‘Traumatized’: D.C. Third Graders Say School Forced Them to Reenact Holocaust

D.C. Public Schools started an investigation into Watkins Elementary School after third-graders said a teacher forced them to reenact the Holocaust.

I want to puke. No one should ever go through this, especially children in third grade:

In a letter sent to parents at Watkins Elementary School in Southeast, the principal says according reports he received, the re-enactment included “students being asked to portray participants from the Holocaust like Adolf Hitler, digging ditches to serve as mass graves, and simulated shootings. It was also alleged that the staff member leading the lesson also made anti-Semitic statements.”

Parents told FOX 5 DC how it affected the children, especially the child forced to portray Hitler:

“My husband picked up our child after school and there was a lot of sobbing and crying and distress,” the mother said.She said her child was still struggling emotionally after being told to pretend to choke and die in a gas chamber and watching students simulate digging their own graves.She said she’s also had conversations with other parents about how their kids are doing.”They are traumatized. One parent said that their child was worried the teacher in question was hiding at their house. Children are having nightmares and generally having a very hard time,” she said.She said the child who was told to play Hitler is “not doing well at all.”

The librarian insisted the lesson did not happen, saying “somebody’s misquoting what happened in the library.” but did not confirm or deny she talked about the Holocaust with them.

Tags: Antisemitism, District of Columbia, Education, Holocaust