White House Enlists Major News Orgs To Generate More Positive Spin On Inflation, Supply Chain Crisis
“White House officials say they have no plans to shift Mr. Biden’s messaging on economic issues, even as poll after poll shows his approval ratings in decline and voter worry over inflation swamping all other views of the economy.”

Joe Biden’s approval ratings are approaching basement territory and there are warning signs of a possible looming catastrophe at the ballot box for Democrats in the 2022 midterms, with voter concerns sitting squarely on uncertainties about the U.S. economy on issues like worsening inflation, the continued supply chain crisis, and the gloomy jobs outlook.
But despite all that, the Biden White House plans “no shift” in their economic messaging going into the new year, reports the New York Times:
President Biden and his top aides are struggling to bridge the gap between the economy they want to celebrate and the one that has left many Americans anxious and frustrated, as a record-setting recovery collides with prolonged inflation and an ongoing pandemic that has left consumers deeply pessimistic.
White House officials say they have no plans to shift Mr. Biden’s messaging on economic issues, even as poll after poll shows his approval ratings in decline and voter worry over inflation swamping all other views of the economy. Their strategy remains focused on stressing the administration’s work to spread vaccinations and end the pandemic without further lockdowns, cheering the nation’s progress in economic growth and promising that Mr. Biden’s policies will bring down prices for oil, food and consumer goods.
Polls suggest that the disconnect between the president’s view of the economy and that of voters could pose political problems for Mr. Biden and fellow Democrats in the 2022 elections. But Mr. Biden’s team is undeterred.
Not only is “Mr. Biden’s team undeterred” when it comes to gaslighting the American people on the economy but so is the mainstream media. You’ll notice in the opening paragraph that the Times used the term “record-setting recovery” without explaining it – perhaps because they couldn’t.
Something else not mentioned in the Times piece was a very key reason why the Biden administration is planning on staying “on message” about the economy going forward despite the realities on the ground. As noted last week by CNN media reporter Oliver Darcy of all people, senior administration officials have been conferring directly with “major newsrooms” behind closed doors on how best to “quietly … reshape economic coverage”:
The White House, not happy with the news media’s coverage of the supply chain and economy, has been working behind the scenes trying to reshape coverage in its favor. Senior White House and admin officials — including NEC Deputy Directors David Kamin and Bharat Ramamurti, along with Ports Envoy John Porcari — have been briefing major newsrooms over the past week, a source tells me.
The officials have been discussing with newsrooms trends pertaining to job creation, economic growth, supply chains, and more. The basic argument that has been made: That the country’s economy is in much better shape than it was last year. I’m told the conversations have been productive, with anchors and reporters and producers getting to talk with the officials…
Some news in @ReliableSources: Senior White House and admin officials have been holding briefings with major newsrooms over past week as they try to reshape economic coverage. https://t.co/s3tNP28Lae pic.twitter.com/REvVzLKlXv
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) December 7, 2021
And it would appear that some in the media definitely got the message:
That White House effort to get the media to do their bidding on the economy really is paying off. https://t.co/2b5MgjAUcG
— Sister Toldjah
(@sistertoldjah) December 10, 2021
CNBC’s Jim Cramer: “Today we have the strongest economy, perhaps, I’ve ever seen.”
This comes less than a week after Biden’s team sent out a memo to the media to hype up the economy pic.twitter.com/mehuFKHl7W
— Jewish Deplorable (@TrumpJew2) December 9, 2021
“Based on the data, President Biden and the Democratic Congress are set to preside over the strongest two-year performance on growth, jobs, and income in decades.” https://t.co/TAEKAGeQvz
— Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) December 9, 2021
The Biden White House, rank and file Democrats in the House and Senate, and the mainstream media can spin like tops all they want to on the subject, but the American voter has to see it with their own eyes and/or experience it directly before they’ll consider believing it.
As I’ve said before, unless we see some actual dramatic shifts for the better on the economy and related kitchen table issues, which are at the heart of what most people think about come election time, there’s a strong likelihood that the slim majority Biden has enjoyed in the House and the razor-thin one he has in the Senate will be history come 2022.
— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

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Remember Lincoln’s famous line-you can fool some of the people all of the time all of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time
Bob Newhart talks with Abe Lincoln on this point. At 06:08,
New Zealand’s fascist is now paying the media to print Government approved stories on the wuflu. Can you say propaganda?
They’ll be the slaves of the Chinese next year as jacinda will undoubtedly let them walk right in and take what they want.
Gotta get the Commiecrat propagandist’s to polish that turd .
You gotta be effing kidding me.
They think we are as stupid as they are.
When all you’ve got is stupid, you go with stupid.
There are enough weird,deluded and narcissistic jackasses in our country (on the low end: the street garbage on crime sprees, on the high end: Hollywood) who take the b.s. in – not to mention the massive amount of corrupt people inside on the the periphery of our government who facilitate the lies to keep their pockets lined.
