European Negotiators: Iran Nuclear Talks Reaching ‘Final Stage’

Talks to restore the 2015 Iran nuclear deal have reached their final stage, European negotiators announced on Friday. “Everyone knows we are reaching the final stage, which requires political decisions. Negotiators are therefore returning to capitals for consultation,” negotiators from German, France and UK said in a statement on Friday.

A senior Biden White House also shared the assessment made by the European diplomats. “We’re in the ballpark of a possible deal,” Brett McGurk, the White House Middle East coordinator, said on Friday.

President Joe Biden’s administration is trying to restore the Obama-era nuclear agreement with Iran at the European Union-mediated talks in Vienna, Austria. The U.S. negotiators are working with the UK,  Germany, France, and Britain, collectively known as the EU3, together with Russia and China, to reverse former President Donald Trump’s 2018 withdrawal from the nuclear agreement and his efforts to prevent Tehran from going nuclear by pursuing the policy of “Maximum Pressure.”

The final leg of the diplomatic round is expected to begin next week. Western negotiators have placed a “self-imposed mid-February deadline,” Politico reported. If the parties cannot to reach an agreement by next month, the talks could fail.

A deal with Iran would most likely mean that the Biden administration will ease all economic sanctions. Throughout the negotiations the Mullah regime has maintained that an agreement could only be reached if all sanctions are lifted.

The Reuters news agency reported:

Nuclear talks between Iran and Western powers are reaching their final stage and now require political input, E3 negotiators said in a statement on Friday.”January has been the most intensive period of these talks to date,” said the statement from the so-called E3: France, Britain and Germany.”Everyone knows we are reaching the final stage, which requires political decisions. Negotiators are therefore returning to capitals for consultation.”

The Associated Press added:

“January has been the most intensive period of these talks to date,” British, German and French negotiators said in a joint statement.“Everyone knows we are reaching the final stage, which requires political decisions.” Russia’s representative at the talks, Mikhail Ulyanov, said the meeting was expected to resume next week.

Biden’s Appeasement Emboldens Iran

Even before Iran has agreed to the deal, the Biden administration has made a series of concessions. His measures include the revoking of enforcement of an international weapons embargo and removing the terrorist designation of an Iranian-backed Yemeni jihadi group.

Despite the path of appeasement followed by the Biden White House, the Iranian regime is pushing ahead with its nuclear weapons program. In December 2021, the United Nations’ nuclear agency, IAEA, warned that the Shia-Islamic regime is “a short, technical step from weapons-grade levels of 90%.”

In late December, Iran held a military drill displaying nuclear-capable ballistic missiles. As part of the “17th Great Prophet drill,” Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) simulated a coordinated drone and missile attack on a nuclear reactor in southern Israel.

To remove any doubts about the true intentions of the aspiring nuclear power, an Iranian state-linked newspaper published a list of possible missile targets in Israel. The warning came just weeks after the top Iranian military spokesman threatened Israel with total ‘annihilation.’ “We will not back off from the annihilation of Israel, even one millimeter. We want to destroy Zionism in the world,” Iranian military spokesman, Brig.-Gen. Abolfazl Shekarchi, declared.

While the Mullah regime negotiates with the Biden State Department, it continues to threaten the U.S. with terrorist attacks. Earlier this month, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei released a video on his official website depicting the assassination of former U.S. President Donald Trump and ex-Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. The computer generated video showed Iranian military drones and unmanned combat vehicles targeting President Trump and his associates at his Florida home.

Israel Vows to Reject Another Flawed Deal With Mullahs

Faced with the prospect of the genocidal Mullah regime going nuclear, the Israeli government has refused to accept any flawed deal reached with Iran. “Israel is not bound by what will be written in the agreements” at the ongoing Vienna talks, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said on January 10. “Israel is not a party to the agreements…[and] will continue to maintain full freedom of action anywhere any time, with no constraints,” he added.

Not relying on the Biden administration’s misguided ‘diplomacy’ for their security, Jerusalem is determined to prevent Iran from going nuclear. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has prepared “operational plans” to hit Iran’s nuclear weapons program, country’s Chief of General Staff, Lt. Gen. Aviv Kohavi, announced in December last year. “Israel has approved a budget of some 5 billion shekels ($1.5 billion) to be used to prepare the military for a potential strike against Iran’s nuclear program,” The Times of Israel reported in October 2021.

Biden administration says Iran nuclear talks at ‘decisive moment’

Tags: Biden Foreign Policy, Biden Iran, Iran Nuclear Deal, Trump Iran