Albany Residents Angry About Piles of Trash Left Behind by College Students
“It’s not fair. It’s not fair that we have to live like this”

Piles of trash left behind by college students? What about climate change and the environment? Is that all just talk or someone else’s job?
News 10 in New York reports:
Residents frustrated over trash piles left behind by college students
The end of the college semester has once again led to piles of trash left on porches and in the streets by students who’ve gone home.
It’s not just a build up of trash but of frustration from both residents and the Department of General Services (DGS).
“It’s not fair. It’s not fair that we have to live like this,” said resident Asia McGhee.
She said no one should have to live like this. Mounds of trash on the porch next-door was left behind from college students which have attracted flies and left smells of rotting food McGhee describes as unbearable.
“The smell. It goes right through my house. I mean it’s disgusting,” McGhee said.
The resident has lived in the neighborhood for a couple of years with her two children. She said the trash problem hasn’t gotten better. The debris has also drawn some unsavory characters.
“Raccoons are over here. Possums are over here. It’s maggots because it’s literally rotten food in these bags, and then you have homeless people coming in and ripping the bags open and making it even worse,” McGhee said.
The pile up has sat on the next-door porch for a week and similar scenes can be found around the neighborhood.

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Everybody wants to save the environment, the whales, the rainforest…
Nobody wants to do the dishes, sweep the floors, properly dispose of garbage…
Before you would fix a crooked world, first you must fix your crooked heart. Then perhaps, the world will not appear so crooked.
A private college near us brings in dumpsters to accommodate the predictable end-of-year mess. Problem solved, except at “prog” schools.
Three words: “refundable damage deposits.”
Who are the landlords?? Students rarely own and usually rent. They should clean up the mess as soon as a tenant moves out. They won’t be able to rent the property if you complain to building and zoning that the places are not fit for habitation.
Portland now has regular crews to clean up the homeless camps. In a way they resemble bacterial colonies, which leave a ring as the metabolize everything around them, except the homeless camp builds up trash which then looks like a donut when the tent is removed from the middle. So the funny part is that these camps are supported by the can and bottle deposit returns, and getting rid of that system would remove the funds that support the drug habits etc, but then the do gooders get all up in arms over the possibility of some cans being left as litter, completely oblivious to the homeless camps which generate a thousand times as much trash as the few littered cans with no redemption system.
This is food for thought indeed.
State socialism as a reverse philosopher’s stone — one that turns metal into crap.