‘Abortion Capitol of the Midwest’: Almost 10,000 Women Traveled to Illinois for Abortions in 2020
“I don’t think the people of Illinois wanted our state to become known as the abortion capital of the Midwest, but our legislators and government have decided to move us in that direction.”

The Illinois Department of Health revealed almost 10,000 women from other states went to Illinois for abortions in 2020.
Illinois performed 46,243 abortions in 2020, which means the 9,686 women from out-of-state made up 21% of abortions.
Out-of-state women coming to Illinois for abortions has increased every year since 2014. But this is a massive increase. What has happened since then?
Let’s start in 2019.
The Reproductive Health Act made abortion a “fundamental right” for women in Illinois in 2019. Pritzker claimed the law pushed Illinois forward while other states went backward:
Entitled the Reproductive Health Act, the law repeals the Illinois Abortion Law of 1975. It eliminates felony penalties for doctors that perform abortions, removes waiting periods and removes the requirement that a married woman get consent from her husband.
The bill establishes the “fundamental right” of a woman to have an abortion and states that a “fertilized egg, embryo or fetus does not have independent rights.” The law also requires that the cost of an abortion be treated like any other medical procedure for insurance purposes.
Disgusting. I am so ashamed of my home state:
Former state lawmaker and prominent abortion opponent Peter Breen called the trend “disturbing.”
“When you look at the way Illinois has legislated, it makes sense that folks from out of state would stream into Illinois to get abortions,” said Breen, vice president and senior counsel with the Chicago-based nonprofit public interest law firm the Thomas More Society. “I don’t think the people of Illinois wanted our state to become known as the abortion capital of the Midwest, but our legislators and government have decided to move us in that direction.”
It’s only going to get worse.
In December, Pritzker signed a new law giving minors permission to have abortions without notifying a parent or guardian.
If you want your infanticide procedure to be considered a medical procedure then treat it like one. The insanity from these mouths:
Pritzker and other backers of the repeal, termed the Youth Health and Safety Act, argue that prerequisite is “dangerous” for pregnant teens scared that telling their parents could lead them to be kicked out, cut off or forced to have a child against their will, and puts undue burdens on youth who are homeless, have a parent in prison or who lack financial resources.
Planned Parenthood Action Fund President Alexis McGill in a statement called parental notification “unnecessary.”
“Trusting young people to make their own reproductive health decisions has long guided Planned Parenthood, and today, that trust became Illinois law,” McGill said. “The new law ensures that youth in vulnerable circumstances will have their autonomy respected, eliminating a significant barrier to accessing abortion.”
You’re also allowing rapists and people like Epstein to take their victims to Illinois to help cover up their crimes. The fact that this slips their minds blows me away:
“As Illinois continues to break down barriers to health care, we will remain a needed haven in the Midwest,” said Jennifer Welch, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of Illinois. “We are planning for Illinois’ out-of-state numbers to continue to increase as long as other states are allowed to enact harmful and unconstitutional abortion bans and restrictions.”
Celebrating infanticide. Let’s not forget that this procedure is not an easy decision for the woman. So many of them feel abandoned and lonely. I wonder how many don’t want to have an abortion but feel it’s their only choice.
They do not care about the women. They are taking advantage of these women at a vulnerable time. Ghouls. Absolute ghouls.
I’ve always suffered migraines due to the head trauma from my difficult birth. My parents had to write notes to the school nurse every year giving permission for me to take Tylenol or Advil.
I couldn’t even carry a bottle of Tylenol in my backpack.
An adult cannot give a minor a Tylenol, but a minor can walk into a Planned Parenthood and have an abortion.
You do not want to know what I would do if anyone ever does anything medical to my child without my permission.
Then again the left does not hide their belief that your children do not belong to you.

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The Pro-Choice religion (“ethics”) denies women and men’s dignity and agency, and reduces human life to a negotiable commodity for social, redistributive, and fair weather causes.
A woman and man have four choices and a right to self-defense through reconciliation. The first affirmative action is to have a consistent metric or objective standard of viability (e.g. heart beat, neural activity) for the beginning (“parenthood”) and end (“parent”) of life. Planned parent/hood (i.e. wicked solution) is neither a good nor exclusive choice.
