Garland Promises Not to Label Parents as Domestic Terrorists, But DOJ Will Monitor Meetings

The National School Boards Association (NSBA) begged the DOJ to stop these “domestic terrorists” because parents object to the indoctrination of their children in school.

The good little puppets at the DOJ stepped right in and promised to monitor and investigate any threats or harassment or intimidation towards the faultless school board members.

AG Garland insisted the DOJ does not consider concerned parents at school board meetings “domestic terrorists.” If that is true then why must the DOJ utilize the FBI and other departments to monitor those meetings?

Garland told Congress today: “I want to be clear. The Justice Department supports and defends the First Amendment right of parents to complain as vociferously as they wish about the education of their children, about the curriculum taught in the schools. That is not what the memorandum is about at all, nor does it use the words ‘domestic terrorism’ or ‘PATRIOT Act.’”

The AG cannot “imagine any circumstance in which the Patriot Act would be used in the circumstances of parents complaining about their children” or a circumstance that would cause him to label them as domestic terrorists.

First off, sir, the parents are not complaining about their children. They are protesting the indoctrination the left wants to drill into their heads to make them sheep.

I’ll repeat my question: Then why did the DOJ circulate the memo and make a big production about coming down hard on parents at school board meetings? Why must you monitor the school board meetings?

The DOJ, FBI, and Garland have not cited a single example of a threat, harassment, or intimidation. Not one.

The DOJ won’t step in when it comes to multiple sexual assault allegations supposedly caused by one student because that is a local crime.

But a parent getting angry over the indoctrination of critical race theory? BRING IN THE FBI.

Tags: College Insurrection, Critical Race Theory, DOJ, FBI, Merrick Garland, US House