Cori Bush on the McCloskey Pardon: ‘He has Spat on My Name…His Day Will Come’
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Cori Bush on the McCloskey Pardon: ‘He has Spat on My Name…His Day Will Come’

Cori Bush on the McCloskey Pardon: ‘He has Spat on My Name…His Day Will Come’

Bush gave a long campaign speech on CNN about how Missouri Gov. Parsons only protects those with his politics, which supposedly harms everyone except white people.

Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) was one of the people who trespassed into the McCloskey’s gated neighborhood last summer.

Mark and Patricia McCloskey protected their house with guns as the rioters made their way down the street.

They pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges. Gov. Mike Parsons pardoned the couple on Tuesday.

Don’t forget McCloskey is running for Senate.

Bush is not happy. She blabbed on CNN about how Parsons should have pardoned other people instead.

Apparently, the McCloskey pardon is not worthy because “they pointed their guns” at the BLM group marching down the street.

“Mark McCloskey is an absolute liar,” she cried. “He has spat on my name. And because of that, his day will come.”

She continued: “But I will not stand by and allow him or our governor to the very people that are doing the work that they should be doing.”

Then Bush went on a long rant about Parsons only protecting those who follow his politics “that actually hurt” black, brown, and LGBTQ people.


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2smartforlibs | August 4, 2021 at 9:11 am

Again what law did they break? I would say the TRESSPASSORS broke the law.

    2smartforlibs: Again what law did they break?

    Mark McCloskey pleaded guilty to assault. Patricia McCloskey pleaded guilty to harassment.

      Be specific, Mark McCloskey pleaded guilty to misdemeanor fourth-degree assault. They both paid fines (Mark $750, Patricia $2k), neither lost their law licenses or their Constitutional right to legally own firearms. Both are now pardoned. As is correct and good.

      The BLM agitators literally broke down a gate to enter private property and nine were initially charged with trespassing, but those charges were not pursued by Dem prosecutors despite these violent freaks reportedly threatening to kill the McCloskeys and even the family dog. It was only when the McCloskeys showed up armed that the BLM hordes backed off.

        zachfake is 100% in favor of riots and intimidation on behalf of his far-left buds.

          Heh. The many Zachs are all delusional, starting with the fact he refers to himself as “we,” as if he’s royalty (or maybe suffering some psychosis) and ending with the fact that if a bunch of MAGA patriots trespassed on private property and threatened to kill the leftist loon property owners (and their dog), he’d be arguing that the leftie homeowners had every right to wield guns as they were in fear for their lives (based on the death threats).

          CommoChief in reply to FOAF. | August 4, 2021 at 11:08 am

          The Zach(s) is legion?

          The Friendly Grizzly in reply to FOAF. | August 4, 2021 at 1:00 pm

          Zachs and violence…?

        2smartforlibs: Again what law did they break?

        Asked and answered. You’re welcome.

          You troll our comment section, often spam it, but you don’t change a single mind. Ever. Good job, Sparky. “well, gee, yeah, I’ve been commenting on this righty site for over 10 years, but oddly, no one has bought a single lie I’ve spun.” Dude, you need to be fired. You can’t change our minds, and you are wasting time and money attempting to do so. Learn to code.

          stevewhitemd in reply to Zachriel. | August 4, 2021 at 1:40 pm

          One does wonder if the Zachs are paid by the post. One also wonders if the Soros organization that pays him does any sort of quality control.

          Ironclaw in reply to Zachriel. | August 4, 2021 at 1:44 pm

          No, you didn’t answer the question.

          Fuzzy Slippers: You troll our comment section, often spam it, but you don’t change a single mind.

          This is somewhat off-topic, but as you have brought it up repeatedly, we will answer. Far more people read this blog than post to it or comment on it. We respond so there is a record for those people. We always try to stay on topic and to support our claims, and we will generally respond to substantive comments.

          stevewhitemd: One does wonder if the Zachs are paid by the post.

          Our views are our own and freely given. You’re welcome.

          The many Zachs: You write, “Far more people read this blog than post to it or comment on it. We respond so there is a record for those people.”

          I see, and exactly how many people do you imagine read THIS blog and buy a single word you say? You do understand we are a blog, not a social media site. If you want to share your view, start your own blog (good luck finding anyone to read it).

