Students at Juilliard Protest Rising Tuition

Juilliard is a private school, and they can do what they want. Isn’t that what we keep being told?

Inside Higher Ed reports:

Juilliard Students Protest Rising TuitionStudents at the Juilliard School danced and sang along to protest songs on the sidewalk in front of their campus in New York City last week. It may have looked like an impromptu street performance from a distance, but up close, passersby could read the demands on the signs the students held.“Actors and musicians all demand you freeze tuition,” one sign said. “What’s outrageous? Tuition raises,” said another.Juilliard students were shocked to learn recently that tuition at their renowned performing arts conservatory was going up by nearly $2,000. When the institution’s leaders announced this spring that undergraduate tuition for the 2021-22 academic year would rise to $51,230 from $49,260, many students worried about having to pay more and started calling for a tuition freeze.“Students are really, really pushing for this cause that matters a lot to them, especially during COVID, when $2,000 could mean two months of rent in New York City or it could mean several months of groceries,” said Sarah Ma, a freshman music student at Juilliard.Administrators have responded to the protests by pointing to a growing pool of financial aid dollars that will be available for students to offset the 4 percent tuition bump.”Juilliard’s teaching, coaching, and performance opportunities are unmatched, and great care is taken to offer this education at the lowest possible cost,” a Julliard spokesperson said.

Tags: College Insurrection, New York