Portland Mayor Begs Public to Help ‘Unmask’ Violent Rioters

Rioters have been terrorizing Portland, OR, for like what? Almost a year now? Remember when Mayor Ted Wheeler turned away help from President Donald Trump? Remember when Wheeler exploded when Trump sent in troops to protect federal buildings and property?

Wheeler finally admitted the rioters want nothing more than to burn and destroy the city. It’s precious that he acts like this is completely brand new!

From Oregon Live:

“They want to burn,” Mayor Ted Wheeler said. “They want to bash, like they did to the nonprofit Boys and Girls Club in Northeast. Really they want to intimidate. They want to assault.“If BLM leaders can show the courage to stand up to this mob, then we all should. … Make a stand and take our city back,” he said.Wheeler asked residents to note the license plates of people who drive to the events in various neighborhoods and then don all black clothing and grab shields or weapons from their cars. Share those license numbers with police, he said.If people overhear others bragging about the violence they committed in the city, report it, he said.“Our job is to unmask them, arrest them and prosecute them,” he said.“When somebody attacks a church that serves the LGBTQ community and homeless populations, they’re going to talk about it,” he said. “When somebody attacks the Boys and Girls Club, which focuses on youth of color in our community, they’re going to talk about it.”

No duh, Sherlock! Ya think?!?!

Wheeler extended the state of emergency, which ends on Monday at noon local time.

Something tells me this will not be the last chaotic weekend in Portland.

Tags: Antifa, Oregon, riots