Manchin A Definitive “No” On Biden’s BBB Boondoggle: “This is a no on this legislation”

West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin (D) has reportedly, officially and finally, killed Joe I am the Democratic Party Biden’s America-last, globalist Green New Deal, middle class-decimating boondoggle nightmare.

If Democrats were smart, they would run Manchin for president in 2024.  Happily for the GOP, Democrats are only marginally less stupid than the Grand Old Party itself, so they”ll run Biden or hated, cackling Kamala, or utterly useless laughingstock Mayor hey, a nationwide transportation gridlock is a great time to take three months off Pete wait, no one noticed I wasn’t there, Buttigieg.

Endlessly laughable commie nutter Bernie Sanders clearly doesn’t get it.

Instead of seeing the absolute gold they have in Manchin in terms of potential 2024 presidential possibilities, the Democrats are busy lambasting him as their anti-American Green New Deal commie dreams fizzle out.

Twitter is abuzz with leftist crazy.

Some of these people are hysterical because they don’t know West Virginia is a red state in which Democrat Manchin is wildly popular . . . and becoming more so by the day, that Manchin has repeatedly stated he is neither a liberal nor a progressive, and that Manchin is just the willing face of many centrist or conservative Democrat Senators who do not support destroying the Senate filibuster, passing onerous boondoggle commie wish lists we cannot afford, or any one or more of the Biden Build Back Better schemes or federalization of elections.

If Manchin sat down tomorrow, some other Dem Senator would stand up to take his place. But my guess is that Manchin won’t be sitting down. Why would he? His numbers are skyrocketing in his home state, and the longer he holds the line, the better he looks to indies and even to centrist Republicans. #NeverTrumpers, of course, remain aligned with radical, anti-American progressive Democrats. But they are the remaining ten viewers of CNN, so they don’t actually matter.

Tags: 2024 Presidential Election, Biden Climate Policy, Biden Economic Policy, Inflation, Joe Manchin