet. But, it’s probably close. This kid is a SERIAL rapist.
Why don’t you tell us, with specificity, the parts that look fishy to you.
How so? The girl reported it immediately. And she’d been regularly having consensual sex with him for a while before that, so it’s not as if it was her first time and she regretted it and tried to put the blame on him. Nor did she claim he’d been raping her all along; as I understand it she acknowledged that all the earlier sex had been consensual. So why would she lie about this one occasion?
I don’t know if this girl is lying, but there are plenty of reasons for girls to lie about rape after previous consensual sex with the alleged rapist. More than one reason could be in play. Here is a by no means complete list:
To avoid discipline when secret sexual activity is discovered
To punish a sex partner
To avoid social censure (“how could you have sex with *him*?”)
To explain away a pregnancy
To obtain sympathy and attention
To obtain money
To explain away cheating on another sex partner
How long before Life is reduced to time served.
When has anyone ever come off these registries once they’ve been put on?
Of course, Commonwealth Attorney Buta Biberaj needs to be removed at the next election. If the Virginia Republicans have any intelligence (hah!) they’ll make this a point of emphasis. We’ll see if they have an over-arching strategy to return their state to common sense or whether electing Governor Youngkin was a one-off.
Why? What should the CA have done that he didn’t do?
It’s a she. And she was the one who recommended putting the kid in another school instead of putting him through the system.
She was putting him through the system. That’s how he came up for trial.
Loudoun County should give this father a nice settlement for having ruined his life, business and reputation due to the arrest and slapping the word “bigot” on him.
The DA who prosecuted him should be shown his face right next to $oro$‘ face in every picture and poster, to indicate he’s bought and corrupt, and county parents must act accordingly.
And that kid… He better be glad he hasn’t been hanged yet by an outraged parent, because he deserves it – a thousand times over.
I can’t help but think about what happened to the father from his daughter’s perspective. She suffers a horrific attack and is forced by the school to do NOTHING for most of the day until finally, after her father shows up and the police are called to have HIM arrested. It’s only then that the responding police call the sexual assault detectives finally called to investigate the crime and she’s finally taken to the hospital as she should have been the first 10-minutes after the assault.
The father goes to the school board meeting to inform the board and other parents of his daughter’s ordeal and he’s ARRESTED. If it wouldn’t have all happened on video, I’m not sure I would believe any of it. I hope the district has to sell property and lay off staff to pay for the civil award the jury gives him and his daughter.
They should castrate this miscreant…for life.
As opposed to temporary castration?
Chemical castration — Wikipedia
So, a boy who wears a dress has issues? Shocking.
Personally, I think it says a lot about the first family – that after all they’ve been through, they asked for no prison. I’m impressed. I wouldn’t have asked them to consider doing so, but commend them for having done so.
Lawsuits? If possible and not prevented by some twist in the law, agree – go full bore.
As for the boy (yes-I won’t refer to him as anything else), I pity his family.
Unfortunately, my gut says he will be back in court- maybe not this year, but somewhere down the road, for sure.
And that will be on the judge.
In fairness to the judge, her/his hands are tied. The boy was 14 and while eligible to be tried as an adult, it’s incumbent upon the Commonwealth attorney to make a motion to transfer the 14-year old to adult criminal court. Absent that motion, the judge is bound by statutory sentencing guidelines for minor children.
Like everything that has gone wrong with this case, it ALL falls at the feet of that Soros-sponsored DA.
Wait? 14 year olds can’t be incarcerated for rape in the US?
Shit, don’t tell 14 year olds this.
No, 14-year olds (at least in Virginia) can in fact be incarcerated for rape. But, they can’t be incarcerated (in an adult jail setting) for rape unless the state moves to have the case transferred to adult court. The prosecutor in Loudoun County never did that. The judge can’t do it herself/himself.
He will be instead placed in a ‘locked residence’ institution which is what we used to call juvinile hall, back in the day.
Soros has been making money through questionable means his whole life, why hasn’t any government brought him to justice?
What’s “questionable” about his means of earning money? Everything he’s done in business has been perfectly legal, except in countries that have tyrannical laws, like China; would you expect him to be made to submit to their “justice”?!
“Unfortunately, my gut says he will be back in court- maybe not this year, but somewhere down the road, for sure.”
