The Taliban regime will bring back Sharia-mandated punishment by amputation and execution to Afghanistan, Islamic militia’s co-founder Mullah Nooruddin Turabi told the Associated Press.
The newly-established Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan will impose Sharia law in its entirety on the country’s population, Taliban’s former top Islamic law enforcer declared. As a sigh of moderation, the regime may now carry out these gruesome punishments away from the public eye, he added.
One-eyed and one-legged Taliban leader, Turabi, warned the international community not to interfere as they take Afghanistan back the Islamic Dark Ages. “No one will tell us what our laws should be. We will follow Islam and we will make our laws on the Quran,” Turabi asserted.
The AP reported Taliban leader’s comments:
One of the founders of the Taliban and the chief enforcer of its harsh interpretation of Islamic law when they last ruled Afghanistan said the hard-line movement will once again carry out executions and amputations of hands, though perhaps not in public.
In an interview with The Associated Press, Mullah Nooruddin Turabi dismissed outrage over the Taliban’s executions in the past, which sometimes took place in front of crowds at a stadium, and he warned the world against interfering with Afghanistan’s new rulers.
“Everyone criticized us for the punishments in the stadium, but we have never said anything about their laws and their punishments,” Turabi told The Associated Press, speaking in Kabul. “No one will tell us what our laws should be. We will follow Islam and we will make our laws on the Quran.” (…)
Turabi’s comments pointed to how the group’s leaders remain entrenched in a deeply conservative, hard-line worldview, even if they are embracing technological changes, like video and mobile phones.
“Cutting off of hands is very necessary for security,” he said, saying it had a deterrent effect. He said the Cabinet was studying whether to do punishments in public and will “develop a policy.”
During the Taliban’s previous rule, Turabi was chief of the Sharia enforcement and dreaded religious police. Under his watch, the regime carried out executions in public play grounds and amputated limbs for minor crimes. Afghan women were flogged and stoned to death for defying the Sharia Law.
Despite Taliban’s recent efforts to put the lipstick on the pig, their new reign appears to be no different from their previous rule. The Islamic terrorist militia is rounding up and executing its enemies and rivals across the country. Video and documented evidence shows Taliban fighters beheading soldiers and massacring unarmed civilians. Taliban commanders are demanding Afghan girls as young as 15 to be handed over as “brides” to their fighters.
As the Taliban brings back its reign of terror and regressive laws, jihadi group’s leaders want to be recognized as respectable statemen and legitimate rulers of Afghanistan. “The Taliban have asked to address world leaders at the United Nations in New York this week and nominated their Doha-based spokesman Suhail Shaheen as Afghanistan’s U.N. ambassador,” The Reuters reported earlier this week.