I wonder when colleges and the left will realize they cannot defeat Chick-fil-A. The food is delicious. More importantly, has anyone left a Chick-fil-A without a smile on their face? The service is fantastic.
“Catholic” university Notre Dame is the latest college to squabble with Chick-fil-A. I use quotes around Catholic because, to me, the college has become a Catholic in name only.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is tired of people picking on Chick-fil-A.
Notre Dame Campus Dining wants to add Chick-fil-A to the campus. Some students have a problem with it because of the Chick-fil-A founder’s Christian values.
Because those values do not jibe with the student body at the Catholic university.
Students Tilly Keevan-Glascock and Joey Jegier wrote a hilarious letter to the Notre Dame newspaper. I guess they forgot they attend a supposed Catholic university.
Keevan-Glascock and Jegier criticized Chick-fil-A Foundation’s donations to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, the Salvation Army, and the Paul Anderson Youth Home. The founders donate to the National Christian Charitable Foundation.
Hey, Keevan-Glascock and Jegier. You attend a private Catholic university. You have a diverse student body, but your university’s values are the same as Chick-fil-A.
Then the students blasted Chick-fil-A’s animal agriculture practices. This part blows my mind. I guess they are vegans, especially since they think Notre Dame does not need another fast-food restaurant.
“Consisting primarily of fried chicken and potatoes, the menu at Chick-fil-A does not supply an array of options suitable for a diverse campus community,” huffed Keevan-Glascock and Jegier. “Vegetarians and vegans, a growing minority of the student body would receive little benefit from a fried chicken restaurant.”
Oh, Chick-fil-A closing on Sundays “is not best for a bustling, hungry college campus.”
Like I said, Keevan-Glascock and Jegier join a long list of others attempting to cancel Chick-fil-A. It will not happen and you’ll just anger people because guess what.
People, even gays and non-Christians, love Chick-fil-A.
I vowed to stop eating out, but I think I will have Chick-fil-A after Mass on Saturday. It is right and just to have the Lord’s chicken after Mass.
I found this video on YouTube. I love some of the comments.
“All my lgbt friends agree that chick-fil-a is the tastiest homophobia you’ll ever eat and that’s it’s worth eating at.”
“Me and some friends went to Chickfila and one of them was trying to save money so didn’t get anything and the store manager was walking around talking to people and noted his peanut butter sandwich. And then brought him a chicken sandwich for free :)”
“The chick-fil-A in my area closed for renovations and the owner paid his employees for three months while the remodel was being done so he would not lose them. I can’t imagine how much that cost.”
“If I go to Chickfila and they get my order wrong, I just assume they know what’s best for me.”
“This could have been a 10 second video. It tastes great, they hire friendly, helpful people, and they always work to make the lines go as fast as possible.”