CDC Won’t Budge on Mask Guidance Despite Science Saying Cloth Masks Don’t Work

Follow the science, you guys. That’s what we’ve heard for over two years.

EXCEPT when our betters say otherwise.

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky refuses to change her COVID mask guidance despite a study and other medical people saying the cloth masks do not work:

“[The] CDC continues to recommend that any mask is better than no mask and we do encourage all Americans to wear a well-fitting mask to protect themselves and prevent the spread of COVID-19. And, the recommendation is not going to change,” she told reporters during the White House COVID-19 response team briefing.”Maybe I’ll just note that we are preparing an update to the information on our mask website to best reflect the options that are available to people, as you note, and the different levels of protection different masks provide. And, we want to provide Americans [with] the best and most updated information to choose what mask is going to be right for them,” she added.

Yeah, the update will likely force us to wear N95 or K95 masks (all probably made in China) instead of cloth masks.

Walensky told the Senate on Tuesday that “new science” told the CDC that “3.5 times increased risk of school outbreaks if you’re unmasked in schools vs. masking in schools.”

(I laughed so hard when Walensky spoke to the Senate DOUBLE-MASKED. My goodness, the virtue-signaling is pukeworthy.)

This “new science” came out in September. Walensky’s new Bible has pushed her to persuade others to force masking of children.

But David Zweig at The Atlantic (yes, The Atlantic!) tore apart the study because it used “dubious research” filled with red flags:

However, in December, this study came under fire by The Atlantic, who criticized several flaws within the methodology which, among other things, included 40 “virtual learning academies,” roughly 20 preschools and roughly 90 “vocational programs associated with otherwise-listed schools.””Still, the publication and agency endorsement of the Arizona study is especially demoralizing,” Zweig wrote. “How did research with so many obvious flaws make its way through all the layers of internal technical review? And why was it promoted so aggressively by the agency’s director? I reached out to Walensky’s office to ask about the study, noting its evident limitations and outlier result. How, if at all, does this research figure into the agency’s continuing guidance for schools around the country? The CDC did not respond to my inquiries.”

CNN medical analyst Dr. Leanna Wen admitted cloth masks do not work against Omicron. But like Walensky she is going the N95 route.

Leslie wrote about The Atlantic pushing articles going against COVID policies in December. One admitted that “many, if not most, Americans are leading their lives as if COVID is over, and they have been for a long while.”

Like us in Oklahoma! I love shopping and attending Mass without a mask. We never had a state mask mandate. The OKC mayor implemented one for a few months, but it wasn’t really enforced. He tried to enforce a curfew, but we rebelled and a judge told him no.

Leslie admitted the changes in the left-wing media and others comes from dismal polling for the Democrats, not science.

But hey, everyone should read and listen to Leslie! I lost count of her “I told you so” posts.

For instance, Leslie said in 2020 that cloth masks would not work.

Leslie also said N95 masks will likely not work because it “is meant for an occupational setting, with fit-testing to ensure a good seal.” Leslie pointed out a blog on the CDC website that warns of the risks of long-term wearing of the N95 masks.

Imagine forcing kids to wear this mask during an eight hour school day: “When HCWs [healthcare workers] are working longer hours without a break while continuously wearing an N95 FFR, blood CO2 levels may increase past the 1-hour mark, which could have a significant physiological effect on the wearer.”

Tags: Centers for Disease Control, Science, Wuhan Coronavirus