Iran Elected to UN Forum on Women Dedicated to “Gender Equality”
“Electing the Islamic Republic of Iran to protect women’s rights is like making an arsonist into the town fire chief”

Iran, one of the world’s leading violator of women’s and human rights, has been elected to the United Nation’s Commission on the Status of Women. The UN forum, which purports to advance “gender equality and the empowerment of women” across the globe, includes leading human rights abusers such as China, Cuba, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia.
In a secret ballot, Iran received 43 votes in an electoral body comprising 54 UN member states. The regime was backed by least four European or Western countries. the Geneva-based watchdog group UN Watch found. The European countries which voted in the secret ballot include France, Germany, and the United Kingdom.
The UN member states ignored the gross human rights violations carried out by the Islamic Republic.
Iranian women are tried and punished in compliance with the medieval Islamic Sharia law. The country’s Islamic morality police and regime-loyalist militia use brute force to enforce Islamic dress code on women. The Mullah regime systematically deploys rape and torture against female dissidents in jails.
The Jerusalem Post reported Iran’s shameful induction to the top women rights body:
Iran was elected Monday to the United Nation’s Commission on the Status of Women for a four-year term along with China, Japan, Lebanon and Pakistan.
The Commission on the Status of Women is the “global champion for gender equality,” according to the organization. It works to develop and uphold standards in which all women can exercise their human rights. The commission focuses on issues it deems fundamental to women’s equality and attempts to promote the progress of women worldwide.
Women’s rights are severely restricted in Iran, Human Rights Watch (HRW) reported, saying that they face “serious discrimination” on a variety of issues including marriage, divorce and child custody. Women have been jailed for speaking out in favor of women’s rights, HRW reported.
Domestic violence, marital rape, early and forced marriage are all offenses that Iranian authorities have failed to criminalize, according to Amnesty International. These offenses and other gender-based violence against women remain widespread in the country, according to Amnesty International.
The news comes as President Joe Biden’s administration is in talks with the Iranian regime in Vienna, aimed at restoring the Obama-era nuclear deal. The White House has offered to lift oil and financial sanctions, a potential economic windfall for the world’s biggest state sponsor of international terrorism and jihad.
The UN Watch reported details of the vote:
Iran’s fundamentalist and misogynistic regime is now one of 45 commission members that, according to the UN, will play an instrumental role in “promoting women’s rights, documenting the reality of women’s lives throughout the world, and shaping global standards on gender equality and the empowerment of women.”
Iran won 43 votes in a secret ballot yesterday at the UN’s 54-nation Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Usually ECOSOC rubber-stamps nominations arranged behind closed doors by regional groups, however this time the U.S. demanded a vote be held.
The UN Watch, which is often at the forefront of exposing hypocrisy, abuse, and corruption at the international body, called out the European Union and Western powers for backing Iran.
“Though the ballot was secret, UN Watch has determined that at least four of the 15 EU and Western Group democracies on ECOSOC—which include Australia, Austria, Canada, Finland, France, Latvia, Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States—voted for Iran,” the watchdog found.
“Electing the Islamic Republic of Iran to protect women’s rights is like making an arsonist into the town fire chief,” executive director of UN Watch, Hillel Neuer, said, “It’s absurd — and morally reprehensible. This is a black day for women’s rights, and for all human rights.”
The protest against the outrageous move also came from exiled Iranian women rights activists and dissidents. “This is an insult to more than 50 Iranian women who are in jail and to millions of other women who get beaten up by the the same regime,” the exiled Iranian women rights activist, Masih Alinejad, wrote on Twitter.
Yesterday in this event in Swedish parliament along with the UN special rapporteur, I condemned the UN’s election of Islamic Republic of Iran to its commission on the status of women.
Please listen & share the message of Iranian women’s rights activists with your government.— Masih Alinejad
(@AlinejadMasih) April 23, 2021
In 2019, the same 54-member body condemned Israel as the lone violator of women’s rights in the world. The anti-Israel resolution was backed by leading women’s and human rights abusers, such as China, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Sudan.
Last November, China, Iran, and other rogue states ganged up at the UN Human Rights Council to “scrutinize” the U.S. human rights record. Iran, which regularly executes dissident and guns down anti-regime protestors, joined China, Syria, Venezuela, and others to condemn the U.S. at the forum.

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The German left loves Iran.
The Greens, the SPD, The Commies.
I am sure even Merkels decapitated CDU surely has some servile gimps doing the mullahs bidding in Berlin .
German hospitals even treat Iran’s henchmen as in patients.
They are safe with the regressive left.
They have quite a history with the Nazis.
Yeah, when women don’t have to wear that grab in their home country then we can talk until that time you know what you can do.