Roe, Roe, Roe your baby down the river Styx. #HateLovesAbortion
““Trusting young people to make their own reproductive health decisions has long guided Planned Parenthood, and today, that trust became Illinois law,” McGill said.”
We trust them so much, yet they can’t figure out birth control?
Birth control doesn’t always work.
Closing your legs and keeping your dïck in your pants works every time.
Almost ten thousand women. Almost ten thousand dead babies.
Who cares?
The people having abortions are the weak minded, poor, undesirable leeches on the world. We are better off without them.
The faster they have abortions, the better off mankind will be.
Margaret Sanger.
Excuse me, Mrs. Sanger, your eugenics is showing.
That’s states’ rights. The voters decide, at least within the limits of the Supreme Court for as long as that lasts.
Once the voters decide, you can make your best case to them and some compromise that settles it will happen, perhaps differently in different states.
Not to be “that guy”, but how did that concept of trusting the state’s judgement work out in 1861? Abortions are one of those issues that are hard to find middle ground on.
I think it’s particularly easy to find a middle ground. People want to protect what’s cute, and that’s a good thing to promote. Make fetuses as cute as you can, with sonogram or whatever, and that’s where people will vote in maximum numbers.
You can’t make one cell cute, fertilized or not, but you can do a nice job further along.
You’ll have cell dogmatists staying on one end and my body my choice-ists on the other, but they’re not a voting majority.
You mean when Lincoln sent troops to occupy Maryland kicking off the the hot portion of the civil war; the first casualties occurred on April 19 of 1861 in Baltimore in a scene reminiscent of the Boston Massacre of the War of Independence? Nervous union troops opened fire on the crowd which gathered to jeer them. The single casualty at Ft Sumter on the same day was during a salute battery firing when a premature explosion occurred.
Oh you probably meant the concept of federalism in which the voters of each State elect a legislature to pass laws; wholly consistent with the Constitution and our republican system of government. These same voters are also entrusted to elect Senators and members of the HoR as well as President and VP so ultimately you are disparaging the citizen when you make an attack on federalism.
Frankly without a renewed commitment to federalism in which the citizens of each State can exercise their own judgment and apply the cultural, societal, geographic, demographic and economic aspects which are unique to their State to their laws we won’t survive as a Nation. Abortion would be a far less contentious issue had SCOTUS simply returned the issue to each State for resolution. This issue among others, have elevated the nomination of Justices to literally life and death consequences.
Our Nation was formed with the underlying agreement on the role of the federal government and the role of the States as provided for in the Constitution and the bill of rights. It was an agreement among States to grant some but deny other powers to our federal govt withholding some powers to the States and withholding others to the people. It’s a contract which restrains the federal government. The sooner we return to that outlook the sooner the ideological stakes and tension will be reduced.
Sad, just sad
Down the line, in months and years, these women will understand what they did
… and it will be too late, too late
I know a friend who had an abortion (not mine) in 1981, when we were merely 20 years old.
Every year leading up to April 7th and for weeks after, she cries for a birthday that never came to be. It is compounded by the fact that she has never carried a baby to term since then, ruining her last opportunity to be a mother.
That child would be 41 this April.
Two hours spent in an abortion clinic caused 41 plus years of anguish.
They don’t call Illinois the baby murder capitol of the world for nothing. You can kill them in the womb, out of the womb, or on the streets in Chiraq while the babys lie in their beds or walk to school.
It’s all good to the democrats.
Pritzker and other backers of the repeal, termed the Youth Health and Safety Act, argue that prerequisite is “dangerous” for pregnant teens scared that telling their parents could lead them to be kicked out, cut off or forced to have a child against their will . . .
And what are the chances that when a pregnant teen will end up in a hospital suffering one of the many serious and life threatening complications of abortion (they are not as rare as Planed Parenthood™ would have you believe) are the attending doctors allowed to inform the parents why their daughter is in the hospital? After all, the parents will be paying for the life saving treatments after a botched surgical or chemical abortion.
Medical decisions should be made by doctors and patients working together, using best practices and high safety standards – not by politicians or wannabe priests and imams.