Germany’s Next Government Vows “Climate Revolution,” Creates “Super” Ministry 

As Chancellor Angela Merkel’s era comes to an end, Germany’s next coalition government has vowed to usher in a “climate revolution” ahead of its inauguration. “Germany’s new coalition promises climate revolution,” country’s state-run DW News reported on Friday.

The incoming coalition, made up of Social Democrats, Greens and center-right Free Democrats, has agreed to set up a “super ministry” to push a climate agenda. “A new ‘super’ Climate and Economy Ministry, to be headed by Habeck, is to provide the bureaucratic muscle to implement the ambitious measures,” the German broadcaster added.

By putting the economy under the purview of the ‘super climate ministry,’ Berlin is sending the signal that globalist climate agenda comes before jobs or the nation’s economic wellbeing.

The right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party slammed the alliance for pushing a radical climate ideology. The German “economy and prosperity will become completely subordinate” to “the green climate ideology,” the head of the opposition party, Tino Chrupalla, warned.

The DW News reported the post-Merkel government’s ambitious climate plans:

As Germany’s new coalition government — comprising center-left Social Democrats (SPD), environmentalist Greens and the business-focused Free Democrat Party (FDP) — readies to take power, it has made bold climate policy the cornerstone of the alliance.An agreement thrashed out by the three parties was released this week and includes climate measures designed to keep Germany “on the path to 1.5 degrees” Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit), promised Robert Habeck, the Green Party co-chair and Germany’s likely next vice chancellor.The measures include phasing out coal power by 2030, eight years ahead of the current schedule, powering 80% of the electricity grid with renewables within a decade and putting 15 million electric vehicles on German roads by 2030. The deal also proposes phasing out gas for power by 2040 and setting a minimum carbon price of €60 per ton ($68).A new “super” Climate and Economy Ministry, to be headed by Habeck, is to provide the bureaucratic muscle to implement the ambitious measures.

The alliance, set to end Chancellor Angela Merkel’s 16-year reign, will be a “progressive” one, the coalition parties declared in a 177-page agreement.

Germany’s next government, likely to be headed by Merkel’s socialist Deputy Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, has promised even more liberal immigration policies. The new government is “betting on [refugees] welcome culture,” Germany’s state-run ZDF reported. “It would now be easier for refugees to comes to Germany,” the broadcaster cheered.

As Germany’s next government doubles down on its “welcome culture” for immigrants, neighboring Poland is battling a violent migrant surge on its borders with Belarus. Polish border police are pushing back against migrant gangs armed with wire cutters and shovels. Thousands of migrants, mostly young men from Syria, Afghanistan and other Muslim countries, see Poland as a transit country as they dream of getting to Germany, Britain and other attractive western European welfare states.

The post-Merkel government also plans to appoint a federal “anti-racism commissioner” reporting directly to the Chancellor. It wants to “combat racism and promote diversity,” the news website Euractive reported.

The course adopted by the incoming government will turn Germany into a “socialist nanny state” and a “magnate for migrants,” the AfD party cautioned.

Tags: Climate Change, Critical Race Theory, Environment, Germany, Green New Deal, Progressives