Democrats Enlist Obama to Defend Critical Race Theory

Barack Obama CRT

Former President Barack Obama scoffed at concerns about Critical Race Theory in education during an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

The Democrats’ internal polling numbers must look pretty bad if they enlist Obama to perform damage control.

The interview was pure Obama. First, he scolded Republicans for embracing falsehoods about the 2020 election after four solid years of his party pushing the Russia collusion conspiracy theory.

Then Obama criticized “certain right-wing media outlets” for sowing division, an apparent jab at FOX News. Obama has always despised FOX News for not joining the chorus of media praise for him.

Finally, he spoke of racial division in the United States, as if he was an outsider, analyzing the problem.

From Catherine Garcia of The Week, via Yahoo News:

Obama says ‘certain right-wing media’ outlets are ‘stoking the fear and resentment’ of white AmericansProgress has been made, former President Barack Obama told CNN’s Anderson Cooper, but he finds it’s still hard for the “majority” of white Americans to “recognize you can be proud of this country and its traditions and its history and our forefathers, and yet it is also true that this terrible stuff happened. The vestiges of that linger and continue.”Obama told Cooper, in an interview broadcast Monday night, that during his time in office, when he “tried to tell that story, oftentimes my political opponents would deliberately not only block out that story but try to exploit it for their own political gain.”…There are also “certain right-wing media venues, for example, that monetize and capitalize on stoking the fear and resentment of a white population that is witnessing a change in America,” Obama said. The nationalization of media and politics is making it so Americans are occupying “different worlds,” he told Cooper, and when people are this divided, it “becomes that much more difficult for us to hear each other, see each other.We have more economic stratification and segregation. You combine that with racial stratification and the siloing of the media, so you don’t have just Walter Cronkite delivering the news, but you have 1,000 different venues. All that has contributed to that sense that we don’t have anything in common.”

Here’s the clip where Obama discusses Critical Race Theory. Note how he frames it as something Republicans are wasting time on rather than solving real problems:

Christopher Rufo, who has been waging a one-man war against CRT, made a few observations about this:

Just how badly is CRT hurting Democrats nationally?

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Barack Obama, CNN, College Insurrection, Critical Race Theory, Democrats, Education