Report on Andrew Cuomo’s Nursing Home Order Confirms Policy ‘Did Lead to Some Number of Additional Deaths’
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Report on Andrew Cuomo’s Nursing Home Order Confirms Policy ‘Did Lead to Some Number of Additional Deaths’

Report on Andrew Cuomo’s Nursing Home Order Confirms Policy ‘Did Lead to Some Number of Additional Deaths’

“The Dept. of Health…argued unconvincingly that the admission of 6,326 COVID-positive residents during the period the Health directive was in effect had no impact. That cannot be the case, and has now been shown not to be the case,” the NYSBA Task Force on Nursing Homes & Long-Term Care said.

A seven-month review conducted by a New York State Bar Association nursing home task force blows big holes in Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s claims that his March 25, 2020 nursing home directive did not lead to additional deaths in the state’s nursing homes and long-term care facilities.

The New York State Bar Association Task Force on Nursing Homes and Long-Term Care, which was appointed in July 2020 by the bar’s president Scott Karson, issued a 242-page report last week detailing its findings.

Among them, most notably, was their confirmation that the order did lead to more deaths, though they could not provide an exact number:

Although a determination of the number of additional nursing home deaths is beyond the capacity of the Task Force, there are credible reviews that suggest that the directive, for the approximately six weeks that it was in effect, did lead to some number of additional deaths. The Department of Health issued a report in 2020 in which it argued unconvincingly that the admission of 6,326 COVID-positive residents during the period the Health directive was in effect had no impact. That cannot be the case, and has now been shown not to be the case.222 As we have seen, once the virus came into a nursing home, it was hard to control.

The task force also referenced a damning report issued in February by the non-profit, non-partisan Empire Center for Public Policy, which said at the time “that COVID-positive new admissions between late March and early May, which numbered 6,327, were associated with several hundred and possibly more than 1,000 additional resident deaths.”

The order was in effect from March 25 through May 10, 2020, when Cuomo changed the policy after weeks of public criticism.

The NYSBA task force also bizarrely took pains to soften the blow to Cuomo’s fragile ego by suggesting that because “there were additional deaths does not mean the Department of Health directive was issued in error,” alleging the state “was also burdened with the insufficiencies of the federal response” and as a result had to make some “difficult decisions” in the early days of the pandemic. They did point out that “it was unreasonable to leave the directive in place for so long after it was necessary”:

Finally, it was unreasonable to leave the directive in place for so long after it was necessary. Hospitalizations peaked on April 14th. The hospital beds at the Javits Center were barely used, and the USNS Comfort sat empty in the Hudson River. The Comfort set sail from New York City on April 23rd. The March 25th directive could have been rescinded on or about the date the Comfort set sail, if not sooner.

A bipartisan chorus of Cuomo critics pointed to the report as further confirmation of what they’ve said all along about the governor’s handling of the pandemic:

Gov. Cuomo remains under investigation by the FBI and the NY State Attorney General’s office over the nursing home policy and the actions he took afterwards, including his administration suppressing death count information from the public and pressing forward with a lucrative book deal.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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Cuomo should be in prison

This sounds like Kruschev talking about the ‘excesses’ of Stalin after Stalin died.

Cuomo should face consequences from New York voters. He should never hold office again.

    People say all the kooks moved West years ago.

    But when New Yorkers continue to vote in the likes of Cuomo and De Blasio, it’s apparent enough kooks remained back East. Unless voting machines are doing the electing…

Boss asks his subordinate after making a really bad decision..

“Do you think I got this one wrong?”

Subordinate answers boss with the only answer that guarantees he won’t get fired:

“No, Governor, ya did good.”

Health commissioner keeps his job, Governor feels better, only ones who lose are the dead and their families..

Upsides: nursing homes are set up to care for old people, and are somewhat medical and so expected to be able to isolate people.

Downsides: the old are unusually at risk if they get the disease.

Not all assumptions worked out but they weren’t unreasonable.

Don’t forget Wolf, Murphy, Gavin and Whitmer were also doing the same thing.

Cuomo got a 5 million dollar advance? That has “disguised payoff” written all over it, no way the publisher could reasonably expect sales of that magnitude.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to randian. | June 21, 2021 at 11:39 am

    Who are you kidding. Cuomo’s book will be at on the NY Times bestseller list and at the top of the Amazon best seller list within days (if not hours) of it’s release. Just like all of Hillary’s books. And if there’s any hint that sales are not going to be good the back-end shadow book buyers will buy up thousands of copies ostensibly to donate to other organizations/charities (which will never seem to happen) to inflate the sales figures. Just like all of Hillary’s books. So no matter what happens the $5 million will be well spent.

In other words, he should be at the Hague being tried for genocide and crimes against humanity.

    Lucifer Morningstar in reply to Ironclaw. | June 21, 2021 at 11:40 am

    Too bad then the United States doesn’t recognize the International Criminal Court at the Hague. At least, we don’t yet. Who knows what the Biden regime is cooking up about that.

some? like in somebody knocked down a couple of buildings “some.’?
arrest him, try him, xecute him!