R.I. BLM Threatens Sen. Whitehouse: Dump All-White Club or Face Constant Protests

Rhode Island Black Lives Member Mark Fisher wants Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse to remember that they will not forget his membership to an all-white country club.

It is not a white-only club, but Bailey’s Beach Club is an exclusive and private club with only white people. Whitehouse thinks it’s okay he’s a member since it’s a long tradition in his rich family.

Fisher said his ABC6 interview officially puts Whitehouse “on notice”:

“This is an issue that’s not going to go away and Senator Whitehouse needs to address it, he needs to take it on,” Mark Fisher, with BLM R.I., said.Fisher with Black Lives Matter Rhode Island says he’s giving Whitehouse until next Friday to put out a statement disavowing Bailey’s Beach club, and announce his family has left the secretive club that has accusations against it of excluding minorities.“If he thinks we’re just going to forget about it, if he thinks that it’s going to get swept under the rug; it’s not,” Fisher said.Fisher says if he doesn’t get that statement from Senator Whitehouse by next Friday, he and other members of BLM will start protesting.“We’ll go to his club, we’ll go to his office, we’ll go to his home,” Fisher said, “wherever we need to go.”

Whitehouse said he will not leave the club. He wants to work with bailey’s Beach Club to make it inclusive.

Fisher said it is not enough: “It doesn’t matter, you know what type of black people he brings in. This club is a proven racist club with exclusive ties to supremacy and exclusion, and that’s something that’s not going to be tolerated by me, by my associates, my affiliates or my organization.”

Whitehouse is one of the more, um, foul members of Congress. He’s also a huge conspiracy theorist.

Tags: Black Lives Matter, Rhode Island, Sheldon Whitehouse