The media hacks – rather, crooks – cheerfully complied. Chris Wallace even complied, by leaving Fox and jumping to the pervert network CNN. (Was Wallace caught masterbating on air like Jeffrey Tubin? Or a molestor like Cuomo? Or an all around perv like Don Lemon? How is he going to fit in otherwise?)
Most scary about BIden is – besides his congnative degeneration – is his emotional degeneration. Watching him fearfully ask his ‘mommy’ Jill to step between him and Kneepads Harris at Bob Dole’s funeral was all too revealing. When people get to state of Biden’s cognative decline, they become fearful. It’s common amongst the very old .
We have a dizzy, scared, frail horribly corrupt old man operating as the president.
Biden is banking on the mathematical certainty that half of the population has below average intelligence.
Yes, but the quality of the crap they’re spinning shouldn’t even fool those in the upper half of below-average intelligence.
And Just like that Inflation will disappear. Because the White House is mandating that the CPI be calculated on 2019 – 2020 data and must not use 2021.
The murder rate needs some spinning too. “We’re going for the record!”
Well, Jim Cramer now has zippo credibility in my book.
Cramer’s sell out was so blatant, so absurd, that he destroyed all his credibilty in five minutes.
That hack never had anything but some front page hype pieces from seekingalpha
I don’t believe this story. I just can’t swallow the idea that they had to ask for more support.
It’s gaslighting. Pay no attention to what you see.
Democrats Propaganda Ministry, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox, all the print papers being asked to double down on their cheerleading.
The Biden White House, rank and file Democrats in the House and Senate, and the mainstream media can spin like tops all they want to on the subject, but the American voter has to see it with their own eyes and/or experience it directly before they’ll consider believing it.
Not sure about that. The Russia hoax, the J6 Insurrection hoax, the “epidemic of white police murdering innocent black men” hoax, the global warming hoax, the Wuflu overreaction – the list of hoaxes and frauds the Joseph Goebbels media successfully convinced a majority to believe is impressive.
So the Greatest Economy in the History of the Universe hoax stands a non-zero chance of succeeding – particularly when you realize the alleged opposition party (the GOP) is too busy reaching across the aisles to actually oppose the Communists..
If gas was an Olympic event, BIden would take the gold.
But he’ll be hard pressed to get anywhere near Michelle Obama’s public crotch-scratching, or Barry’s nose picking:
> Rising murder rates is a good thing
> We can print as much money as we need
> Racism against Whites and Asians is NOT racism
> Inflation is a good thing (disregard Greece, Venezuela, Argentina, Zimbabwe)
> The Border is not OPEN.
> Afghanistan withdrawal was a SUCCESS.
> The 2020 election was normal
> Jesse Smollet is just misunderstood
I read they are planning to diddle with the way the CPI is calculated….AGAIN….to make it appear less awful. They already have transportation down to 4% of the average American budget so there just isn’t much more wiggle room for what is looming as a much bigger bite out of the household budget.
The only thing I trust MORE than the government, is the media… so this will be famously successful… said nobody. Ever.
Anybody who has been paying attention already knew this. They are just formalizing and bringing into public view the fact that the main stream media is a part of the Deep State and their chief propagandists and cheer-leaders. Nothing has really changed, they’re just not going to be trying to disguise it anymore.
All I can say is, it’s a great time to be Big Bird.
Waltzing into the boss’s office, demanding she make it rain for him if they expect him to hype this bullshit, or he’s off to Nickelodeon.
The WuFlu could use more spinning too. Like maybe declare that it’s the “vaccines” and masks that are impeding herd immunity. Here’s the latest study from Israel confirming earlier but unreplicated study that found natural immunity was by far more effective than the “vaccines” and masks. That is has been replicated. But now that science has been redefined as being Fauci himself, we discard these things.
Sorry, forgot to provide the link:
And ivermectin works too:
A large part of the “supply chain” problem is the shortage of trucks to carry containers. The envro-mentally ill California government is requiring that truckers spend $100k on each of their trucks if they want to drive in California. For some reason the news media refuses to report this.
Look, the Dem Governors of NY, NJ and CT killed over 15,000 people with their dumb order to put Covid-positive patients in Nursing Homes.
The Legacy Media buried the story or just did not report it.
If the media will cover for the Democrats when they are responsible for killing of over 15,000 people – you can be damn sure they are not going to report about simply an over-regulation of trucking.
Well, all of the Democrats policies are good for is destroying productivity, jobs, prosperity, and wealth, not to mention freedom. Whatever is wrong now, it’s going to get far worse during the coming year. If the Democrats and their sycophants in the MSM were just spinning it until they had time to fix it, the strategy might succeed, but they will simply be spinning it until their efforts at doing so in the face of the deteriorating reality get into the realm of the absurd. This will continue up until the mid-terms. Even if the Democrats get trounced in the next election, it’s not going to make up for the damage. It’s been said nobody failed by under-estimating the intelligence of the voters, but the Democrats seem bound and determined to try.