China’s Communist Party Mocks U.S. Democracy Ahead of Biden Summit 

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has mocked the U.S. democracy ahead of next week’s “Summit For Democracy” hosted by President Joe Biden.

The senior CCP officials called the upcoming White House summit a “joke” and claimed that U.S. electoral system does not represent “real democracy.” 

“This is not real democracy. Chinese people don’t like and don’t want such democracy,” said, Tian Peiyan, deputy head of the CCP Central Committee’s Policy Research Office. 

Taking aim at the Biden democracy summit, the Chinese Communist Party released a white paper, condemning th eWestern-style democracy. “One person, one vote is a democratic principle, but it is by no means the only principle, nor does it of itself create democracy,” the CCP document said

The sharp rhetoric from Beijing comes ahead of the “Summit For Democracy,” a two-day virtual event hosted by the Biden White House that starts Thursday. China and Russia were excluded from the summit expected to be attended by 110 governments.  

The Associated Press reported the CCP’s remarks on the Biden democracy summit:

China’s Communist Party took American democracy to task on Saturday, sharply criticizing a global democracy summit being hosted by President Joe Biden next week and extolling the virtues of its governing system.

Party officials questioned how a polarized country that botched its response to COVID-19 could lecture others, and said that efforts to force others to copy the Western democratic model are “doomed to fail.”

The harsh rhetoric reflects a growing clash of values that has been thrust into the spotlight as China rises as a global power. The question is whether the United States and other leading democracies can peacefully co-exist with a powerful authoritarian state whose actions are at odds with the Western model that emerged victorious at the end of the Cold War.

The pandemic exposed defects in the American system, said Tian Peiyan, the deputy director of the Communist Party’s Policy Research Office. He blamed the high COVID-19 death toll in the U.S. on political disputes and a divided government from the highest to the lowest levels.

“Such democracy brings not happiness but disaster to voters,” he said at a news conference to release a government report on what the Communist Party calls its form of democracy, which is firmly under party control.

The CCP is holding its own democracy summit to rival the Biden White House event, the Chinese media reported. “China plans to host its own ‘democracy forum’ this weekend as part of a broader effort to promote its system of governance as more representative and effective than the US model,” the South China Morning Post reported Saturday. “The Chinese event, called the ‘International Democracy Forum,’ will be held on Saturday, the State Council said as it unveiled a white paper called ‘China: Democracy that Works’,” the newspaper added.

This is not the first time the top CCP brass has spoken disparaging about the U.S. democracy since President Biden took office. As the U.S.-China summit in April 2021, the CCP foreign policy chief, Yang Jiechi, told U.S. diplomats that the Biden White House does not “speak to China from a position of strength.” The CCP foreign policy czar accused the U.S. of bullying, military aggression, and “deep seated” racism. 

The CCP’s bashing on U.S. democracy coincides with China’s campaign to crush the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong and the growing Chinese military buildup amid threats of annexing Taiwan, an independent island nation in the South China Sea. 

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Tags: Biden China, Biden Foreign Policy, China, Communism