Biden Lies About His Past and Georgia’s Voting Law to Justify Getting Rid of the Filibuster

I am so sick of Biden.

Biden traveled to Georgia with Harris to promote the voting rights bill because apparently, people cannot vote in America or something. I also love how they’re promoting something nowhere near the top of the list of concerns for us regular people.

The left has complained and moaned about Georgia’s voting laws since last year. They’ve tied themselves into knots twisting the law to fit their narrative despite other states having the restrictions they hate so much.

CNN’s Jake Tapper pointed out something Biden forgot.

Anyway, if you disagree, Biden implied you’re a domestic enemy.

Did Biden even read the law? Certain people are allowed to hand out water and food to people in voting lines.


Biden also wants to make America a pure democracy, which is awful.

This means Biden finally came out to abolish the filibuster.

Biden came out against eliminating the filibuster in 2005 and 2019.

Biden forgets that George Wallace was a Democrat and Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. Besides that, it’s dangerous to say those who oppose the bill side with racists.

Then again these people have no problem tearing down people who don’t get the vaccine but are okay murdering an unborn human being.

Biden once again lies about taking part in the Civil Rights Movement.

Biden also calls Harris “President Harris.” This is not the first time he called or implied she is the president. Who is the man behind the curtain!?

Gates McGavick, a communications director for the GOP, listed out all the lies Biden told during his speech. Way too many.

I expect WaPo’s Glenn Kessler to fact-check all these lies and give Biden a ton of Pinocchios.

Here is the full video. I have it starting when Biden and Harris take the stage.

Tags: 2022 Elections, Biden Speech, Georgia, Voter Fraud, Voter ID