Critical Race Theory “divide is a stark red-blue one”

I had a column today at The Washington Examiner, surveying the emerging red-blue divide on Critical Race Theory and its abusive trainings and practices in education, typically using misleading euphemisms like “equity” and “antiracism.”

Blue states are using the power of the state to push CRT deep into lower grade education, while Red states are using the power of the state to keep these neo-racist practices and ideologies out.

Here is a short excerpt from Critical race theory school battles are deepening the red-blue divide:

Critical race theory argues that America is a systemically, irredeemably racist country and that everyone must work ceaselessly to deprogram themselves of the racism embedded within them. The concept currently is championed by race scholars-turned-celebrities such as Ibram X. Kendi and the widely debunked 1619 Project’s Nikole Hannah-Jones, but an overwhelming majority of people disapprove of this philosophy’s polarizing racial activism.Despite its broad unpopularity, critical race theory has found its home in the American education system, with training beginning as young as kindergarten and reaching a crescendo in higher education….American education, which once strived for a meritocracy without regard to race, has exchanged academic rigor for race-based social engineering. In many places, this shift has been state-sanctioned through public funding. Many states, however, are pursuing legislative and administrative means to stop this. The divide is a stark red-blue one, with Democratic-controlled governments pushing critical race trainings in public schools and other government agencies, while Republican-led states have sought to curb the use of taxpayer funds for such racially divisive purposes.

Most of the column documents what is happening in various states demonstrating this growing divide. Read the whole thing at the link.

With neither side willing to back down, America is on the precipice of a fundamentally fragmented educational system — red school districts, blue school districts — that teach very different curricula.

[Featured Image: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Testifying In Favor of CRT Ban Before Florida Department of Education]

Tags: College Insurrection, Critical Race Theory, Florida, Media Appearance, Ron DeSantis