Beto Raises $7.2 Million in First 6 Weeks of Texas Gubernatorial Campaign

Former Rep. Robert O’Rourke, failed presidential candidate has raised over $7 million in his first few weeks of his bid for Texas Governor.


Democrat Beto O’Rourke said Tuesday that his campaign for Texas governor raised $7.2 million in the first six weeks of a race that could wind up as one of the nation’s most expensive in 2022.The announcement, made on the deadline in Texas for campaigns to submit their latest finance reports, is an early marker of whether O’Rourke can remain a fundraising powerhouse in his latest comeback after failed bids for the U.S. Senate and president….Abbott, who is running for a third term, has yet to publicly report his latest figures but as of last summer was sitting on more than $55 million.O’Rourke raised $80 million in his 2018 Senate campaign — at the time a record for that office — but his donors will not be confined this time by federal campaign finance laws, since Texas has no limits on individual contributions.

Where the money is coming from has yet to be disclosed.

When Beto ran for Texas Senate (a bid I strongly believe was to build an infrastructure for this run and not to win), he raised a ton of money off the line from California and New York. Then the fundraising dried up. Beto ultimately lost to incumbent Senator Cruz.

He also raised $6.1 million in the first 24 hours of his presidential campaign, which ended predictably.

It’s still early, but Real Clear Politics has current Texas Governor Abbot up by almost 8 points over Beto.
Tags: Beto O'Rourke, Texas