Jussie Smollett Held GUILTY On 5 Charges For Faked Hate Crime
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Jussie Smollett Held GUILTY On 5 Charges For Faked Hate Crime

Jussie Smollett Held GUILTY On 5 Charges For Faked Hate Crime

Smollett’s case fell apart the minute he took the stand.

Former Empire actor Jussie Smollett will learn his fate today since the jury reached a verdict.


Count 1 accuses him of telling responding Chicago Police Officer Muhammed Baig at around 2:45 a.m. — some 45 minutes after the purported attack — that he’d been the victim of a hate crime. He said two attackers put a rope around his neck. GUILTY

Count 2 refers to Smollett telling the same officer he was a victim of a battery, describing attackers beating and pouring bleach on him. GUILTY

Counts 3 and 4 are when Smollett made the same claims but to a different officer, Kimberly Murray, later that morning — at just before 6 a.m. GUILTY

Count 5 accuses Smollett of again telling Murray at around 7:15 p.m. that he was the victim of a battery. GUILTY

Count 6 refers to Smollett reporting on Feb. 14, 2019, to detective Robert Graves that he’d been a victim of an aggravated battery. NOT GUILTY

Never forget:



Earlier Coverage:

Smollett faces six felony charges for allegedly faking a hate crime against himself. They are all disorderly conduct charges:

Count 1 accuses him of telling responding Chicago Police Officer Muhammed Baig at around 2:45 a.m. — some 45 minutes after the purported attack — that he’d been the victim of a hate crime. He said two attackers put a rope around his neck. Count 2 refers to Smollett telling the same officer he was a victim of a battery, describing attackers beating and pouring bleach on him.

Counts 3 and 4 are when Smollett made the same claims but to a different officer, Kimberly Murray, later that morning — at just before 6 a.m.

Count 5 accuses Smollett of again telling Murray at around 7:15 p.m. that he was the victim of a battery. Count 6 refers to Smollett reporting on Feb. 14, 2019, to detective Robert Graves that he’d been a victim of an aggravated battery.

Smollett claimed two white men beat him up and yelled racist and homophobic slurs at him on a cold January night in 2019 in Chicago after 2 AM. They hit him, put a noose around his neck, and poured bleach on him.

The police immediately unraveled his story. The evidence pointed at Smollett hiring the Osundario brothers to attack him.

Abimbola Osundario told the court that Smollett paid him and his brother Olabinjo to carry out the hate crime. The jury watched a video of the three men supposedly doing a “dry run” of the hate crime.

Jusse Smollett Indictment -… by Legal Insurrection


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So here’s where we find out if jury nullification to protect hate crime hoaxes becomes a thing.

Was this pretty fast.. in general?

I have to say that the separate counts for telling two officers the same lie feels like BS to me. I wonder if that was a reason the jury took 9 hours to decide on each count.

    CommoChief in reply to iconotastic. | December 9, 2021 at 6:48 pm

    If had used a hammer to hit two LEO he would charged twice even though he used the same hammer. Same principle.

    Tom Servo in reply to iconotastic. | December 9, 2021 at 6:50 pm

    I think this is probably why the Jury said not guilty on Count 6. Either that, or the Jury wanted to find some way to say “see?? We didn’t just rubber stamp this!! We Deliberated!!!”

Take him away and lock him up now. Throw away the key.

Either just before or shortly after he was indicted, didn’t the city essentially give him the opportunity to pay back the city’s out-of-pocket expenses (which I believe were several hundred thousand dollars) to end all this and he refused? Or, am I misremembering that?

    Tom Servo in reply to TargaGTS. | December 9, 2021 at 6:52 pm

    In the early days of this, all that the COPD wanted was an apology for wasting their time, and Jussie could have gotten out of it for no money at all. This entire trial happened because Jussie has been such an arrogant douchebag at every step along the way.

      drednicolson in reply to Tom Servo. | December 9, 2021 at 8:58 pm

      He was given every opportunity to walk away with his freedom, if not his dignity. Significantly more than most would have gotten. But it would have meant admitting to his shenanigans, and the very last thing a self-entitled progtard will do is admit wrongdoing.

