Energy Sec. Jennifer Granholm Beclowns Herself and the Biden Admin With Ridiculous Claim

Remember when the Obama administration pushed for European prices for gasoline?  The thinking, if you can call it that, was that if Americans had to pay $9 or $10 a gallon for gas, we’d stop driving so much and this would thus stop global warming (that was the term they used back then before perfectly normal climate fluctuations resulted in embarrassing cool temps–the solution to this inconvenient truth was to change the term to the catch-all “climate change”).

To that questionable end, the Obama administration proceeded to shut down domestic energy production and to regulate existing producers into bankruptcy.  Of course, gas prices surged, and we were quickly assured by the Obama-Biden White House that this was the “new normal,” that gas prices would never again go below $4 a gallon, and that we had to learn to live with this immutable fact. Because OPEC. Or something.

And then President Trump came along and showed not only that gas prices could be less than half the price they were under Obama but that we could, as a nation, become energy independent.  Indeed, Trump made that happen, and consumer prices for gas plummeted.

It turned out that Obama lied when he said that gas would never again go below $4/gal; indeed, in some places (including my town in Florida) during the Trump presidency, it went below $2/gal.

We all know what we saw, what we experienced; we know what we paid during the Obama-Biden admin, during the Trump admin, and what we are paying now.  But Democrats, now back in charge (for the time being), think we are stupid, that we will buy their brazen lies, somehow enjoy their lack of empathy or concern for normal Americans’ economic plight, and reward their condescending mockery.

Watch Joe “I am the Democratic Party” Biden’s repellent Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm, laugh hysterically at the idea that Americans are suffering or that America has any control over gas prices.

These people are completely bonkers if they think we, the people, are going to buy this garbage. Gas will never again go below $4/gal, the Obama-Biden admin stated as factually indisputable factier than fact fact. It’s all OPEC, you see (same lie Granholm is peddling in the Obama 3.0 presidency). If only I had that hysterically funny magic wand!

You do, you ridiculous cackling monster. And, worse, you know it. That Obama-Biden BS has been resoundingly debunked by President Trump’s “magic wand” energy policies and America First agenda that saw gas prices plummet and American families reap the benefits.

Biden couldn’t wait to get in the Oval and undo every good Trump did for America via EO. The Biden admin has undone in ten months every policy and EO that made our economy hum, and they are audaciously now pretending their partisan TDS-fueled destruction of all of Trump’s America First policies had no role in the collapse of our economy (and of Biden’s approval numbers). The wrong-headed incompetence is astounding.

Democrats apparently think all Americans are as stupid as their base. We are not.

Tags: Biden Economic Policy, Biden Energy Policy, Climate Change