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Judge Reverses Ruling: Loudoun County Teen Found Guilty of Rape Will Not Have to Register as Sex Offender

Judge Reverses Ruling: Loudoun County Teen Found Guilty of Rape Will Not Have to Register as Sex Offender

“This court made an error in my initial ruling. The court is not vain enough to think it’s perfect, but I want to get it right.”

Earlier this month, the teenage ‘boy in a skirt’ who was accused of raping a girl in a school bathroom and sexually assaulting two other girls, in Loudoun County, Virginia, was found guilty.

The judge in the case said that she found the defendant’s psychological/sexual profile disturbing and ruled that he was required to register as a sex offender. Now she has changed her mind.

Defense lawyers argued that the case was a media sensation and that the defendant wasn’t being given a chance for rehabilitation.

Neal Augenstein reports at WTOP News:

Judge reverses decision: Teen convicted of Loudoun Co. high school sexual assaults will not go on sex offender registry

The teenager convicted of two assaults at separate high schools in Loudoun County, Virginia, will not have to register as a sex offender after a juvenile court judge reconsidered her initial ruling.

Instead, the now-15-year-old — who was found guilty of two counts of sodomy in a May 28 incident at Stone Bridge High School and a separate incident on Oct. 6 at Broad Run High School — will remain on supervised probation in a locked juvenile treatment facility until his 18th birthday.

On Jan. 12, Judge Pamela Brooks placed the teen on probation and placed him in a juvenile rehabilitation center until he turned 18 and agreed with the prosecution to put the teen on the adult sex offender registry…

The teen’s probation officer, Jason Bickmore, opposed forcing him to register as a sex offender, saying studies show teenage sex offenders required to register actually have a higher rate of re-offending. He said the aim of the juvenile justice system is rehabilitation, not punishment.

Biberaj did not dispute that requiring the teen to register would have consequences when he tries to get a job. “Will it stifle his successes? Very possibly.”

It’s just stunning that she reversed her decision.

In announcing her decision, Judge Brooks said: “This court made an error in my initial ruling. The court is not vain enough to think it’s perfect, but I want to get it right.”

The judge ordered the teen to be in supervised probation in a locked juvenile facility until his 18th birthday, have no contact with the victims or their families. And ”I decline to grant the commonwealth’s motion,” to require the teen to register as an adult sex offender.

The parents of the victim at the center of the case are not pleased with the outcome.

The criminal here was somehow transformed into a victim.

Gabe Kaminsky writes at the Daily Wire:

Brooks ruled to drop the boy from the registry in a Thursday hearing. Commonwealth Attorney Buta Biberaj, who said prior that the boy was released from jail due to having no “history” of assault, argued that putting him on the registration was for the community’s safety and wellbeing. Biberaj was elected in 2019 after receiving $850,000 from a political action committee funded by left-wing billionaire George Soros…

The attorneys defending the boy, William Mann, Jonathan Moore, and Caleb Kershner — who sits on the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors — pushed the narrative that the boy was a victim. Kershner said he is the center of “a national media outcry” and that this has resulted in the high level of scrutiny.

The election of Glenn Youngkin was a beginning, but there is clearly much more work to be done in Virginia.


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Another ‘wet streets cause rain’ idiot.

“saying studies show teenage sex offenders required to register actually have a higher rate of re-offending”


    healthguyfsu in reply to Olinser. | January 30, 2022 at 1:42 pm

    The social sciences grievance industry will soon make the very obvious and prudent scientific adage that “correlation does not imply causation” into a racist, taboo statement.


Don’t matter. It will happen again. The judge is merely putting off the inevitable.

I must confess that I don’t know the practical effect of having the teen register, or not, as a sex offender. I assume there are employment and housing considerations in the future. I also assume that if registered, law enforcement will know where he is (whether they’ll care is a question for any bungling bureaucracy to answer). Anything else?

    Anacleto Mitraglia in reply to stevewhitemd. | January 30, 2022 at 5:17 am

    I’d like to see those studies. They probaby come from a woke department of sociology.

    I seem to recall reading that most employment applications ask if the applicant has ever been convicted of a crime.
    (Anyone want to correct or expand my comment? I do not fully trust my memory of things I read years ago.)

When a judge decides not to put a rapist on the sex offender list they should be required to go to prison for 5 years and have a felony record themselves if said rapist reoffends.

Also in reguards to “…studies show teenage sex offenders required to register actually have a higher rate of re-offending.”

What was the sex offense? Multiple rapes over the course of 2 years, or
indecent exposure say to another minor. What are the offenses in question?

The Gentle Grizzly | January 29, 2022 at 5:22 pm

Meantime, some young teen boy with raging hormones takes care of business behind a latched stall door, gets caught, and winds up on the list. Or, his date lies about her age.

The entire sex offender registry has gotten out of hand. I am not saying the Loudon County offender doesn’t belong; he does, if such a registry exists at all.

thought the whole purpose of a “sex offender registry” was to protect the community, the public(and their children) by notifying them that a person was a convicted sex offender–who cares what the future of a particular perp holds?–they’ve traumatized another human being–if that should harm their future what the hell do the “authorities” think the perp’s actions have burned-in to the victim’s future life?


“This court made an error in my initial ruling.”

Translation: The deep state made the judge an offer she dare not refuse.”

Subotai Bahadur | January 29, 2022 at 6:07 pm

2) In the end, living with these people is not possible.
3) The judge will neither care nor take responsibility for his next victim(s).

Subotai Bahadur

He sexually assaulted three young women in as many months….that we know about. Ted Bundy didn’t just wake up one morning and decide to become a serial killer. People like Bundy usually have gateway events that oftentimes never even go noticed anyone other than those closest to them. This kid has had three gateway events that everyone noticed, they were that bad. But, this judge thinks it will all work out in the ed because all we need is love, or some other BS.

The attorney should have to site the study before using it at trial, far enough in advance to allow the other side to look for “studies” to refute the “studies”

I am not a lawyer, but isn’t arguing from a “study” similar to any other piece of evidence, and need to be disclosed before being admitted?

The teen, his PO, and the judge should all get a nice gift on his 18th birthday. I’m thinking something brass in 9mm. I will volunteer to serve on the jury should the person delivering the gift be charged with littering or something.

    healthguyfsu in reply to mbecker908. | January 30, 2022 at 1:44 pm

    I didn’t downvote you but DON’T BE STUPID and post stuff like this. If you are ever involved in a life or death self defense situation, this post can and will certainly be used against you should opposing counsel be able to dig it up.

    Be smarter than that.

This one is foe the lawyers in the house. If this judge can say “I made a mistake, let me reduce the terms of the sentence”, can she do so in the other direction? In other words “I made a mistake, you need more restrictions?”

I also agree – judges should have some skin in the game when they choose to let the guilty free into society.

Soros minion Buta Biberaj has to go.

    Milhouse in reply to henrybowman. | January 29, 2022 at 10:43 pm

    Huh? He’s the one who asked for the kid to go on the registry.

      henrybowman in reply to Milhouse. | January 29, 2022 at 10:53 pm

      In this particular case, Biberaj is acting uncharacteristically… and I’m not sure why.
      If you’ve been following the action at, you already know her as one of the prime facilitators for the Marxists in Loudoun County. The full historical archive is here, but is not trivially searchable.

Real American | January 29, 2022 at 9:06 pm

do a public service and publish his name.

Someone should tell this moron that criminals that get slaps on the wrist probably reoffend even more.