      JohnSmith100 in reply to Tom Servo. | December 9, 2021 at 9:16 pm

      He was sure he was going to get away with it. He had been making a lot of money, I bet his attorneys are rich, and now he will be standing on street corners with a work for food sign.

      You can be sure he was given the ‘go ahead’ by the leftists around him.

I read that the court is waiting for Juicy and his lawyers to return to the courtroom before announcing the verdict. I expect he’ll keep everyone waiting for hours, and then finally walk in stoned out of his mind.

I have low expectations that justice will be served today.

That way when the fucker walks free I won’t be disappointed and if he’s found guilty then bonus. But I’m not holding my breath.

Ha! I just heard “guilty on all counts!” Yesss!

Jussee’s self-attack script was spot on: Chicago is “MAGA country!”

    fogflyer in reply to EdSeventen. | December 9, 2021 at 7:42 pm

    Hilarious, right?
    When this first happened I called BS immediately! Even before we knew about the Nigerian brothers and the video evidence. It was just so preposterous! I had never heard of Smollett nor the show Empires, but we were supposed to believe that a couple of Maga racists not only knew who he was, but recognized him in the dark on a cold night in Chicago. AND they just happened to have a noose on hand and some bleach! Yeah… super believable!🤣🤣🤣

      RandomCrank in reply to fogflyer. | December 9, 2021 at 10:07 pm

      I don’t know how many commenters know Chicago as well as I do. Suffice to say that a noose and “maga country” in Streeterville is worthy of a skit by Barbara Billingsley in “Airplane.” LOL

        jagibbons in reply to RandomCrank. | December 10, 2021 at 8:20 am

        As a lifelong Chicago native before moving to Indiana, I agree. There’s no way this happened there. Not at 2 am in January. Too cold for a MAGA cap, let alone there being two black guys in Chicago who actually supported Trump and who had reason to be out in the below-freezing temps.

        Maybe if he’d left the political part out, someone might bite as purely a homophobic thing, not that you can tell Jussie is gay when he’s out walking at 2 am with a heavy winter coat and hat.

        Never seen “Empire” so I can’t attest to his acting skills, but he’s not a very good writer or director based on this little drama he staged.

Total commie media blackout.

Hate crime, huh. Diversity breeds adversity. Diversity, practiced without a license, is a criminal offense. Color supremacists, indeed. Morons.

Apparently Smollette and his legal team are late in their return to court. That doesn’t bode well for the sentencing phase, assuming sanity prevails regarding the verdict.

Can he please just go away, but first make him pay back the funds law enforcement was forced to expend on his charade.

On another note, seems the Waukesha murderer and Maxwell trials are not in the news, now why would that be?

Wasn’t a case about race. Was a case about class.
I knew he was going down.
Anyone know how much time (if any) he will do?

Pathetic CNN has proclaimed him guilty of “disorderly conduct” Never believe a word they say. Not one word.

It was a jury of Chicagoans, none of whom would ever have believed that story. At 2am and 16 below, rednecks in MAGA hats prowling Streeterville? Don’t even start.

What would possess Smollett to go to a courtroom with a story like that? He’d have to be delusional.

    People who play pretend for a living aren’t generally very intelligent. Why our society treats them as moral and scientific arbiters is beyond me.

      The Friendly Grizzly in reply to Paul. | December 10, 2021 at 8:07 am

      It’s just a variation on the theme of worshipping athletes. Too many in our nation are jock sniffers or celibrity-worshippers.

    And his defense was equally ridiculous–going to a convenience store for eggs at 2 in the morning in the Chicago winter–who does that?

      RandomCrank in reply to rochf. | December 9, 2021 at 10:03 pm

      At the time, I checked every detail I could. I grew up not far from Chicagoland, as it’s called there, and there were obvious incongruities that led me to decide within a day that Smollett’s story was bullshit. I don’t care how much you crave an omelette, you don’t shop for eggs in the middle of the night anywhere, much less a few blocks from Lake Michigan. LOL

      RandomCrank in reply to rochf. | December 10, 2021 at 10:28 am

      I’ve been outdoors in temps below -25, but have only once actually been afraid of the cold. A New Year’s Eve during the day in Chicago. Not all that cold by Upper Midwest standards, -4. But I was walking across Grant Park, from the Field Museum to the Art Institute. Wind whipping off the lake at 3o mph, no shelter and not quite enough winter clothing.

