War on College Football: CNN Bemoans Unmasked “Vigorous Exhaling” In Packed Stadiums

College football stadiums have been the touchstone for the latest resistance chant “F*ck Joe Biden,” so it’s no surprise that CNN’s WuFlu fear porn panel attacked college football due to large unmasked crowds . . . exhaling vigorously.

I kid you not.

The totalitarians who insisted that giant crowds of “vigorously exhaling” antifa/BLM rioters, arsonists, vandals, looters, anarchists, racists, and murderers were justified by their righteous cause and who don’t blink an eye when the totalitarians themselves are caught repeatedly violating their own draconian orders are suddenly upset about college football.

Fox News reports:

CNN pooh-poohed the return of college football, sounding the alarm about large crowds of fans “exhaling with vigor” amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.Images of crowded stadiums delighted football fans over Labor Day weekend but the liberal network frowned upon the return to normalcy.”We are seeing relatively normal life, like, packed football stadiums,” anchor Ana Cabrera said Tuesday, before warning that Dr. Anthony Fauci is concerned about jam-packed venues.

Fauci, the proven liar and fear porn hustler in chief, is “concerned”? Raise your hand if you care what Fauci thinks . . . about anything. No one?

Fox News continues:

“I just can’t get over the pictures of those outdoor stadiums,” Cabrera said. “Dr. Schaffner, these events are happening outdoors, are crowds like that safe?”Dr. William Schaffner, medical director of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, responded that he doesn’t use the “four-letter word” safe, but the crowds certainly provide a risk.”This Delta variant is so readily spread, that even outdoors where people are cheering and enthusiastic, exhaling with vigor, if there are people infected they can infect people around them,” Schaffner said. “I looked at those television images, nobody was wearing a mask at all and I would be very surprised if we didn’t have outbreaks here and there across the country related to these gatherings, these football stadium events, in the coming weeks.”Another guest then said it was “tough” to see images of fans attending college football games over the holiday weekend.”It’s like we’re fighting this fight alone as healthcare workers,” a nurse told CNN. “Nobody is wearing masks anymore and its hard feeling like we’re alone in this fight.”

Look, either the vaccines work or they don’t. You can either continue your normal life if vaccinated and not worry if unmasked vigorous exhalers are in football stadiums hundreds of miles away, or you can mask and social distance and hide in your basement after being vaccinated. Up to you.

What you cannot do is argue that the vaccinations are necessary for the entire population because they aren’t effective. This makes less than zero sense, particularly as we learn that medical professionals are discussing ways to inflate WuFlu cases in order to be “more scary to the public” and from the leftist Atlantic that the WuFlu hospitalization and death numbers are (at best) grossly inflated (archive link).

But there are many COVID patients in the hospital with fairly mild symptoms, too, who have been admitted for further observation on account of their comorbidities, or because they reported feeling short of breath. Another portion of the patients in this tally are in the hospital for something unrelated to COVID, and discovered that they were infected only because they were tested upon admission.. . . . From mid-January through the end of June 2021, however, that number rose to 48 percent. In other words, the study suggests that roughly half of all the hospitalized patients showing up on COVID-data dashboards in 2021 may have been admitted for another reason entirely, or had only a mild presentation of disease.This increase was even bigger for vaccinated hospital patients, of whom 57 percent had mild or asymptomatic disease. But unvaccinated patients have also been showing up with less severe symptoms, on average, than earlier in the pandemic: The study found that 45 percent of their cases were mild or asymptomatic since January 21.

Biden declaring that the vaccinated have to be protected from the unvaccinated by state-coerced vaccinations is ten levels of crazy . . . unless you include the political motivation to instill in Democrat voters a hatred and fear of the unvaccinated. So much better for them to direct their anger at their fellow citizens than at the guy drooling as he dozes off in the Oval Office muttering about “those F-so-and-so signs.”

Enter CNN to point out exactly who is the real danger to America, to the free world, to the very concept democracy itself! Vigorously exhaling college football fans. Good grief.

Tags: Anthony Fauci, CNN, College Insurrection, Joe Biden, Media Bias, Vaccines