          You many Zachs also wrote: “We always try to stay on topic and to support our claims, and we will generally respond to substantive comments.”

          This is actually appreciated and is why you have been permitted to comment here for many years. You are starting to overstay your welcome, though, by posting so much that it looks like spam rather than actual responses. Think about it. Fix it. You are welcome here, but dial it back, please. You are commenting on some threads more than all our other readers combined. That’s too much. Far too much. It’s haranguing and off-putting and rude.

          Again, you change no minds, not even those of the LI readers you imagine are just thirsting for some leftie lunacy. Heck, even if such people existed (and they don’t), how do you think your hijacking comment threads, over-whelming actual LI supporters with constant spam, looks? Not too good, right? You look like a crazy bully grabbing the floor and shouting into the mike long after the crowd has dispersed.

          Dial it back, so we don’t have to dial it back for you.

      DaveGinOly in reply to Zachriel. | August 4, 2021 at 11:32 am

      Innocent people plead guilty to lesser charges all the time. It’s called doing a cost/benefit analysis. Pleading guilty in such a situation is not proof that someone actually broke the law. If you don’t understand that you aren’t half as smart as you think you are.

        DaveGinOly: Innocent people plead guilty to lesser charges all the time. It’s called doing a cost/benefit analysis.

        They swore under oath that they broke the law.

        It’s always interesting how the political right gets up in arms about a misdemeanor plea, when elsewhere poor and minorities are being held on bails they can’t pay on charges they can’t afford to contest. Law and order, indeed.

          Chewbacca in reply to Zachriel. | August 4, 2021 at 2:25 pm

          You’re not sworn in when you plead guilty. You do not testify when you take a guilty plea. You simply agree to accept the charge instead of proceeding with a trial and affirm with the judge that that is your decision.

          rebelgirl in reply to Zachriel. | August 5, 2021 at 8:11 am

          You don’t testify against yourself (5A) when you agree to plead guilty….in this case, it’s like paying a speeding ticket rather than going to the expense and aggravation of fighting it. Looking back, I feel certain they were assured of the pardon if they took that route.

          Milhouse in reply to Zachriel. | August 5, 2021 at 10:23 am

          Rebelgirl, the governor promised to pardon them if convicted, regardless of the route they took. That’s why I was surprised that they had pleaded guilty, rather than fight the charges and try for an acquittal. Usually an innocent person pleads down to avoid the risk of a false conviction; in their case there was no such risk, so long as the case could be concluded before the governor left office. So all they saved by pleading guilty was the time and cost of defending themselves, which if he’s serious about running for office would have been a plus, not a minus.

          rebelgirl: You don’t testify against yourself (5A) when you agree to plead guilty

          While the plea itself can’t be used as evidence, any statements made before the court as part of the process can be used as evidence. Missouri also accepts an Alford Plea, which allows the defendant to maintain their innocence in order to receive the benefits of concluding the court case. They did not enter an Alford Plea, but guilty pleas, probably because his acts met the definition of assault.

      Ironclaw in reply to Zachriel. | August 4, 2021 at 1:42 pm

      You didn’t answer the question. People plead to things all the time, whether or not the did them. What law did he actually break?

        Ironclaw: You didn’t answer the question.

        They swore they committed assault and harassment. They are attorneys and they undoubtedly had the best legal advice. There is no reason to doubt them.

        Ironclaw: You didn’t answer the question.

        To expand on our answer, if they had merely held their weapons, they would probably not have run afoul of the law. However, they pointed them at people and waved them towards people. That constituted assault, for which they were convicted.

      Danny in reply to Zachriel. | August 4, 2021 at 3:36 pm

      But the entire incident is on video neither of them did that they defended themselves against a mob threatening their property and their lives and became victims of a fascist prosecutor who feels her militia needs free reign.

      Fascists like you returned calling yourselves anti-fascists and I hope when you get to hell you are in sight of Mussolini the originator of your ideology.

        Danny: But the entire incident is on video neither of them did that

        Sure they did. The video clearly shows they were pointing their guns at the protesters.

        As for the “threats,” the investigation found:

        The protestors on the other hand were a racially mixed and peaceful group, including women and children, who simply made a wrong turn on their way to protest in front of the mayor’s house. There was no evidence that any of them had a weapon and no one I interviewed realized they had ventured into a private enclave.

