California Will Now Fight Wildfires … by Trimming Back Forests

Longtime Legal Insurrection fans may recall that in 2019, after a spate of wildfires in California, President Donald Trump remarked on Gov. Gavin Newsom and the state’s eco-activist leadership.

“The Governor of California, @GavinNewsom, has done a terrible job of forest management. I told him from the first day we met that he must ‘clean’ his forest floors regardless of what his bosses, the environmentalists, DEMAND of him. Must also do burns and cut fire stoppers…..” Trump tweeted.“Every year, as the fire’s rage & California burns, it is the same thing-and then he comes to the Federal Government for $$$ help. No more,” the tweet continues. “Get your act together Governor. You don’t see close to the level of burn in other states.

And while Trump is notoriously acerbic, he is also often accurate. California is already having a fiery start to what looks like a toasty wildfire season.

As California sinks deeper into drought it already has had more than 900 additional wildfires than at this point in 2020, which was a record-breaking year that saw more than 4% of the state’s land scorched by flames….California’s mountains and foothills are expected to see above-normal wildfire potential from June through August and possibly into the fall, which is the usual peak fire season, according to the National Drought Mitigation Center and the Southwest Coordination Center.While some parts of the Southwest saw cool and moist conditions over the past month, that wasn’t the case in California. said Chuck Maxwell, a meteorologist and predictive services manager with the Southwest Coordination Center in Albuquerque. About 94% of California has drought conditions ranging from moderate to exceptional, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor that measures conditions.

In a surprise move, California’s politicos are now following Trump’s advice. California is now directing $500 million dollars on forest management to reduce the risk of fires after a devastating wildfire season.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) on Thursday announced a deal with state legislature leadership to draw down $536 million to kick off projects to prepare for the upcoming wildfire season. The new plan is in budget legislation Newsom said will be considered by lawmakers as early as Monday and signed by Tuesday.“The hots are getting hotter, the dries are getting drier, there’s a new reality. You don’t believe in climate change? You don’t believe in science? You believe your own damn eyes,” Newsom said during a news conference with the state’s senate and assembly leaders Thursday.“Something is happening as it relates to the issue of climate and that’s exacerbating conditions and making the challenge of wildfire suppression and prevention that much more ominous,” the governor said.The funds will be used to increase efforts to thin forests, build fuel breaks around vulnerable communities and invest in infrastructure hardening to protect structures.

I will note that the timing is quite convenient for Newsom. The recall election is likely to occur at the height of the state’s wildfire season. No matter how ardent their eco-activism might be, voters are unlikely to continue supporting Newsom’s “green” policies as their homes, businesses, and neighborhoods are charred.

File this item under: “Trump was right. Again.”

Tags: California, Environment, Gavin Newsom, Trump Derangement Syndrome