Lincoln Project Targeting Children With ‘Franklin Project’ Civics Program

The Lincoln Project will soon launch The Franklin Project,  a program to educate kids K-12 on civics.

Yes, the group with a child predator and members who protected said child predator wants to teach children.

Yes, the group with members who spew disgusting crap about opponents has the nerve to think they can teach others about civility.

The news is not a joke. The founders of the Lincoln Project allegedly knew of John Weaver’s predatory behavior in January 2020.

These people need to stay away from children.

Axios reported George W. Bush administration alumnus Greg Jenkins is the co-executive director.

The Franklin Project has some laughable goals considering the members don’t know anything about civility:

Franklin organizers believe civics discussions have devolved from an exchange of ideas to “an unhealthy game of winners and losers,” as their prospectus states. That’s triggered extreme partisanship, fueling the rise of authoritarian figures.

Jenkins wants everyone to know The Franklin Project is “a nonprofit and legally distinct” from The Lincoln Project. The latter will continue to publish “its brash, anti-Trump ads while Franklin will focus on nonpartisan education and collaboration tailored to build consensus.”

“There are plenty of frustrated people out there who don’t know what to do, don’t know where to go, they don’t feel like either of the parties are representing them adequately, and they’re right,” explains Jenkins. “So, what we will do is tell these folks, ‘Listen, you’re not alone.'”

But if “progressives and conservatives don’t feel at home with” The Franklin Project, then Jenkins wants you to know that you “have a problem.”

Jenkins claims The Franklin Project “will target ‘the exact same problem….but from different angles and with different methods'” as The Lincoln Project.

Jenkins says, “We’re not the megaphone; we’re the convener.”

Uh, okay. You’re still an offshoot of a group founded by a known child predator. The other founders and members remained quiet about the predator and did nothing about it.

Tags: Education, Lincoln Project