Revolutionaries for Truth in a Post-Truth Media World – 2021 Legal Insurrection Year-End Fundraiser

As we approach year-end, I recently sent out my second letter to readers and supporters who subscribe to our newsletter. The theme is the saying: “In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” Here it is.

To Our Readers and Supporters:“In a time of universal deceit — telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”That saying, misattributed to George Orwell, sums up our goal at Legal Insurrection – to be revolutionaries for truth in the face of a post-truth media world. The mainstream media lies to us daily, manipulates narratives, gaslights us with falsehoods, and then tries to silence us with false “-ism” accusations and deplatformingThis is personal for me. Legal Insurrection has been a target since we first launched in 2008, and I have personally found myself in the crosshairs of the intolerant left many times. I won’t stand for it. And I know you won’t stand for it, either. So, together, we stand against it, push back harder and simply refuse to let them shut us up.As I mentioned when we first kicked off this campaign, your generosity helps us tell the stories of everyday Americans who come under attack by mainstream media, Big Tech, corporate HR departments, school boards and, increasingly, their own neighbors — simply for expressing their political or moral beliefs openly. I think to myself every day, “If we don’t tell their stories, who will?”We try not to bombard you with this kind of thing, but your donations really do help us continue the revolutionary act of telling the truth at Legal Insurrection — and, for that, we are ever grateful.If you haven’t donated yet, there’s still time.You can donate at the DONATION FORM by credit card or PayPal, or by check to the following address:Legal Insurrection Foundation18 Maple Ave #280Barrington, RI 02806You also can donate securities directly to us. Please contact us for details.Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.Donate Now!


You can read my first letter here.

Tags: Legal Insurrection Foundation, Legal Insurrection Fundraiser