      I was well-accustomed to brutal cold, to the point of over confidence, but for a brief moment on that trek over the frozen snow, I wondered if I’d make it. Streeterville is maybe a mile north of there and high-rises block the wind. But it was below zero and Jussie did not go out for eggs.

Bravo Ben Shapiro, bravo!

The Friendly Grizzly | December 9, 2021 at 6:55 pm

So, knowing Chicago Court, how hard will that slap on the wrist be?

    If I had to bet, I’d bet on two broken wrists. Compound fractures. Chicago put a shitload of energy into this. The decision makers are not, not, NOT amused. We shall see, but I sure as hell wouldn’t want to be Jussie right now.

    As Carlin put it, “Sister Mary Discipline with the steel ruler”



So what happened to the sixth count?

10 white people on this jury
2 black

I can just here the “racist” excuse’s

It’s a start.

Now let’s see what he gets as a sentence

Now PLEASE let this race-baiting POS get some jail time!
Even 6 months would make me happy. Sadly, I am expecting probation or house arrest.

NPR -“Jussie Smollett found guilty of disorderly conduct in trial over his alleged attack.”

Jucy’s racist hoax attack proven to be a racist attack on people of french-vanilla color.

Fabricated racism. A big fat hoax!

Benjamin Crump, Lee Merritt, Shaun King, and BLM hardest hit.

Every cry of racism from these clowns should be responded to with Justice for Juicy!

Is the door still open to more serious charges being filed, now that these charges are proved?

    murkyv in reply to artichoke. | December 9, 2021 at 7:51 pm

    Especially in light of his obvious lies on the stand?

    RandomCrank in reply to artichoke. | December 9, 2021 at 8:28 pm

    The major question for me is the federal side. Jussie mailed himself a letter with the requisite “white powder.” If the feds decide that the local verdicts aren’t enough, that crime carries a potential 10-year sentence. Oh, and there’s no parole in the federal system.

I’ve been a white guy a long time, so I get that thing about the rope – as everyone knows, whites are stockpiling rope at this very moment and just sitting around the campfire practicing knots while pigging out on Fox News – but really, what’s with the bleach?

OK – I was wrong. I thought his defense (attempting to appeal to white liberal guilt and black nationalism) would work. But apparently it failed to move the needle very much.

Maybe – just maybe! – people from all walks of life are getting sick of this race baiting.

The Friendly Grizzly | December 9, 2021 at 7:42 pm

Have any of the members of Congressional Black Carcass said anything yet?

Joy Reid’s commentary tomorrow morning should prove interesting.

I wonder how BLM is going to protest? ……..Perhaps looting their own houses in MAGA country?

“We, the jury, find the defendant guilty of…
“THANK you!”

The problem is the damage is done. You can’t unring the bell.

So the same judge who Smollett and his lawyers abused during the trial gets to decide how long the sentences will be, and whether they will be concurrent or consecutive. I make no prediction, but note that I grew up near Chicago and read the Trib and listened to WBBM, “News Radio 78,” every day.

They who get on the wrong side of Chicago’s rulers tend quite strongly to regret it. There are all kinds of bad things to say about that city. Jussie may well learn that Chicago, Illinois is, and always has been, a town without pity. Pull that lion’s tail, and get eaten. Good luck, “black Cary Grant.” You’re going to need it.

How about that BLM trolls. More 100% discount shopping now?

For reasons I detailed in a different Smollett thread, I want the judge to hollow out the book, insert a lead weight, and hand it to the best fastball pitcher in town. I freely admit to being vindictive on this. I want that chipmunk-cheeked piece of shit to suffer. No pity, no mercy, old-school Chicago style.

