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No One is Ever Woke Enough Week in Higher Education

No One is Ever Woke Enough Week in Higher Education

Your weekly report on campus news.

We’ve reached the point where some feminist professors of the left are not sufficiently woke. Where does it end?

The slightest thing can get you cancelled.

Meanwhile, all anyone talks about is diversity, equity and inclusion.

And critical race theory is all the rage.

Nice student club you’ve got there. It’d be a shame if you lost your funding.

This is not normal.

Isn’t this racism?


Check it out!

What could go wrong?



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“We’ve reached the point where some feminist professors of the left are not sufficiently woke. Where does it end?”

That is a question without an answer. That’s like asking how many pages are left in a never ending story

“Woke Higher Ed Is A Mixture of “Cancel Culture, Critical Race Theory, and Cruelty”

Woke Higher Ed is simply asleep at the wheel. They are not for education. They are for indoctrination into good little Nazis. Maybe it is time to simply cut public funding to higher ed! The only thing that is high in higher ed is the result of whatever they are smoking or snorting!!

Diversity, inequity, and exclusion. Woke and morally broke. Baby Lives Matter