Lee Greenwood’s Dismissal From Arts Council is Latest Petty Move by Biden

We learned a few days ago that Biden removed Lee Greenwood, the artist behind “God Bless the U.S.A.,” from the National Arts Council.

Greenwood told Fox & Friends that Biden’s administration alerted him via email. Not a phone call or letter. An email.

President George W. Bush appointed Greenwood to the arts council. President Barack Obama reappointed him!

Of course, President Donald Trump reappointed Greenwood as well. He also plays “God Bless the U.S.A.” at many of his rallies.

But come on. Obama even reappointed him.

“It’s meant for all people, not just for a particular political party,” Greenwood said about his song.

It’s true. Only a moron would think it’s a conservative and Republican song. But since it has connections to ORANGE MAN BAD then we must get rid of Greenwood and his song!

Greenwood does so much for veterans and the military. He has a televised show coming up on October 12 in Huntsville, AL:

We always honor our veterans and want to particularly point out the fact we have this amazing show coming up October 12th in Huntsville, Alabama at the Bronze Center and set aside a lock of tickets which I do at most of our events.This is a very special television production and more importantly we want to make sure that veterans and their caregivers can come to our performance. It’s going to be star-studded with 40 different singers singing the 40 years of hits that we have had. So, if your listeners will go to our website LeeGreenwood.com and adopt a vet. For $100 you can put a vet and caregiver in a seat to watch this amazing television production.

Petty. So freaking petty.

When will it stop? It won’t unfortunately. Biden purged Trump’s appointments to military service academy advisory boards, which broke presidential norms.

Obama kept those appointed to the boards. Trump kept those on the boards appointed by Obama.

Kellyanne Conway lashed out at Biden over the announcement. She said she would not resign.

Former press secretary Sean Spicer demolished now-press secretary Jen Psaki when she questioned his qualifications for sitting on the Board of Visitors to the U.S. Naval Academy:

“Don’t you dare ever minimize or question my service to this nation. You got it?” the Newsmax TV host railed on his show earlier this month. “This move has taken partisanship to a new level.”“I’m a proud graduate of the U.S. Naval War College. I’ve done multiple tours, and politics has never entered into my service. I’ve served under five different presidents of both parties. When you’re wearing the uniform, you serve the commander in chief. We take an oath as officers to the Constitution, not to a party,” Spicer added.

OK, maybe you have a problem with someone like Conway serving on those boards. But Spicer? How about H.R. McMaster? Former Army Vice Chief Gen. Jack Keane? Does Biden have a legit reason for getting rid of former U.S. Army North commander Guy Swan III?

What’s next? Even Obama stayed away from breaking presidential norms or cutting ties with Bush’s appointments. I mean, it’s normal to change U.S. attorneys and other positions. But appointments like the boards and arts council are different.

Biden is supposed to be a seasoned politician, much more than Obama and Trump.

That is why I think Biden is not running the show. He should be politically savvy. He should know what and what not to do. He should know the norms.

Biden’s handlers are incredibly petty and dangerous. If they’re going to be partisan about the boards and art council just imagine when it comes to a serious matter.

Tags: Biden Administration, Democrats, Trump Appointments