CNN Skewers Biden’s Voter Suppression Lies. Yes, CNN.

Very few people were impressed with Biden’s divisive speech about the Democrat “voting reform” bill in Georgia this week. It was full of insults that weren’t even historically accurate.

In an amazing development, CNN’s Erin Burnett called out Biden on the air.

Transcript via CNN:

BURNETT: On the side of right or the side of racism, that’s what’s being presented. Even the second ranking Democrat in the Senate, Dick Durbin, said Biden ‘went a little too far in his rhetoric’ in that particular comment. And a right versus wrong simplistic view here is a problem. First of all, because more people voted than ever before in the last election.So to just broadly talk about voter suppression may miss that very crucial point. And take vote by mail as one example. Here’s what Biden said this week criticizing Georgia’s new law.(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)BIDEN: Voting by mail is a safe and convenient way to get more people to vote, so they’re making it harder for you to vote by mail.(END VIDEO CLIP)BURNETT: Okay. Well, New York is one of the most reliably Democratic states in the United States and New York requires people to request absentee ballots, just like the new Georgia law does. Now, Georgia allows anyone to request an absentee ballot. New York does not. In New York, it’s actually more restrictive, there are specific guidelines as to who can request an absentee ballot.In fact, back in November, New Yorkers voted down a constitutional amendment that would allow anyone to request an absentee ballot for any reason at all by 55 percent to 45 percent, in an overwhelmingly Democratic state.And let’s take a look at early voting. Georgia, the new law, the law that sort of Abraham Lincoln versus Jefferson Davis allows for 17 days of early voting, New York only has nine.

Watch the clip below:

Columnist Peggy Noonan was a bit more pointed in her choice of words.

From the New York Post:

Joe Biden’s voting rights speech backfired more than he ever could have imaginedIt is startling when two speeches within 24 hours, neither much heralded in advance — the second wouldn’t even have been given without the first — leave you knowing you have witnessed a seminal moment in the history of an administration, but it happened this week.The president’s Tuesday speech in Atlanta, on voting rights, was a disaster for him. By the end of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s answering speech on Wednesday you knew some new break point had occurred, that President Biden might have thought he was just crooning to part of his base but the repercussions were greater than that; he was breaking in some new way with others — and didn’t know it.It is poor political practice when you fail to guess the effects of your actions. He meant to mollify an important constituency but instead he filled his opponents with honest indignation and, I suspect, encouraged in that fractured group some new unity.The speech itself was aggressive, intemperate, not only offensive but meant to offend. It seemed prepared by people who think there is only the Democratic Party in America, that’s it, everyone else is an outsider who can be disparaged.

Biden’s presidency may be effectively over at this point. He’s not likely to get Build Back Better or the voting reform bill. Attention is already shifting to the 2022 midterms. Biden is simply out of time.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Biden Speech, CNN, Georgia, Joe Biden