Steelworker Union Begs Biden to Keep Trump Tariffs in Place

Trump was an outstanding president for labor, a fact for which he receives little credit. Many labor union members backed Trump, but the bosses are in bed with the Democrats and backed Biden.

Now the Steelworkers Union is asking Biden to keep Trump’s tariff on foreign steel in place.

Matt Vespa writes at Townhall:

Labor Union’s Endorsement for Biden Comes Back to Bite ThemI have no sympathy. You voted for this, guys. This is the country you wanted. You wanted Joe Biden to overhaul the economic agenda. No more mean tweets, but now there’s rising inflation, anemic jobs growth, a border crisis, and a war brewing in the Middle East. Russia has become aggressive again, and China is getting more handsy with Taiwan. But there are no more mean tweets. For those in the steel industry, they’re pleading with Biden to keep the tariffs established under Donald Trump intact…

Vespa points to this article at The Hill by Niv Elis:

Steel trade groups, union call on Biden to leave tariffs intactSeven major groups representing steel producers and workers are urging President Biden to keep tariffs on foreign steel that former President Trump enacted intact.”The tariffs were necessitated by repeated surges in steel imports driven by global steel overcapacity that threatened our industry and the nearly two million jobs it supports,” the groups, which include the United Steelworkers, Steel Manufacturing Association and American Iron and Steel Institute, among others, wrote in a joint letter to Biden.”The tariffs have been a success, allowing our industry to restart idled mills, rehire laid-off workers and invest in the future,” they added.Trump imposed tariffs of 25 percent on steel and 10 percent on aluminum in 2018 as part of his aggressive trade agenda, setting off a trade war with many close U.S. allies, who imposed their own counter-tariffs on U.S. goods.

One has to wonder how the Keystone XL Pipeline workers feel about this. If we had honest media, someone might ask them for comment.

Does everyone remember back in October of 2020, when the Steelworkers Union projected a Biden-Harris logo onto Trump Tower in Chicago?

Trump did more for labor and American workers in four years than Democrats have done in decades. Protecting the interests of American workers was one of the central tenets of his entire presidency.

The fact that these union folks desperately want to keep his policies in place is an admission of that, but it’s too little, too late. They can endure the fruits of the Biden administration along with the rest of us.

Tags: Biden Labor, Economy, Jobs, Trump Economic Policy, Unions