Clemson University Students Protest Conservative Tomi Lahren at ‘Back The Blue’ Rally
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Clemson University Students Protest Conservative Tomi Lahren at ‘Back The Blue’ Rally

Clemson University Students Protest Conservative Tomi Lahren at ‘Back The Blue’ Rally

“Topics discussed at Thursday’s rally included policing, Black Lives Matter, and politics.”

Communists like Angela Davis regularly speak on college campuses with no protests. There is no political balance.

WSPA News reports:

Students at Clemson University protest conservative speaker at ‘Back the Blue’ rally

A ‘Back the Blue’ rally sparked some controversy on Clemson University’s campus, Thursday.

The Clemson chapter of “Turning Point USA” hosted the rally at the university’s Littlejohn Coliseum. The ‘Back the Blue’ event featured conservative speaker and Foxnation Host Tomi Lahren, Brandon Tatum, and Graham Allen.

Lahren has been accused of racism, homophobia, sexism, and more. Dozens of students protested ahead of Thursday’s rally, saying they wanted the university to know they’re not happy with the decision to let Lahren speak.

“Clemson came to fame advocating for Black lives, and I feel like just letting her speak on campus with all of the racist stuff she’s said like comparing Black Lives Matter to the KKK is very contradictory,” said protester, Deasia Rush.

She said the University’s Democratic Party wasn’t given the same opportunity.

“We tried to get one of our speakers to come to campus and Clemson said no because she was too radical, yet they let Tomi Lahren come to speak,” said Rush.

Topics discussed at Thursday’s rally included policing, Black Lives Matter, and politics.

Supporters say they were there for the cause.


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retiredcantbefired | April 9, 2021 at 2:13 pm

I’m actually surprised the administration didn’t ban the Back the Blue Rally and prohibit all three featured speakers from appearing on campus. That’s the way most university administrators prefer to behave now…

I am appalled by the ongoing attempts by the campus Left to silence any Conservative speech or thought but I see a silver lining in, at least, this report There were only “dozens” of protesters and they didn’t shut down the speakers

“Clemson came to fame advocating for Black lives …” said protester, Deasia Rush.

They overestimate their own accomplishments.