The last few times the Legal Insurrection team covered Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, we called for his resignation over the appalling homelessness crisis and reviewed his harsh COVOD-restrictions.
However, incompetence and thuggish behaviors are Democratic Party qualifications. This could explain why Biden wants Garcetti to serve as ambassador to India, one of our foremost allies.
Garcetti, a close Biden ally who served as co-chair for the president’s 2020 campaign, had been considered for a cabinet position, but a sexual harassment lawsuit against one of his aides may have lessened his chances, Axios reported Tuesday.
In December, Garcetti said he turned down a potential position at the White House because of the coronavirus crisis.
“As the administration reached out to me about serving,” he said, “I let them know early this week that my city needs me now, and that I want to be here, and that I need to be here.”
Perhaps this is India’s punishment for its explicit support for President Donald Trump?
The Senate would have to approve Garcetti’s appointment. The mayor had previously indicated that he had no interest in a position within the administration.
If needed, the City Council would temporarily fill Garcetti’s seat through an appointment.
Garcetti’s departure could set off a special election or the Los Angeles City Council could appoint someone to temporarily fill the seat. His term runs until December 2022.
Five months ago, Garcetti announced that he had decided not to take an unspecified job in the Biden administration, saying there was “no task more urgent” than remaining as mayor during the peak of the pandemic.
Now, he hasn’t publicly ruled out the idea of going to India.
Garcetti was elected mayor in 2013 and reelected in 2017. He is serving a longer second term — of 5½ years, as opposed to four — because voters in 2015 backed a one-time change in the city’s election dates.
Political analysts speculate that Garcetti will make the move so he can jump-start a more national-level career upon his return. He has a track record that is full of fail.
If confirmed, Garcetti, 50, will be leaving behind a thorny legacy in a megacity facing a confluence of challenges: a warming climate, congestion and air pollution, a housing crisis, gentrification battles and some of the worst economic inequality in America.
…“LA is facing some serious problems, and I think he understands that this isn’t a record that he is going to want for the rest of his career,” said Jessica Levinson, a Loyola law professor. “It is hard to run for higher office when your most recent resume line is mayor of LA. He’s made the calculation that … he has to enter the national or international stage before he comes back home to try [to] move up the political ladder.”
Garcetti, the son of a former LA district attorney, served as a city councilman before being elected mayor in 2013 on a “back to basics” platform of increasing jobs and fixing city streets. He had initially considered a 2020 White House run and later joined the Biden campaign as a co-chair. When it was rumored last year that he was under consideration for a cabinet position (possibly transportation or housing secretary), Black Lives Matter LA and other activist groups began holding loud, daily protests outside Getty House, the mayor’s residence, urging Biden not to pick a “self-seeking mayor for a cabinet position in which he is completely unqualified”.
I continue to pray most earnestly that India begins recovering from its COVID-19 surge. Fortunately, the good news is the case numbers there are now plunging.
Now I have another reason to pray for that nation.
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Garcetti has been a DISASTER for Los Angeles. He is even more desructive than Lighttfoot and Di Blasio.
He’s also more crooked:
FBI Should Look Closer at Eric Garcetti’s Skeletons :
He’s also a closet homosexual.
He’s got it all!
He was also the first major politician to go all in on defunding the police. Biden nominated him as a reward for his unneeded support but I don’t think too many Democrats are happy about this. He is NOT popular. Harris particularly does not like him. I expect him to withdraw his nomination once the MSM figure it out. Shouldn’t take long.
You just cited a resume which would make any democrat jealous – which is why Harris doesn’t like him. She probably also dislikes him because being Garcetti is gay, what Harris is selling, he’s not buying.
This nomination is pay to play for Garcetti. He did his job destroying Los Angeles, and he enabled the BLM mob with HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of dollars from LA City troffers.
Why do you think he’s not in EXCELLENT standing with the left? (He did have problems with the FBI, but being Barr turned traitor and Wray is a criminal in league with the swamp, he no longer has FBI problems.)