2smartforlibs: Yeah, when women don’t have to wear that grab in their home country then we can talk until that time you know what you can do.
Place you visit often?
F you marxist. Countries like Iran are serial abusers of human rights including women’s rights.
Iran is filled with pathological murderer’s just like you.
Are you an Iranian tour guide? Using a tourist site to compare what is required for many Iranian women deep in a religious culture that accepts abuse of women as a norm. Not to mention what is done to homosexuals and the like. Hooray for abuse! The humanity of pretenders that sport their ideology over everything else.
That you do not see the abuse of promoting Iran, even in this instance, is sad. Seems like the UDHR becoming an Orwellian document is the goal for people that spout your type of nonsense.
oldschooltwentysix: Using a tourist site to compare what is required for many Iranian women deep in a religious culture that accepts abuse of women as a norm.
The original comment concerned “garb.” Indeed, Iran is far from a liberal society, but it’s important to always start with facts.
Time to start dealing with facts that matter. Iran is Muslim shit hole.
That’s right. Travelers/tourists have no problem entering or leaving the country. But the citizens on the other hand? If you can’t get permission from the theocratic government to leave then you don’t leave. And if you’re on their list of disfavored people (any one really that objects to the theocratic government of Iran) then you don’t leave at all. Ever.
It was you who took the comment out of context and offered up misinformation, as if that guide applied to Iranian women.
oldschooltwentysix: It was you who took the comment out of context and offered up misinformation …
Modest clothing and the hijab are required. The information was correct, though rural areas tend to be more strict.
You really believe that? That a country that has a “morality police” is a country that really respects the rights of its female citizens? Even if they do it “politely”?
Lucifer Morningstar: That a country that has a “morality police” is a country that really respects the rights of its female citizens?
Never made that claim.
“Do tourists have to wear hijab in Iran?
Like any other country in the world, most of the general laws in Iran have to be followed by travelers. As an Islamic country, there are laws regarding women’s clothing in Iran that must be followed by travelers as well. All women regardless of their nationality are obliged to follow these rules requiring them to wear hijab; however, the rules are not as strict for travelers and their unfamiliarity with Hijab is taken into account. Note that women are required to wear Hijab as soon as they get off the plane in an Iranian airport.”
TheFineReport: Note that women are required to wear Hijab as soon as they get off the plane in an Iranian airport.
And men have to wear pants. Certainly, dress codes can be used to control people, but the comment referred to “that garb,” so the specifics are relevant.
Take the L, Zachs. Iran mandates the covering of store mannequins, fgs, because they arouse the male populace or some such nonsense. Tourists are permitted some leeway, but that is not the same as how Iran requires its female citizens to cover up . . . failing to do so comes with a very steep price.
Zach the marxist takes up for Iran for one reason, Iran hates the USA just like zach does.
The Zachs are definitely on the wrong side of history. Destroying the most wealthy, the most technologically, socially, and culturally advanced country the world has ever known is a sure sign of hatred of the USA. Nothing says, I love black and brown people more than destroying the very country that makes their upward mobility not only possible but uniquely so in the history of the world.
The Zachs are torn because they admire the complete control over their populace that Islamic regimes (and commie ones, of course) exert over their citizens, and they loathe that their facsist dreams aren’t enactable here until states rights are abolished. If only the federal goverement controlled . . . everything, the America-hating Zachs bemoan, we could bring down the hammer on those free-thinking, pro-America terrorists who believe in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
The Zachs, like troll mark311, just cannot abide a single person having an ounce of freedom.
I’m only allowed one upvote but it’s x1000.
Fuzzy Slippers: Iran mandates the covering of store mannequins
Fuzzy Slippers: Tourists are permitted some leeway, but that is not the same as how Iran requires its female citizens to cover up
In the U.S., you can’t walk around nude, enforced by law. Modest clothing and the hijab are required in Iran. The information provided above was correct, though rural areas tend to be more strict.
The many Zachs wrote:
Apparently, this is supposed to equate the fact that you can’t walk around naked in the U.S. with the fact that Iran is so terrified of its feral males that it has to hide mannequins under lengths of cloth because Iran deems its males too uncivilized to view a mannequin–a FAKE cutout in human form–that is not properly covered without lust, and not just without lust, but without such uncontrollable animal lust that the freaking government has to protect these Iranian men from their own instincts by ensuring a fake wooden mannequin is duly covered.
