Israel Hits Suspected Iranian Military and Hezbollah Targets in Syria

Israel carried out airstrikes on Iranian military and terrorist militia targets inside Syria, the Israeli media disclosed.

On Wednesday, the Israeli air force struck multiple targets near the Mediterranean port city of Latakia. The region is regarded as a stronghold of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the regime’s military wing, and a U.S.-designated terrorist group. The IRGC “was known to have warehouses in the area,” the Jewish News Syndicate reported, citing a UK-based Syrian watchdog.

The following day, Israeli helicopters hit Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist militia in southern Syria, the newspaper Israel Hayom reported on Thursday. “Arab media outlets reported that the target of the attack was a Hezbollah outpost near the Israeli border,” the daily said.

The Times of Israel reported the latest Israeli counter-terrorism strikes:

Israeli aircraft bombed targets in Syria after midnight on Thursday, Syrian state media reported, in what would be the second such strike in less than 24 hoursSANA reported that Israeli helicopters struck in the area of the Quneitra border town in the Syrian Golan Heights, claiming that no injuries or damages were incurred.The IDF declined to comment on the reported strikes, in accordance with its policy to neither confirm nor deny most of its operations in Syria.Early Wednesday, SANA reported that an Israeli aircraft carried out airstrikes in northern Syria that killed one person and wounded six others. It was the first alleged attack since raids last month that saw an errant Syrian anti-aircraft missile explode in the Negev desert.Syrian air defenses engaged Israeli missiles near the port city of Latakia in northern Syria and Hama in the West in the Wednesday strike, according to SANA.

In the wake of the Syrian conflict, which began almost nine years ago, Iran has built up a significant military presence in Syria. As a result, Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad is holding on to power largely due to Iranian regulars and Iran-sponsored Hezbollah terrorist militia fighting on his behalf.

Hezbollah has since used Syrian territory to launch terrorist attacks at Israeli soldiers and civilians in northern Israel.

As Israel responds to Iran’s growing military and terrorist clout in Syria, President Joe Biden’s administration is appeasing the regime to restore the Obama-era nuclear deal.

The Biden White House is toying with the idea of “rollback in Iran sanctions to revive nuke deal,” the NBC News reported last week. Some of these sanctions, which may enable the regime to generate oil revenue and get access to the international financial system, are “tied to terrorism, missile development and human rights,” the broadcaster added.

The latest concession mulled by the Biden administration could be the single largest economic windfall for the Iranian regime since former President Donald Trump pulled the plug on the nuclear deal in May 2018.

According to the news reports, the Biden administration appears to be on the verge of re-entering the Iran nuclear deal. “A flurry of diplomatic contacts and reports of major progress suggest that indirect talks between the U.S. and Iran may be nearing an agreement,” the Associated Press noted on Tuesday.

President Biden’s restoration of the nuclear deal will boost the regime’s revenue stream and finance terrorism and military aggression against Israel and other U.S. allies in the region.

Tags: Hezbollah, Iran, Israel, Syria, Terrorism