Teens Who Put Up Fake KKK Flyers at Florida State U. Will Face No Charges

The kids who did this aren’t even affiliated with the school, but they clearly knew this would be inflammatory.

The College Fix reports:

No charges for teens who put up fake KKK flyers at Florida State UniversityFlorida State University and local law enforcement will not be pressing charges against a group of teens who put up nearly a dozen fake flyers, including one that promoted a nonexistent Ku Klux Klan meeting.The College Fix recently obtained photos of the posters and the police report through a Florida Sunshine Law request.Phrases on the flyers include “Need sex? Call me,” “Want to get rid of gays? Me too!” and “KKK Meeting Next Friday Call [number redacted].” The perpetrators accidentally posted the fake Klan flyer by the Hillel Jewish Center on September 28.“We just pulled a stupid prank on our friend,” Mike Bergstrom, the one unredacted name on the report, told The College Fix via text message.The police report also stated that the incident resembled a TikTok prank. Bergstrom turned himself and his two friends into the police. He said nobody put him and his friends up to the prank.Bergstrom also stated that he “didn’t even know that this Hillel Jewish Center existed,” so he did not deliberately put KKK flyers near the center.Florida State spokesperson Amy Patronis told The College Fix that the “incident was not criminal in nature” and the “individuals involved had no affiliation with FSU.”Patronis told The Fix that two are in high school and one, presumably Bergstrom because he is a legal adult, is a recent high school graduate.“Although the incident was not criminal in nature, the two juveniles’ parents were notified as well as their school administration and school resource officer,” the assistant communications director said. She said the individuals are not “banned from campus, and the university plans to take no other action.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Florida, Hoaxes