Canada’s Indigenous Health Expert Loses Job Over Fake Ancestry Claims
The bigger issue, it seems to me, is why white people consistently feel the need to pretend to be minorities in order for advancement in their fields.

One of the funniest and best self-owns of 2021 (so far) was racist “antiracist” huckster and hustler Ibram Kendi tweeting and then deleting a report about how many white people are identifying as “people of color” for better professional treatment and unearned advancement.
This is something that we see rather often. Think Rachel Dolezal, think that infamous Native American faker Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren.
We can now add Carrie Bourassa, the now-former scientific director of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s Institute of Indigenous Peoples’ Health, to this illustrious list of people pretending to be other races. Why do they do this? Because ‘white privilege’ is a complete lie. The only ‘privilege’ is being or pretending to be a black person or a Native American. Or in being an Antifa/BLM arsonist, looter, vandal, assailant, and/or murderer, but I digress.
Canada's indigenous health expert Carrie Bourassa loses job when ancestry claims prove false
— New York Post (@nypost) November 27, 2021
She’s Sitting Bulls-t.
A Canadian medical researcher who rose to become the nation’s top voice on indigenous health has been ousted from her government job and her university professorship — after suspicious colleagues investigated her increasingly fanciful claims of Native American heritage and learned she was a fraud.
Carrie Bourassa, a public health expert who served as scientific director of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s Institute of Indigenous Peoples’ Health, was suspended on Nov. 1, five days after the state-owned Canadian Broadcasting Corporation published a lengthy expose on her background.
Far from being a member of the Métis nation, as she had long claimed, a laborious trace of Bourassa’s family tree revealed that her supposedly indigenous ancestors were in fact immigrant farmers who hailed from Russia, Poland, and Czechoslovakia.
“It makes you feel a bit sick,” said Janet Smylie, a Métis professor at the University of Toronto who worked with Bourassa on a book about indigenous parenting.
“To have an impostor who is speaking on behalf of Métis and indigenous people to the country about literally what it means to be Métis … that’s very disturbing and upsetting and harmful.”
Colleagues began to doubt Bourassa’s story as she began to add claims of Anishinaabe and Tlingit heritage to her tale — and took to dressing in stereotypically indigenous fashion.
It started to unravel in 2019, when she appeared in full tribal regalia — draped in an electric blue shawl, with a feather in her partially braided hair — to give a TEDx Talk at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon.
Okay, I get that faking your native origin is not good. One’s integrity, honesty, and honor are certainly destroyed. That this fake ethnicity phenom makes elitists haz a sad is not a priority for normal people.
My guess is the only people crying in their soup are the professors whinging about their feelings (like anyone cares). Ordinary people don’t get disturbed or upset or feel harmed by some liar lying. We’re pretty used to it . . from professors and government officials.
Indeed, self-proclaimed “Morning Star Bear” Bourassa raised the hackles of more than a few of her fellows.
The New York Post continues:
“When I saw that TEDx, to be quite honest, I was repulsed by how hard she was working to pass herself off as indigenous,” said Winona Wheeler, an associate professor of Indigenous studies at the college.
Wheeler, a documented member of Manitoba’s Fisher River Cree Nation, started digging into Bourassa’s genealogical records — and took her findings to the media.
But when pressed to provide evidence of Native American heritage, Bourassa suddenly changed her story — saying that she had been adopted into the Métis community by an unnamed Métis friend of her deceased grandfather, Clifford Laroque.
“Even though Clifford passed, those bonds are even deeper than death because the family has taken me as if I was their blood family,” she insisted in a statement. “In turn, I serve the Métis community to the best of my ability.”
The more significant issue, it seems to me, is why white people consistently feel the need to pretend to be minorities for advancement in their fields.
When skin tone dictates hiring preferences over merit and ability, we become a racist society and culture.
[Featured image via YouTube]

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There ought to be cowbogenous studies as well as indigenous studies.
They should also have indignant studies. I base this on all the complaining and demands being made by college students.
Why should they study that? They know everything there is to know about it. They were born indignant. They have honed it to a fine art. They are the world’s formost experts in the art of indignancy.
We call ’em rodeos.
Would we be surprised if we found out that Kamala Harris never went to law school?