    RandomCrank in reply to RandomCrank. | December 9, 2021 at 8:52 pm

    By the way, for all of its corruption, Chicago has a LONG tradition of special prosecutors. That’s who took the case after Foxx gave him a slap on the wrist. Those not familiar with the tradition will be happy to know that, if you get successfully nailed by a Chicago special prosecutor, you are in a world of hurt. Buh-bye, shithead.

    artichoke in reply to RandomCrank. | December 10, 2021 at 12:58 am

    He’s limited in how far he can go with what’s basically the most minor charge there is: disorderly conduct. They’ve already made multiple counts, and found a felony version. But they need to charge Smollett with what he actually did, to get an appropriate sentence.

      Tom Servo in reply to artichoke. | December 10, 2021 at 8:51 am

      Well if he does get any jail time, it won’t actually be for “disorderly conduct”. It will be for 1 Count of Criminally Bad Acting, 1 Count of Criminally Wasting Everyone’s Time, and 1 Count of Not Shutting the F*** Up when he was given every opportunity to do so.

      RandomCrank in reply to artichoke. | December 10, 2021 at 10:13 am

      I’m only semi=rational about this. I dream of 15 years in Joliet followed by 10 years in federal prison, but he’ll get probation and a fine.

We have met the enemy and it is us. Pogo

Was he kept in custody pending sentencing?
Do we know when he will be sentenced?

Char Char Binks | December 9, 2021 at 10:15 pm

Biden and Harris need to be impeached for their Nigerian collusion after the fact. This high crime and/or misdemeanor was obviously a dirty Dem trick to steal the election, and it worked, despite this delayed Justice4Jussie.

Pelosi and Swallwell also need to be impeached, or censured, or whatever is done to those people.

Will there be hate crime enhancements in sentencing, given the nature of the crimes?

    Milhouse in reply to malclave. | December 10, 2021 at 10:20 am

    No, his alleged motive was to draw attention to himself, not hatred for white people. So it’s not a hate crime. And the exact same would be true in the reverse case, e.g. the Susan Smith “a black man took my babies” hoax; she was not motivated by hatred for black people, so even if she’d been convicted for the false report it would not have been a hate crime.

      Char Char Binks in reply to Milhouse. | December 11, 2021 at 12:43 pm

      The Accepted Narrative is that he sought to draw attention to himself. I believe it’s true, but that doesn’t preclude a hate crime against wypipo, along with dirty Dem election tricks.

Jussie will sleep well tonight knowing that the mastermind behind his horrific attack has been brought to justice.

Is anybody as tired of this kind of thing as I am?


Well, derr! I figured the “Well, derr!” video belongs on the Juicy Sommelier convicted comment thread because, well, derr!

In other news, sun continues to rise in the east, set in the west. F***ing racist sun! AOC demands sun represent marginalized peoples who aren’t East or West.

Ilhan Omar wants to marry the sun to get it a U.S. passport.

Rashida Tlaib proposes legislation to explore just how big of a suicide vest the sun would need to blow up the Jews.

Nancy Pelosi orders another Grey Goose and Cranberry, Hic!

Film at 11.

The things you’ll never see reported in the MFM.

Case of Chardonnay raped in Clinton compound. Bill not a suspect, as flight records to Epstein’s pedophile island confirm he was not in New York.


>>> “Al Sharpton, on Jussie Smollett in 2019: ‘The Guilty Must Face the Maximum’”

For once I agree with Sharpton!

This case reeked of fraud from its onset and Smollett was a horrible witness

So does Juicy have enough juice to get a pardon from the Governor?

MAGA= Make America Great again. So why is this racists’ again?.. is it because liberals are Communist now? or they just hate America.? This is MEGA territory sounds so stupid and makes no sense. but what do you expect from low level informed thinkers

He knew he would be convicted. He also knew he would face little or no serious punishment.

He’s really famous now and can play the victim forever. His diehard supporters will believe he was railroaded and that’s all that matters to him. Hollywood will bring him back after a reasonable amount of time. In the end he achieved what he started.

Or not.

Let’s Go Juicy! . Hopefully Chicago prepp’d up for the upcoming BLM smash and grab protesting a guilty man being found guilty.