Some Journalists Reportedly Afraid to Return to Capitol Building After the ‘Insurrection’

At the beginning of Trump’s presidency, we were told that journalists are like brave firefighters running towards the burning building. Now we are told that journalists are still suffering from supposed trauma over the Capitol riot on January 6th.

Some reporters can’t even find the strength to reenter the building. Poor them.

Cameron Joseph reports at VICE News:

‘So, So Angry’: Reporters Who Survived the Capitol Riot Are Still StrugglingJohn Bresnahan spent January 6 watching a pro-Trump insurrection ransack the building he’s worked in for decades.The congressional reporting veteran was in the House gallery when a colleague texted him that the Capitol’s exterior security fence had been overrun. As soon as he stepped into the hallway, he heard the roar of the crowd as they warred with police officers trying to protect the Capitol’s perimeter…Bresnahan, a Navy veteran who has covered Congress since 1994 and co-founded the D.C. newsletter Punchbowl News, said returning to the Capitol after the riots was difficult.“The next day, I was so angry. So, so angry,” he said.Reporters have discussed their personal experiences in the days immediately following the Capitol insurrection. But few have publicly talked about the lasting effects in the months since—the toll that day took on them, the difficulty some have faced in returning to a site where they experienced trauma, and what it’s been like covering a Congress still deeply divided on the events of that day.And the emotional scars are still there. Six months after their office was attacked, the Capitol Hill press corps is grappling with how to cover the insurrection’s fallout, as well as its impact on them personally and professionally.

Have you noticed that our media goes from mocking Trump supporters and other Republicans as stupid and powerless in on breath, and then in a shaky voice talk about how terrified they were by the unarmed mob at the Capitol?

Of course, other people were traumatized last year for different reasons and they have been almost completely ignored by our self-obsessed media:

As the Democrat party’s foot soldiers in BLM and Antifa burned and looted their way through American cities for months, the media told us it was just property and that the owners had insurance. Then a mob of Trump supporters entered the Capitol and it was immediately branded an act of domestic terrorism.

Democrats in Congress have tried to compare the riot to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, among other things. They have also tried to act like the event deserves the same amount of reverence. Here’s New Jersey Democrat Andy Kim:

It’s all performative nonsense.

Ask the Minneapolis business owner whose family business was destroyed by the progressive mob last summer how upset he is about the Capitol riot.

Tags: Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Capitol Hill Riot January 2021, Media, Progressives