It’s much more than that. For one, it’s the San Francisco mobsters vs LA mobsters. Plus he has not one success to point to as mayor. He took over a crumbling city and quickly destroyed it. Garcetti has no hopes for advancing beyond mayor in CA and I think the days of LA mayor being a springboard for a run for president are over. He is absolutely toxic in CA so Biden gains nothing to gain in this nomination. It will be over soon.
Harris doesn’t like him because he’s gay, so he doesn’t need her to suck his dick.
And when that’s all you got – aside from cackling like an idiot, thinking no one see’s through it – that’s all you got.
This woman is going to become president.
Judge Declares Kamala Harris ‘F***ed Her Way to the Top’
“He’s also more crooked”
You’ve put your finger on why Biden likes him.
At least he will be out of the country for a while.
India will not respect this decision
Maybe they’ll blow a little Covid his way. Or make him dance like that malignant clown Trudeau:
“Perhaps this is India’s punishment for its explicit support for President Donald Trump?”
Good night…
Sleep tight…
Don’t let the black fungus bite!
I can’t imagine what India has done to deserve this… but if it gets him out of the U.S. then I welcome their opportunity to show him a good time.
Opposed Biden’s buddies in China
India is an enemy of Red China. “Biden” (yeah, like he’s running anything) is sending the scummiest of useful idiots to India because Red China wants it that way.
Biden is in Red China’s pocket. I think the world has enough dirt on Biden and his family to make him do just about anything. And I’m talking pedopheila.
Hardly the first unqualified ambassador.
Excellent point.
See: “Kennedy, Caroline”
Oh Boy! Maybe he will take LA’s typhus outbreak with him. The perfect choice.
India is just the place for him!
Comrade Biden couldn’t find a candidate with some Indian heritage?
Instead he’s sending India a lily white male as our ambassador?
The CCP probably ordered him to do it. They don’t like India much.
Maybe Kamala’s obnoxious niece. . .
Judge Declares Kamala Harris ‘F***ed Her Way to the Top’
Maybe India doesn’t have an extradition treaty with the US? Good way to avoid prosecution for your idiot ways of governing LA.
India ain’t exactly Slobovia…. Maybe reserve the political payoff ambassador appointments to less critical Nations or at least to Nations where it would be difficult for an ambassador to eff it up by themselves?
India is politically a tricky place: they are in an alliance with Israel, and they are natural enemies of Red China.
Can you imagine this bozo in place when the sh*t hits the fan? He’ll do what he did in L.A.: destroy the place.
After making war on his with Covid, seeding our schools with communists, taking over Hollywood, taking over US sports and having half the politcians in America in their pocket, Red China must feel very proud. Now, they have the dumbest white useful idiot in America as the Ambassador to their enemy India.
India deserves so much better than this. I feel awful. We should do an enormous arms deal with India to help them get ready to beat China in any kind of armed conflict.
Forget former America being involved – remember: our nation is now run by a Junta.
But Israel and India’s alliance is promising, and it’s been in the works for several years:
The Most Important New Alliance in Asia:
The fates of India and Israel have been intertwined since they gained independence less than nine months apart. Now, thanks to both the culmination of long-term trends and the camaraderie of the countries’ current leaders, their alliance is going from strength to strength.
Our nation is not run by a Junta, it is run by Democrats who got elected.
Got elected, my ass!
This fix was in, and it continues into overdrive. And it’s just getting started.
Garcetti needs to disappear for a few years to try to mend his tattered reputation. And Biden needs an ambassador. But Garcetti doesn’t have diplomatic, leadership, or organizational skills. He has enthusiastically taken action to defund the police and abandon law enforcement. He has used profanity in official public speeches, something especially treasured in India. He’s done a terrible job with the homeless in LA — good preparation for India. Biden will transfer our disaster to India. And we’ll get rid of him at last.
Maybe someone should ask Garcetti about this:
Nah, he’s in bed with the real estate developers who control the city and they are licking their chops over all of the cheap real estate heading their way so they can “save” the city.
Beyond having snorted coke in an Indian restaurant (allegedly), what are his qualifications?
Just when you think Biden’s picks could get any worse, he hits a new low. Biden never fails to disappoint.
India? Good place for him. From one third world feces filed craphole to another.