We see a lot of pretending going on. But one thing we don’t see—-we don’t see anyone pretending to be white in order to take hold of that mythical white privilege. Why is that?
It was a thing once, but you have to go back a long way.
I suspect my great grandfather did that…. claimed to be native American* to explain his darker skin, but my maiden name is only googles to my direct relatives from that line – and a number of black college athletes….
*as bad as it was to be “indian” at the turn of the century, it was much worse to be black.
Being part-Indian was never bad, and certainly not at the turn of the century. On the contrary, it was quite fashionable to claim some Indian ancestry, and especially to claim descent from an Indian “princess”.
In fact I don’t think it was ever bad to be even most- or full-blood Indian, so long as you were a civilized one (i.e. one who chose to live in white society). Charles Curtis was elected vice president of the USA. Before that he was senate majority leader. I know of no evidence that his being an Indian was ever an issue.
Keep in mind the OP is about Canada, where being part-Indian does indeed carry a fair bit of stigma. Now, much of this is due to the fact that the majority of them are either reservation trash or race hustlers. The ones that aren’t, like Keanu Reeves, tend not to be thought of as Indian at all.
You’re right that the post’s topic is about a Canadian. But I took Morning Sunshine’s great-grandfather to have been USAn, and here, as far as I know, there was never a stigma to a civilized person being Indian. The stigma was all on “wild” Indians.
I have a feeling this Canadian “scientist” walked in your moccasins. She certainly has black African roots in her artificially straightened hair, but only whites can be punished for cultural appropriation.
They disqualify baseball teams in the gay leagues for using too many non-gay players. The reason being that the larger the population you recruit from the better the best players are.
Likewise whites pretending to be something else are likely to be smarter than the competition just from coming from a larger population, if not for other reasons. She’s doing an eskimo out of a job in either case.
So you’re saying Elizabeth Warren and this silly person are actually smart people?
Funny. I don’t see it.
She just has to be smarter than indians.
Thousands of whites claim to be black or brown on college/ university applications.
Thousands of whites “identify” as Gay or Black/Brown to gain employment or to job-security.
It will get worse. When preferences are established it is natural for people to do their best to avoid the discrimination against those who are excluded from the preference.
Preferences generates resentment and division. No one ever expected Affirmative Action to be permanent and yet it has not been in place for 50 years. And the neo-racists want to extend Affirmative Action throughout the country. How many more years will this all last ? 50 more ? 100 more? 200 more ? forever ? Radical Liberals cannot answer the question because they don’t care how long it takes or who suffers in the process (as long as those suffering are white or asian).
typo . . . has NOT been in place” . . . should be . . . “has NOW been in place”
She and Frank Chief Wild Eagle De Kova were members of the Hekawi Tribe,
(fyi, De Kova was born in New York City to two Italian immigrants)
“It is balloon!!” Wasn’t Screaming Chicken the witch doctor?
She identifies as… #NoJudgment #NoLabels
The progressive path and grade of diversity [dogma] (i.e. class-based judgment), including affirmative discrimination under a Pro-Choice, nominally “secular”, religion, that denies women and men’s dignity and agency, and reduces human life to a negotiable (e.g. political congruence) asset.
Maybe she could marry a Baldwin brother and pretend to be from Spain.
How do you say in English, cucumbers?”
You made me flash on Woody Allen’s joke about being a schoolkid desperately trying to think of the English word for “spatula” (“I always thought it was Yiddish!”)
Though growing up in Rhode Island, I was in high school before I learned the word “colander.” I never heard it referred to as anything other than a “scolamaccheroni.”
Gosh, it’s almost like they are flipping the game table and discriminating against whites.
Of course they are! The result they seek isn’t equity nor equality.
They want superiority and the revenge that comes with it.
I’ve noticed that for nearly 50 years, that one group of people that cannot accept fact, have poor judgement and have to blame their own inequities on everyone but themselves. If they were factual people they would be in Africa, demanding restitution from their own brothers that had been selling them into slavery for 400 years before 1619.
I keep hoping at 1 of these race hoaxers pans out to be the real thing. Maybe next time, or the time after that, or that, or that.
Well, now we have government-approved sex hoaxers. Better or worse?
Wow! A Canadian Elizabeth “Fauxcohontas” Warren! Rachel Donezal and Ward Churchill are laughing somewhere….
