Report: Hunter Biden Arranged Profitable Consulting Job for Then-VP Biden
More evidence proving Hunter Biden is everything the MSM wanted Don Jr and Eric Trump to be. But we get silence with Hunter.

The Daily Mail has emails that once again place doubts on President Joe Biden’s claims he never discussed business with his son Hunter Biden.
In 2014, Hunter discussed a consulting firm with family friend and business partner Jeff Cooper.
Hunter told Cooper the firm would have around $1.2 million in overhead. His late brother Beau Biden would get $500,000. Other costs include $250,000 for a senior attorney, junior attorney at $175,000, and $65,000 for administrative assistant. They would also have $20,000 for other expenses.
Cooper asked Hunter if Beau (referred to as BB) could “offset the 500k by sitting on a few boards. He also wanted to know “if Hunter had ‘any guesses on built-in clients for the firm.'”
Hunter also thought Beau would want more than $500,000, especially since he had offers to join other places after he ended his term as Delaware attorney general.
Then Hunter brings up Daddy-O:
Hunter then indicated that he would not only have Beau on board in the new venture, but his father too – referring to them both by ‘JRB’, the initials of their full names, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr and Joseph Robinette Biden III.
‘In order to develop this as a platform for both JRBs I think it is imperative we (the three of us) have full control come 2016 when JRB1 comes on board,’ Hunter wrote.
What else is going to come up against Hunter? We found out he used his father and flights on Air Force 2 to get some business deals with Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim in 2014.
Let’s not forget The New York Post expose before the election showing Hunter pursuing “lasting and lucrative” deals with a private Chinese energy company.
Hunter’s business partner confirmed Joe Biden is the “big guy” in the emails. He also said Joe lied when he said he never discussed business with Hunter.
The FBI opened a money-laundering investigation connected to Hunter’s laptop in 2019. It’s still active.
After the election, Hunter confirmed another investigation into his tax issues.
The investigation started before the election. The Delaware prosecutor supposedly stalled it to keep it out of the 2020 election news cycle.

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It’s OK he’s a liberal so no harm not fowl right?
What sort of animal is a harm?
I’m pretty sure a militant pony with a canine visage.
Two standards of justice? No way.
Case 1:
FBI Investigator: “You set up an “anonymous” art auction?
Hunter Bide: “Yup.”
FBI Investigator: That’s awesome. So no one knows who gave you $500,000 for your finger art?
Hunter Biden: “Actually, it’s not a finger painting. I put some paint on my noses and drew the lines as I snort cocaine off the canvass.”
FBI Agent: “And that gets you $500 big ones?”
Hunter Biden: “Well, I don’t get all of that. My dad, you know, the “big guy” gets his usual 10%”
FBI Agent: “Of, course, of course.”
FBI Agent: “I just can’t say enough how awesome that is. How do you think I could set up something like that for myself?”
Hunter Biden: “Well, can you get your dad to be president or vice president?
FBI Agent: “No, no, I don’t think so.”
Hunter Biden: “Well, do you have access to drugs, by any chance?”
FBI Agent: “Well, I am an FBI agent. I sort of get it for free.”
Hunter Biden: “Well, then, maybe we can talk.”
Case 2:
FBI Agent: “Why did not not fill out federal form 9201-35, section 14, subsection 2, part F?
Trump Supporter: I have never heard of federal form 9201-35, section 14, subsection 2, part F.
FBI Agent: “You you lied to me!
Trump Supporter: What?
FBI Agent: I just told you about federal form 9201-35, section 14, subsection 2, part F and then you told me you never heard of it! Book this slime ball!
You mean his usual 50%. The idea that his cut was only 10% was a misunderstanding on Trump’s part, which he stated publicly in the debates. Technically the “fact-checkers” could have played this up as another example of Trump playing fast and loose with facts, except of course that it would be counter-productive for them to say, “Ha, ha, Trump got it wrong, Biden is even more corrupt than he claimed!”
Milhouse – thanks for the correction. By the way, you know I have a man crush on you.
You are a man, aren’t you?
Oh, well, why does it matter? Love is love and it doesn’t really matter whom or what we love, as long as a democrat approves.
Hunter Biden: “I hear allot about how 99% of the FBI guys are great, patriotic Americans. Is that true?”
FBI Agent: “Shut up and pass the crack pipe.”
Shades of Clinton: Joe Biden used private email to send government information to Hunter
Messages, sometimes signed “Dad,” from the email account [email protected] were found on a Hunter Biden laptop seized by the FBI in December 2019 from a Delaware computer shop owner.
I don’t see anything there about confidential information, let alone classified or secret information. Just because information originates from the government doesn’t make it “government information”, and certainly not “government business”.
The question is whether he sent him any inside information that he could use to his advantage; that would be a scandal. Or whether he ever used that account to conduct government business, but there’s no indication of that in the linked article. (Obviously any message sent to Hunter was by definition not government business, since he had no business with the government, and thus there’s no reason it shouldn’t have been sent from a private address.)
Jeez, they are a slimy bunch.
They are trying to be Clintons, but they come across as Jethro Bodine.
Now hold on just a second! If you’re going to start slandering the Clampett clan then we’re going to have a real problem. I might have to get Ellie Mae to bust out some rock salt and her double-barreled slingshot.
And, she has the busts to do it!
Oh, you are correct. Can I refer to Hunter as Eddie Haskell then?
Is Durham running that investigation?
Is there anything that boy can’t do?
I’m waiting for him to open up his new brewery: “Hunter Beer.”
But maybe beer just isn’t his thing.
We have a brewery here in Columbia, SC called “Hunter Gatherer”…..Hunter does gather quite a bit of dough!
Grift it forward?
The Biden Crime Family giving the Clinton’s a good run, but have hundreds of millions to go before catching them for the win.
Not to mention the body count.
“The FBI opened a money-laundering investigation connected to Hunter’s laptop in 2019. It’s still active.”
Only so they can capture and bury evidence.
“The FBI opened a money-laundering investigation connected to Hunter’s laptop in 2019. It’s still active.”
I learned years ago that if a corrupt administration wants to conceal the truth, they have the FBI open an investigation and keep it open indefinitely. Then every time FBI officials are called to testify before Congress they can say, “I can’t comment about an ongoing investigation.”
Naturally, this only happens when the executive branch is controlled by Democrats and Congress is controlled by Republicans.
Then when the political winds shift the investigation goes away with no charges filed.
Huh? Hunter’s laptop wasn’t even discovered until 2021.
Heyas Henry, just some background on this:
Big Tech was squelching the Hunter Biden laptop story in October, 2020 for Biden/Democrats in the lead up to the November election:
They must have done a great job if you think the Hunter lappie wasn’t discovered until this year. This makes me sad.