Australia’s Victoria Premier Dan Andrews: ‘We’re Going to Lock Out the Unvaccinated From the Economy’

Look up the words dictator and fascist. You will see a picture of Australian Premier Dan Andrews of Victoria.

The man in charge of the Victorian state said, “We’re going to lock out people who are not vaccinated.”

In other words, get the vaccine or you cannot participate in the economy.

Yeah, this makes sense coming from Andrews. Have you seen the rules in Victoria? I wrote about them in my post on Monday. It’s ridiculous:

You cannot leave your home other than for one of the five following reasons:

Victoria also has a 9 PM to 5 AM curfew. You cannot travel more than 3.1 miles from your house. You are allowed one buddy outside of your house.

Let’s not forget the “camps” around Australia. Let’s talk about the one in Victoria under Mr. Andrews:

Australia has begun construction on their second COVID-19 quarantine camp, deceptively called “Melbourne’s Centre for National Resilience.” It’s down the road from Melbourne Airport, known locally as Tullamarine Airport, which serves the city of Melbourne, and is Australia’s second-busiest airport.The 1,000-bed quarantine facility will be finished by the end of the year but will be operational as soon as it can accommodate 500 beds. It will have the ability to add room for an additional 3,000 beds if needed.The holding pen is being modeled on the Howard Springs Centre for National Resilience. Australian authorities have found that quarantine camps are more successful than hotels, many of which were found to have substandard ventilation. Australian authorities claim high viral loads have caused “COVID leakage,” which resulted in the government declaring a stage-four lockdown of 6 million people in the Australian state of Victoria. Only three of 19 hotels considered as possible quarantine quarters were equipped with the necessary ventilation.

At least Andrews is honest about his thirst for power:

Speaking on Sunday as the state reports 183 new local cases, Andrews doubled down on his prediction of a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”.He said those who choose not to be vaccinated were “making the wrong choice”.“We’re going to move from a system where we’ve got everyone locked down to a situation where, to protect the health system, we’re going to lock out people who are not vaccinated and can be,” he said.“This becomes absolutely a pandemic of the unvaccinated and, when we open everything up, it’s not going to be safe for people who are not vaccinated to be roaming around the place spreading the virus.”

Do we need more proof? How about the crackdown on Orthodox Jews during Rosh Hashanah? (Gee, that sounds like something we’ve seen in New York City in the past year!)

Police arrested six adults after they attended a Rosh Hashanah celebration with up to 30 people:

Police have fined six adults $5452 each, totalling $32,712, for attending a gathering of up to 30 people to mark the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah, in breach of lockdown restrictions.Assistant Commissioner Russell Barrett said there will be more fines issued “today or in coming days”, as he urged those who attended the gathering to come forward.”My advice is really clear to the people who were there last night – come forward, identify yourselves and allow us to process you through our systems and apply the law as it is today,” he said.

ALLOW US TO PROCESS YOU. It is way too Orwellian for me. This is Dystopian stuff right here. LEGIT FASCISM.

The police literally stalked the members:

Members of the Orthodox Jewish congregation entered a building, believed to be a prayer room, near a Ripponlea synagogue early on Tuesday morning and told police they wouldn’t leave until nightfall.Police surrounded the front and back entrances of the building and took details of those who began to file out just after 8pm.Initial reports suggested up to 100 people had attended.Mr Barrett said the number is still being investigated, but he’s been advised it was “between 20 and 30” people.Several worshippers became aggressive and an overnight news cameraman is being treated for a concussion at The Alfred after being assaulted.

The police are staying in the area until Rosh Hashanah ends on Wednesday at sundown.

Tags: Australia, Fascism, Vaccines, Wuhan Coronavirus