        They followed {the Association’s security guard’s} direction and exited the neighborhood through a gate onto Lake Street.

          Arminius in reply to Zachriel. | August 5, 2021 at 11:13 pm

          Gawd, you are an awful liar. In every sense of the word, Zack. You lie an awful lot. And despite all the practice you’re just really, really bad at it.

          “…peaceful group, including women and children, who simply made a wrong turn on their way to protest in front of the mayor’s house.

          I’ve made some wrong turns in my life, but I’ve “peacefully” broken down an iron gate to make one.

          “…There was no evidence that any of them had a weapon and no one I interviewed realized they had ventured into a private enclave…”

          I suppose if you don’t consider video evidence, there’s no evidence. And are these poor dears too stupid to realize what the “NO Trespassing” sign on the gate they tore down meant?

          Guess so.

          Speaking of stupid, Zach. Absolutely no one is stupid enough to believe that just because someone pleads to a lesser charge that means they’re guilty of anything. Especially anyone who has stared down both barrels of a legal system (it’s not a justice system) that is looking to put another notch on its belt. And it’s got the bottomless barrel of money, and all the time in the world.

          You don’t.

          Perhaps there’s an election coming up; judges and DAs are elected, and they’re elected on the number of convictions they get; Not by doing justice, as the code of ethics they supposedly swore to uphold demands. The Innocence Project has exonerated a lot of mean who pled guilty to crimes they didn’t commit.

          So, do I need to explain in detail where you can shove your sophistry?

          Arminius in reply to Zachriel. | August 5, 2021 at 11:16 pm

          *…but I’ve never “peacefully” broken down an iron gate to make one.”

          Arminius: *…but I’ve never “peacefully” broken down an iron gate to make one.”

          Video shows the gate was unlocked and intact when the protesters entered.

      Milhouse in reply to Zachriel. | August 5, 2021 at 10:15 am



      2smartforlibs: Again what law did they break?.

      Mark McCloskey pleaded guilty to assault. Patricia McCloskey pleaded guilty to harassment..

      Nonresponsive. The question was what laws did they break, not what laws did they plead guilty to breaking. The correct answer is “none”.

        Milhouse: Nonresponsive.

        Of course it’s responsive. Mark McCloskey broke the law on assault, that is, he “purposely place{d} another person in apprehension of immediate physical injury.” The evidence is that he admitted so in court, and that the investigation rejected the claim of self-defense.

    A Punk Named Yunk in reply to 2smartforlibs. | August 5, 2021 at 10:00 am

    That trespassing charge is what Ms (can I still use that honorific?) Bush wants pardoned. Why weren’t they *all* charged with trespassing, breaking and entering, menacing, making terroristic threats (to burn the houses down)?

Meanwhile, she’s been sleeping outside on the Capitol grounds as a protest about Congress letting the eviction moratorium lapse. There are several homeless camps in and around Capitol Hill she could join, but nope, she’s sleeping where she’s protected by armed police and has access to the building whenever she wants to go inside.

Commie Bush is assembling her enemies list. As are all of her Democrat/Marxist comrades and Big Brother Tech allies.

Preparing for the day when the time is right and the American Gulag is ready to accept millions of American counter revolutionaries — AKA rightwing ‘extremists’, ‘white supremacists’, and ‘domestic terrorists’ — for re-education.

Rounding up the Jan 6 ‘Insurrectionists’ is the proof-of-concept operation. The American Stasi just snatched another 61 year old man who entered the Capital — with Capital Police standing around doing nothing — took some photos, and left after 17 minutes. He shared some photos with people in his church. One of them ‘reported’ him to the Stasi. Off to the American Gulag for him.

The Friendly Grizzly | August 4, 2021 at 9:38 am

Dear me, but she’s a noisy thing, isn’t she?

Cori Bush is unhinged.
She really should seek professional help.

The voters in her district are not well served by her because she has a personal agenda that supersedes her obligation to constituents.

    henrybowman in reply to Ben Kent. | August 4, 2021 at 5:22 pm

    The voters in her district are well served by her because she tosses out the gibs like Mardi Gras krews toss out the beads. Nothing else matters. Her district doesn’t vote for a legislator, they vote for a generous pirate queen.

