McCarthy: We Will ‘Run Our Own Investigation’ Into Capitol Riot After Pelosi Dropped GOP Reps

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said the GOP will conduct their own investigation into the January 6th Capitol Hill riot unless Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi changes her mind on two representatives she rejected from the committee.

Pelosi rejected Republicans Reps. Jim Banks and Jim Jordan. Both men are supporters of former President Donald Trump.

The House resolution to create a select committee gave Pelosi the power to appoint people to the committee. She has to consult McCarthy, but she has the “final veto power over the members.”

A speaker using the veto power has never happened before:

“Speaker Pelosi has taken the unprecedented step of denying the minority party’s picks for the select committee on Jan. 6. This represents something that has not happened in the House before for a select committee, by the historian,” McCarthy, R-Calif., said at a press conference.”It’s an egregious abuse of power. Pelosi has broken this institution. Denying the voice of members who have served in the military – Jim Banks, a Navy veteran who served in Afghanistan,” McCarthy continued. “As well as a leader of a standing committee. Jim Jordan isn’t ranking of just his first committee, he’s done it before.”McCarthy’s fiery comments followed a statement in which he said Republicans will completely boycott the select committee if Pelosi, D-Calif., does not allow all five of his picks, including Jordan, R-Ohio, and Banks, R-Ind., to be seated.”Unless Speaker Pelosi reverses course and seats all five Republican nominees, Republicans will not be party to their sham process and will instead pursue our own investigation of the facts,” McCarthy said.

McCarthy added: “We will run our own investigation. We have law enforcement, we have military, we have doctors, we have people from all walks of life. They want to know the answer, the American people deserve that. They don’t deserve politics, they don’t deserve destroying the institution. No committee in Congress will work if one person can pick all who can serve. This has not happened before.”

Tags: Capitol Hill Riot January 2021, Democrats, Nancy Pelosi, Republicans, US House