Is it just me, or is it always lefties that are appropriating the culture of minorities?
“Is it just me, or is it always lefties that are appropriating the culture of minorities?….”
Leftists are demented – they have a very ugly, personal agenda. It’s no accident leftists gaining control results in a genocide.
Every single time.
NEVER forget this story:
ObamaCzar advocating genocide against Americans? —
Obama’s science czar’s plans for mass genocide:
Genocide is the plan.
You must take some of that ancestry testing with a grain of salt. A few years ago 23andMe told me that I had as much Sudanese in my DNA as Elizabeth Warren has Native American in hers. That changed last year when I was no longer Sudanese. It was fun while it lasted.
On my father’s side I have a few second cousins who Ancestry DNA claims are part Congolese/Bantu. I have first cousins who not only are Mayflower descendants, they are Myles Standish descendants. Plus they are also MicMa’q, the indigenous people of northern New England and the Canadian Maritimes. Talk about conflicting self-identity!
Kind of the very definition of White privilege is it not?
Natives who identify as indigenous. Men who identify as women. Babies that are judged summarily and labeled as “fetuses” for social distance. Here’s to [social] progress: one step forward, two steps backward.
Lets not lose focus.
The Anglo and Germanic worlds obsession with race isn’t bad because white people could just gin up a phony pedigree of non-whiteness it is bad because racial preferences and judging somebody’s character based on race is bad.
You’d think Morning Thunder or whatever her name was would have wised up from watching Fauxcahontas get exposed here in the States. Although I don’t think Lie-a-watha ever suffered any real consequences for her cultural theft.
For the record, no discussion of fake-assed race hucksters is complete without mentioning Talcum X…
“The bigger issue, it seems to me, is why white people consistently feel the need to pretend to be minorities in order for advancement in their fields.”
Simple. Affirmative action in hiring and promoting. Highly qualified whites get passed over for less qualified poc. The problem is as soon as you’re outted as non-poc you are no longer qualified.
Affirmative action is the popular framing and handmade tale, where, in fact, diversity is a license to class-based labels and judgments (e.g. “people of color”) including affirmative discrimination.
How long before she runs for office?
And wins?
“It makes you feel a bit sick,” said Janet Smylie, a Métis professor at the University of Toronto who worked with Bourassa on a book about indigenous parenting.
Isn’t it interesting that the professor felt a bit sick, but not over the fact that Bourassa is a basic fraud, liar, and a con artist? The professor is upset because of the substance of the lie, not the dishonesty per se. The lie was about RACE! OMG! I wonder if the professor even has a clue as to what a racist SHE is while feeling morally superior to damn near everyone else.
It is also interesting that Bourassa the clown would still have her job regardless of her level of competence if only she had been of the correct race.
Not necessarily racist, but diversitist or class-based bigotry.
This whole Carrie Bourassa circus makes sense if one realizes that this is all about a dysfunctional religious dogma and has no connection to logic, intelligence, or rational thinking. It is about being a member of a type of “church” or club where heretics are expelled and worshipers are embraced.
Like I said on the other thread, there’s only so much taxpayer money available for Indian grifters in Canada, so they’ll take any opportunity to exclude competitors for it.
Not to make light of the fact that real people suffer, but it’s so terrible to be a minority these days.
Diversity (e.g. racism), inequity, and exclusion is Pro-Choice religious dogma.
That said, diversity of individuals, minority of one.
Whew, glad they didn’t catch me when I was in the fifth grade and told everyone I was part Chiricahua Apache! I had fallen in love with Cochise from his many appearances on TV.
You will be cancelled now unless you apologize immediately
well, at least the canadians sacked her ass for her shenanigans
meanwhile, back at the ranch, fauxcahontas still circles the drain
“The bigger issue, it seems to me, is why white people consistently feel the need to pretend to be minorities in order for advancement in their fields.”
That should be “some white people” since all white people do not claim to be a minority.
The reason may be the same as that for some men who pretend to be women to compete as such in athletics. They do so because they can’t win on their own merits but may get a leg up by pretending not to be who they really are.
I fit into a specific gender and age class when I compete. We don’t break out the minorities.
“When skin tone dictates hiring preferences over merit and ability, we become a racist society and culture.”