Bush is a name worth spitting on for many reasons but not hers.

Let’s hope her “turn” and that those of similar political, useful idiot, communist-tool status is near over.

What’s the most dangerous thing you can do when you’re around Cori Bush? Get between her and a TV camera.

What’s the second most dangerous thing you can do when you’re around Cori Bush? Get between her and a bull horn.

What’s the third most dangerous thing you can do when you’re around Cori Bush? Get between her and the buffet line at Golden Corral.

I’ve cut the cord and no longer watch cable or streaming for that matter. Why? I get some of the best performances and theatrics from the political class. No need to watch movies. Scriptwriters don’t have as much talent as the politicians these days at creating quotable lines. Only difference is what politicians say are almost always empty words.

Maybe the academy was on to something handing out an Emmy to the groper in Albany. Kinzinger should be up next for an award.

    A Punk Named Yunk in reply to 1A_Rules. | August 5, 2021 at 10:04 am

    Funny, 1A_Rules.

    I watch Ben Shapiro, MRCTV and similar venues. I have to stop after short intervals because the news get depressing.

Maybe, the Mc Closkey’s could afford $70,000 private security like Cori Bush!

      Perhaps a masked gesture to share/shift responsibility in optical relief and legal indemnity.

      thetaqjr in reply to Fuzzy Slippers. | August 4, 2021 at 7:31 pm

      If Frank wonders what would have transpired if the Bushmob had attacked and breached the Mac’s security gate and had had to deal with a $70,000 security force standing between them, their home, and their persons,Them, those two, then prosecution.

      I wonder that, too.

      Had $70,000 worth of armed security guards defended the property with arms exposed, if not unleashed, and the mob had advanced, vowing to violate the Mac’s private space, what legitimate force would the guards had at their disposal?

Comanche Voter | August 4, 2021 at 11:52 am

Well good ol Cori–bless her heart–is sleeping outside like the rest of the street people. Now some street people are just down on their luck, and the other 98% of them have drug or mental problems. I’m not certain how street person Cori got elected to Congress—but then I don’t understand Dims very well.

Trespassing on private property with the intent to intimidate. Democrats? Was diversity (e.g. racism) a motive? 50 shades of KKK… Some, Select [Black] Lives Matter.

Baby Lives Matter. #HateLovesAbortion

He “has spat?” Tenses is hard.

    henrybowman in reply to MTED. | August 4, 2021 at 5:29 pm

    Plus, tenses should always agree: ‘His day be gonna come!”

    If McCloskey wins in his bid for US Senate, Bush’s day be gonna come.

MAGATrump2024 | August 5, 2021 at 12:20 am

Where did they get That picture of Cori Bush

Somewhere there is a bus, with a driver fiddling with the radio and not watching the road, with Cori FatassBush’s name on it. I hope.

Bush and her movement are slime and her voters don’t think straight.

Cori Bush, your name is spit. You should have been arrested and tried as trespassing, inciting a riot and any other little thing a “Competent DA” should have found to charge you with. You forced the McCloskys hand, had you not been trespassing and making threats they would have had no reason to take the actions that they did. YOU were in the wrong and you know it, so just give it a rest. The next homeowner may not show the same restraint as the McCloskys and since you have establised yourself as a trespasser and trouble maker a case could easily be made to defend a self defense shooting.

Cori Bush is a Possessed Banshee who should be jailed for her threatening the death of anyone/everyone who stands in her way !!

Pleading guilty to something is never evidence of guilt. Most people who plead guilty are guilty, but the fact of the plea is not itself evidence of that.

    Milhouse: Pleading guilty to something is never evidence of guilt. Most people who plead guilty are guilty, but the fact of the plea is not itself evidence of that.

    A guilty plea may not be legal evidence, but it is evidence nonetheless. Furthermore, any statements made by the court do constitute legal evidence. In this case, they had the opportunity of entering Alford Pleas, but pleaded guilty instead.

    I believe that depends on the type of plea, yes? Or are all plea agreements Alford pleas?

as the rioters made their way down the private street
Make sure to emphasize that. They were on private property. Along with the broken gate to get there (B&E anyone?).