Loudoun County Teacher Resigns: ‘I Quit Being a Cog in a Machine’ That Pushes ‘Highly Politicized Agendas’

In Virginia, Loudoun County Public School teacher Laura Morris resigned her post at a school board meeting about a transgender policy and Critical Race Theory.

The district wants teachers and staff to acknowledge students by their preferred pronoun and allow transgender students to use the bathroom of their choice.

Morris said in one of her “so-called equity” training the person in charge told the group “that White, Christian, able-bodied females currently have the power in our schools and ‘this has to change.'”

Morris explained these ideologies they push on the children “do not square with who I am as a believer in Christ.”

From Fox News:

“Clearly, you’ve made your point. You no longer value me or many other teachers you’ve employed in this county. So since my contract outlines the power that you have over my employment in Loudoun County Public Schools, I thought it necessary to resign in front of you.””School board, I quit,” she said. Choking up, she added: “I quit your policies, I quit your training, and I quit being a cog in a machine that tells me to push highly politicized agendas to our most vulnerable constituents – children.”Morris, a fifth-grade teacher, also alleged that the county told her not to express dissenting views.

Loudoun County has become Ground Zero in the culture fight in schools.

Tags: College Insurrection, Critical Race Theory, Education, Transgender, Virginia