Schumer’s Attack on the Republicans Who Gave Him a Win Is Telling

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell just saved the Senate, and if it holds, America. What is being described as a “complete capitulation” and a “blink” by McConnell was nothing of the sort.

McConnell wants to keep the filibuster in tact, despite the problems it caused when Republicans controlled both the House and Senate when President Trump was in the White House. And he’s not alone in that desire, and this is the crucial piece that so many seem to miss: Sen. Joe Manchin (D-VA) does not want the filibuster eliminated. BUT, and this is the very real situation for McConnell, Manchin also did not want to be part of America defaulting . . . and was wavering on ditching the filibuster to make the debt ceiling provisions pass.

As we saw with the Reid rule, once something is allowed, it expands. McConnell is trying to save the Senate and by extension America by ensuring we do not have one-party rule. Manchin is on board, as long as there is no damage (i.e. a default), but if there is a clear and present danger of damage in the form of a default, Manchin would be more likely to cave. McConnell gave him room to breathe, to not make that difficult decision (for now).

You know who really understands McConnell’s move to preserve the Senate (and by extension our American republic)? Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer. McConnell gave the Senate Democrats opposed to abolishing the filibuster an out, and that enraged the majority leader.

Schumer was angry that McConnell chose the Senate and America over the America-destroying leftist agenda, and he couldn’t stop himself. He was well and truly angry at being out-played. Schumer wanted to use the debt limit to force moderate Democrat senators to blow-up the filibuster, and McConnell thwarted that (for now).

Schumer railed against Republicans, 11 of whom voted as he said he wanted, because McConnell had robbed him of his leverage.


Schumer’s petty little tantrum resulted in both Democrats and Republicans calling him out for his “lack of grace” and for his “fu*king stupid” comments.

Schumer wasn’t spiking the football, he was flailing and panicking. And Mitch McConnell knew it, as did Manchin.

I would not expect Manchin to suddenly give way on his own demands regarding the Hyde Amendment and fossil fuels, and with reports circulating that Sen.Kyrsten Sinema is ignoring WH calls . . . to the point that Joe “I am the Democratic Party” Biden is whinging about it, publicly, tells you all you need to know about how well leftest strong-arming is working for the radical Biden left against its own caucus members. Hint: it’s not. If anything, they are digging in.

With McConnell taking the filibuster-busting debt-ceiling vote off the table, he empowered the very Democrats who are thwarting the leftist commie agenda. I’m pretty much okay with that.

Tags: Chuck Schumer, Democrats, Mitch McConnell, Republicans, US Senate