Rep. Darrell Issa Working to Help Veteran Motorcycle Group Denied Permit by Biden Administration

Last week, we highlighted the plight of ‘Rolling to Remember,’ a veteran motorcycle group, because the Biden administration denied them a permit for a Memorial Day event that has happened for years.

The group now has an ally in Republican Rep. Darrell Issa of California.

Evie Fordham reports at FOX News:

Rolling to Remember: Issa introduces bill forcing Biden to allow DC Memorial Day biker traditionRep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., introduced a bill on Tuesday to ensure a Memorial Day veterans event with a long history is able continue every year, after the Department of Defense blocked the Rolling to Remember motorcycle rally from staging in the Pentagon parking lot this month.”There’s mom, there’s apple pie, there’s baseball, there’s hot dogs and there’s supporting our men and women in uniform,” Issa told Fox News in an interview. “Those are the most sacred bipartisan American things there are.”Issa joined Rep. Brian Mast, R-Fla., and other House Republicans to request President Biden override the Pentagon’s decision on Rolling to Remember, formally known as “Rolling Thunder,” in a letter sent Tuesday morning. Pentagon Special Events confirmed veterans group AMVETS’ permit for the Rolling to Remember motorcycle rally on March 11 but later reversed its decision. The Pentagon said it looks forward to working with AMVETS in the future “if COVID-19 conditions permit.””If I thought there was any credence or fairness to their refusal, I would have asked differently,” Issa told Fox News. “It’s very clear that someone with a unique political bent said no, and we’re going to get to the bottom of who that is.”

WBAP News has more:

“Now this is all very much an odd play for a guy who campaigned on returning America to normal,” Chris Salcedo, host of “The Chris Salcedo Show” told Issa.“In 30 years and six presidents, has anyone considered telling those people who come on Memorial Day to remember our POWs and MIAs and those who died in service for their country,” Issa began, noting that the the motorcycle riders got permits from the Department of Transportation, Department of the Interior, Maryland, the District of Columbia and Virginia.“And then [they] were denied the use of the Pentagon parking to assemble for the first time in decades by this president,” Issa said. “It’s unconscionable, and it has to change.”“[The Pentagon] said that they have been tracking the spread of COVID-19 within the Northern Virginia area,” Joe Chenelly, National Executive Director for AMVETS, which took over organizing Rolling to Remember, told WTOP. “And they looked at the nature of our event, which is a fairly large gathering that … everyone would be outside, but they said considering those things that they were going to deny it at this point.”

It’s good to know that someone in Congress is sticking up for these veterans.

The fact that they were denied a permit is an absolute disgrace.

Tags: Biden Administration, Darrell Issa, Memorial Day, Veterans