CNN Brian Stelter Upset Gov. Ron DeSantis Says People Should “Assume” Corporate Media Lies
Nick Sandmann to Stelter: “Howdy”

This is one of the funnier things on the internet today.
CNN’s Brian Stelter tweeted outrage over some comments by Florida Governor Rick DeSantis:
GOP’s anti-media streak summarized: Governor of one of the biggest states in the USA says citizens should “assume” news outlets are lying to them
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a regular on “corporate media” shows like Maria Bartiromo’s, says “we all know corporate media lies, OK? They do not tell the truth. Assume what they tell you is false and then figure out why they’re telling you a false narrative.”
To which Nick Sandmann, who sued and then settled with CNN based on falsehoods about his encounter with a Native American activist in D.C., responded: “Howdy”
CNN is so bad. It’s a punch line.
Your network reported that Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian misinformation, insisted that riots were "peaceful protests," spun years of erroneous reporting that Russiagate was true, told us COVID spreads in schools but not at massive BLM events….I mean, the shoe fits.
— Rachel Bovard (@rachelbovard) October 26, 2021
Fact check: true when it comes to @CNN
— BBG, Esq. (@bmetz131) October 26, 2021
— Ian (@IanLysaght) October 26, 2021
Cable news networks driven by ratings are hardly optimizing for objectivity (left or right). Also, this your network???
— litquidity (@litcapital) October 26, 2021

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Who cares what this bozo says?
THIS is more important:
Corrupt Judge Amy Berman Jackson released a January 6th protester after several months from pre-trial incarceration after he is FORCED to disavow President Trump:
I agree that that is COMPLETELY outrageous! I sure hope Ameer Benno authors his own post about it.
It’s a bit ironic to post a gateway pundit link on a post about media that can’t be trusted.
I don’t know which is worse. The horrendous quality of their articles, or the really horrendous quality of their comment makers.
Yes, it is. GWP lies almost as often as CNN or the NYT, and much more blatantly and shamelessly.
Brian Stelter: an airsickness bag in the airplane of life.
That, Mr. Bear was just plain….hilarious.
Even in my somewhat trying times, I am keeping my sense of humor. Looks like two more surgeries, and radiation. Aside from that, I am doing fine.
I hope you continue to do well, keep up your strength and this behind you.
Wish you the best, Grizzly
May angels guide your recovery
Thank you. Buy new surgery is scheduled for November 15, but the way the wound looks now, they may have to move it up. I’m holding up OK, but it is starting to give me a lot to think about.
Grizz – Keep up you indominable spirit.
Had no idea of your health issue. Always enjoy your quips. Praying for a full recovery!
Thank you. I think I’ve got a pretty good team of doctors and folks like that, so everything is fine. It’s the waiting until the surgery date that has to be a little upset.
Luke, in further answer to your not knowing, they found a Metkel’s sarcoma in my right hand. I have two more surgeries to go and some radiation. If I’m lucky.
She was a bad enough chancellor. But she has to come up with a Cancer like this!
I don’t have to assume they lie — it’s been proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
The point isn’t whether they lie at all, it’s whether any given thing they say is a lie. And since they’re not perfect liars (who are just as useful as perfect truth-tellers), the answer is you can’t know but you should assume it’s more likely than not, while being on the lookout for evidence to the contrary.
not sure it even qualifies as a rebuttable presumption at this point. If they tell the truth about anything important, it’s an accident.
If that were so we could simply rely on the opposite of everything they said, which is just as good as them telling the truth. What makes them difficult is that they’re unreliable liars;
No, Truth vs.. lie isn’t binary. For ery true statement there are infinite possible lies.
“If they tell the truth about anything important, it’s an accident”
I would argue it’s much worse than that: if they’re telling the truth, you should immediately ask what that distraction is covering up.
It says a lot about CNN’s ratings that Spud has to go on Twitter for anyone to know what he’s lying about today.
Yes, Brian Stelter is a real spud!
Of course Potato Head Stelter doesn’t like it when Gov. DeSantis speaks the truth. Potato Head doesn’t like it when anyone speaks the truth.
Potato Head works for a propaganda organization that told its viewers that Joe Rogan took “horse de-wormer” to treat his covid. Rogan actually took his physician-prescribed ivermectin, the same drug that the WHO dispensed to over a hundred million Indian citizens in Uttar Pradesh as part of a covid “magic box” treatment. India was able to wipe out nearly all (98%) of the covid cases with the “magic boxes” in just a matter of weeks, but you’d never know about that if you watch CNN — one of the lying corporate media.
Funny how Brian just assumed DeSantis was talking about CNN and its allies. I mean, Fox consistently has double to quadruple the audience of CNN, showing CNN to be a sort of fringe news outlet.
Brian’s worldview suffers from a lack of awareness that the front lines of media combat have jumped over the traditional gatekeepers, much the same way as the Allies simply ignored and flew over islands fortified with Japanese troops, rendering them meaningless. Integrity is the one energy source for news media power, and CNN’s many recent scandals ( Covington kids / Avenatti / Toobin / Russia Collusion Hoax / Cuomo Brothers, etc., etc. ) equate to CNN cutting themselves off from their own supply chains.
Brian is the 1970s Japanese soldier holdout in the South Pacific, unaware the war is over and that his side has suffered total defeat.
And he’s a potato.
there is a reason they are known as “presstitutes”… i live in one of the bluest parts of Lost Angels, #Failifornia, and see “news” crews on the street all the time…
when i do, i always ask them “what are you out here lying about today?”
they get mad, and say “we don’t lie” and my response is “why do you call them ‘stories’ then?”
then i chime in with “russia gate” etc, and all the other fake news form 16-20, then they get pissed off and either look for security or go inside the van and close the doors.
Coffee boy when was the last time you didn’t carry the corporate line?
The corporate media is synonymous with the legacy media of which CNN is a member in good standing for decades
None of these cable news organizations would exist without bundling. Want it to stop? Call your reps, senators, state and federal and demand an end to bundling. Let the public choose what to pay for and cnn, msnbc, cnbc, etc, would all fold like a cheap suit. My guess is that fox would retain a much higher percentage of viewers, not all, but enough. The others, without the free money from cable and satellite, they would not exist.
If they put it into bundling, it will also put paid to a lot of those religious charlatans that have their own channels.
You mean PBS?
They don’t always lie, sometimes they are just so ignorant and stupid they just don’t understand what happened.
Prof. Jacobson, I give up. I cannot comment here using my phone. The mobile version of this site is jittery and half the time it kicks my browser’s focus out of the text box while I’m typing — the other half, it opens a text box and my keyboard when I’m trying to scroll.
October 16, 2015: MSNBC Reporter [Ayman Mohyeldin] Caught Lying On Air About ‘Unarmed’ Palestinian Terrorist
He was caught lying because the terrorist he was describing was seen on video with a knife in his hand. This video played as Mohyeldin lied. He saw it. He lied anyway.
They lie.
Assume bias per chance prejudice, then increase the proportion of information to propaganda through signal diversity.
Via Powerline,
Nic Sandmann fried the ‘Tater with one word.
I guess the truth hurts
“Governor of one of the biggest states in the USA says…”
Barely but technically true, as Florida is the 22nd largest state in the US, behind such political powerhouses as Wyoming, North Dakota, Nevada, and Nebraska.