Canada’s Indigenous Health Expert Loses Job Over Fake Ancestry Claims

One of the funniest and best self-owns of 2021 (so far) was racist “antiracist” huckster and hustler Ibram Kendi tweeting and then deleting a report about how many white people are identifying as “people of color” for better professional treatment and unearned advancement.

This is something that we see rather often. Think Rachel Dolezal, think that infamous Native American faker Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren.

We can now add Carrie Bourassa, the now-former scientific director of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s Institute of Indigenous Peoples’ Health, to this illustrious list of people pretending to be other races. Why do they do this? Because ‘white privilege’ is a complete lie. The only ‘privilege’ is being or pretending to be a black person or a Native American. Or in being an Antifa/BLM arsonist, looter, vandal, assailant, and/or murderer, but I digress.

The New York Post reports:

She’s Sitting Bulls-t.A Canadian medical researcher who rose to become the nation’s top voice on indigenous health has been ousted from her government job and her university professorship — after suspicious colleagues investigated her increasingly fanciful claims of Native American heritage and learned she was a fraud.Carrie Bourassa, a public health expert who served as scientific director of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s Institute of Indigenous Peoples’ Health, was suspended on Nov. 1, five days after the state-owned Canadian Broadcasting Corporation published a lengthy expose on her background.Far from being a member of the Métis nation, as she had long claimed, a laborious trace of Bourassa’s family tree revealed that her supposedly indigenous ancestors were in fact immigrant farmers who hailed from Russia, Poland, and Czechoslovakia.“It makes you feel a bit sick,” said Janet Smylie, a Métis professor at the University of Toronto who worked with Bourassa on a book about indigenous parenting.“To have an impostor who is speaking on behalf of Métis and indigenous people to the country about literally what it means to be Métis … that’s very disturbing and upsetting and harmful.”Colleagues began to doubt Bourassa’s story as she began to add claims of Anishinaabe and Tlingit heritage to her tale — and took to dressing in stereotypically indigenous fashion.It started to unravel in 2019, when she appeared in full tribal regalia — draped in an electric blue shawl, with a feather in her partially braided hair — to give a TEDx Talk at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon.

Okay, I get that faking your native origin is not good. One’s integrity, honesty, and honor are certainly destroyed. That this fake ethnicity phenom makes elitists haz a sad is not a priority for normal people.

My guess is the only people crying in their soup are the professors whinging about their feelings (like anyone cares). Ordinary people don’t get disturbed or upset or feel harmed by some liar lying. We’re pretty used to it . . from professors and government officials.

Indeed, self-proclaimed “Morning Star Bear” Bourassa raised the hackles of more than a few of her fellows.

The New York Post continues:

“When I saw that TEDx, to be quite honest, I was repulsed by how hard she was working to pass herself off as indigenous,” said Winona Wheeler, an associate professor of Indigenous studies at the college.Wheeler, a documented member of Manitoba’s Fisher River Cree Nation, started digging into Bourassa’s genealogical records — and took her findings to the media.But when pressed to provide evidence of Native American heritage, Bourassa suddenly changed her story — saying that she had been adopted into the Métis community by an unnamed Métis friend of her deceased grandfather, Clifford Laroque.“Even though Clifford passed, those bonds are even deeper than death because the family has taken me as if I was their blood family,” she insisted in a statement. “In turn, I serve the Métis community to the best of my ability.”

The more significant issue, it seems to me, is why white people consistently feel the need to pretend to be minorities for advancement in their fields.

When skin tone dictates hiring preferences over merit and ability, we become a racist society and culture.

[Featured image via YouTube]

Tags: Canada, Progressive or Parody?