He has learned his lesson. He will be more careful next time. But there will be a next time because he is a serial rapist.
Even good families produce bad seeds once and a while.
agree is DA’s fault after the fact–believe school admins/board members, etc. are to blame for any harm/damages done after the initial incident–they could/should have intervened after the first incident–they failed to act properly at the outset/kicked the can further down the road and, and as a result, are responsible to the subsequent students/families for the injuries/harm this little bastard perpetrated
What are you talking about? In what way do you claim the school did not act properly? They reported it immediately to the police officer on duty at the school, and from that moment it was in his hands. There is nothing else the school was supposed to do.
You don’t think it’s incumbent upon the school to contact the legal guardian of the minor child immediately? They didn’t. in fact, they never contacted the father. As I understand it, she was kept in the guidance counselor’s office and then HOURS later, she was able to make a call and called her dad herself. I agree most of the fault lies with the school resource officer and his inexplicable failure to call the sexual assault detectives immediately.
When the father showed up, the school called 911 to have the father removed. It was only then that the responding uniformed officers called their supervisor who then called the rape detectives. The school then sent out a message to all students and parents assuring them that the heavy police presence at school had nothing to do with child safety and instead was to remove an unruly parent. It’s hard to imagine how they could have handled their responsibilities that day worse than they did.
But, the school erred again when it failed to report the rape to the state as it’s required to do by state law. It turns out that wasn’t the only assault the school failed to report. That investigation has just begun in earnest now that Youngkin is governor.
No, I don’t think it’s incumbent on the school to call the parent; I would think once the case is in the police’s hands that would be their job.
So, when a student falls at recess or gym class and has to go to the hospital by ambulance, the schools says to themselves after the kid is carted away by paramedics, ‘Well, I guess the fire department can call the parents?’
Of course not. The school is responsible for the safety and welfare of the students while they’re in the school’s care. It’s incumbent upon the school to ensure the legal guardians are promptly contacted when their child’s safety is compromised irrespective of the failure of the police.
It sounds like maybe you need to brush up on the facts of this case, from widely-available sources, before asking questions that have already been answered.
I actually feel sorry for the boy as he is as much a victim as the girls.
If the system had helped him when first identified instead of indulging leftist ideology that the boy must be treated as a girl, he may have been saved AND none if his victims would have ended up as victims with life long trauma.
Instead he wasn’t helped and liberals treated him as a girl and ficked him up right proper.
And now he’s going to be fucked up for the rest of his life.
Well done lefties. This is what happens when leftist ideology is treated as being far mot important than actually helping children.
Most school administrators have more or less the same mindset as Fauci..
What are you talking about? Where did you get the idea that he ever “identified” as a girl, or that he was ever treated as one? And even if he had been, what has it got to do with the rapes? He raped his girlfriend, with whom he was in a definitely heterosexual relationship; she wasn’t treating him as a girl! He wasn’t in the girls’ room because he was being treated as a girl; even if the school was treating him as one, “trans girls” were at the time not allowed into the girls’ room. He was there because that is where he and the victim had been meeting regularly for consensual sex; obviously without the school’s permission.
Bruce Jenner identities as a female. And yet, he still dates women. Go figure. The only thing that is known for certain is the young man often wore ‘skirts.’ Does that mean he’s transgender? Not necessarily but it’s certainly that someone would draw that conclusion. With respect to the biological sex of his sexual partner, it doesn’t really inform that question either. Certainly, many of the usual suspects on the left had a fit over the characterization of a ‘transgender rapist.’ But, those opinion pieces offered little in the way of factual substance.
He wore skirts. It’s FAR more common for gender fluid/transgendered males to wear skirts than it is cis males. Draw your own conclusion.
Hey, Milhouse, didja even SEE the picture?
For somebody who doesn’t “identify as a girl,” he sure has an interesting blouse… and necklace… and a rack.
(Gaslighting is when somebody tells you not to believe what you can plainly see.)
Where’s the picture from? It’s certainly not from the court. So what’s its provenance? How do you know it’s even him, let alone that it’s how he dressed regularly?
Here you go. Make me work for it, hack. I’m up to the challenge.
His mother says he’s “pansexual”—“dresses as a girl one day and as a boy the next. He’s trying to find himself.”