But yeah, this is perfectly normal and fine. After all, how can you regressive lunatics see that this is disgusting and base and vile and evil? After all, you know, in your heart of hearts, that you are so much better, right? So much more civilized and perfect? You are so fine and good that you can nod and smile at an entire civilization that actually treats store mannequins as harlots tempting good men to sin because you think they are less than you are, less than civilized, less than human. You should hang your head in shame. Right now. You are the racist, the one who holds yourself above others, and you are disgusting.
Fuzzy Slippers: Destroying the most wealthy, the most technologically, socially, and culturally advanced country the world has ever known is a sure sign of hatred of the USA.
What the heck are you talking about?
Fuzzy Slippers: The Zachs are torn because they admire the complete control over their populace that Islamic regimes (and commie ones, of course) exert over their citizens, and they loathe that their facsist dreams aren’t enactable here until states rights are abolished.
Well, no. We strongly support liberal democracy, something not found in Iran. We also recognize that the U.S., the exemplar of liberal democracy, was complicit in overthrowing the democratic government of Iran and installing a monarchy.
Newsflash Zachs: America is not a “liberal democracy.” We are a Constitutional Republic with clear, intended avoidance of “liberal democracy” built right in to our Constitution. The United States is a federation of states, each with its own Constitution and each with its own laws. This is the hurdle you America-hating lunatics cannot leap. States are free to do as they please as long as that is not unConstitutional. You lunatics hate that and pretend that we are a single nation “liberal democracy,” and you are dead wrong. Period.
Fuzzy Slipper: Iran is so terrified of its feral males that it has to hide mannequins under lengths of cloth because Iran deems its males too uncivilized to view a mannequin–a FAKE cutout in human form–that is not properly covered without lust, and not just without lust, but without such uncontrollable animal lust that the freaking government has to protect these Iranian men from their own instincts by ensuring a fake wooden mannequin is duly covered.
America is so afraid of its males too uncivilized with such uncontrollable animal lust that its freaking government has to protect American men from their own instincts by ensuring fake plastic mannequins are neutered.
Fuzzy Slipper: this is perfectly normal and fine.
It’s very conservative, but hardly unusual for traditional societies that decry what they see as hedonism spreading from the West.
Western hedonism? Like gay pride parades with everyone being forced not to tolerate but to affirm trans/gay/blah blah as normal? That Western hedonism? The Western hedonism of the Occupy crowd who had to have special “rape tents” for females because they were being raped by their fellow regressive misogynist haters who felt entitled to unconsensual sex? The Western hedonism of the destructive left that decries the family unit, that literally and vocally announces that it seeks to destroy the entire concept of family? Yeah, I’d say we have a Western hedonism problem, and it’s your regressive lunatic comrades who are championing it at every turn.
Secret ballot does not .provide protection here, but cover for cowards and like-minded human rights abusers and enablers.
This is the UN. What do you expect?
I expect that we should exit the UN and throw them all out.
You really can’t make this stuff up!
Another exhibit of the near absolute uselessness of the United Nations.
Gender is sex-correlated attributes (e.g. sexual orientation): masculine and feminine. Gender equity can be simulated through medical, surgical, and psychiatric intervention.
The UN Forum is dedicated to sociopolitical congruence (“=”). That said, men and women are equal in rights and complementary in Nature/nature. #HateLovesAbortion
Just to be clear, every republican administration has endorsed this kind of UN shit.
Did Trump? Can you cite to a source proving it?
One, Trump ain’t really a puke republican. Two, the proof is we did nothing to shortchange the UN while Trump was president. Nothing. And I support Trump 100%.
C’mon Man! Iran is in the forefront of women’s rights. They actually gave women the right to drive a car themselves several years ago. Of course, they’ve still got to get their husband’s permission to leave the house and the also must have a male relative along with them lest they inflame the passions of unrelated males and be raped by them (the unrelated male not the relative). Really, how could anyone complain about Iran’s record of women’t rights when the allow women to do such things.
So tell me again why in the world we’re spending millions of dollars on NATO when the European Union is marching lockstep right into islamic theocratic domination. Seems to me we could simply withdraw our NATO funding and use it better here in the United States than to prop up a moribund military organization that doesn’t benefit us in the least.
I’d upthumb you, if your post didn’t have blockquote-induced carpal tunnel.
Well damn, I didn’t realize that if you used the “blockquote” tags that it would actually prevent people from upthumbing or downthumbing a comment. Sorry about that.
The world bowing to Iran is a disgrace, hoping to be taken the last
“Electing the Islamic Republic of Iran to protect women’s rights is like making an arsonist into the town fire chief”
Yes… but when you consider that entire town a wretched hive of scum and villainy in the first place, why correct your enemy when he is making a mistake.
Iran, China, Japan, Lebanon and Pakistan. Well now, we know exactly what the UN thinks regarding the advancement of Women, don’t we?