Leftists Rush To Delete Tweets Blaming “Whites” For Boulder Shooting Once Identity Of Perp Revealed

Anytime America has a mass shooting, Democrats and their allies in the MSM will rush to assign blame to Republicans before the name of a single victim is known and well before the public has been informed about who the alleged perp or perpetrators are in these heinous crimes.

We saw it just last week when the Usual Suspects immediately blamed former President Trump for the horrific attacks at three Georgia massage parlors, which left eight dead, including six people of Asian descent. At present, we’re supposed to believe that Trump reminding people that the coronavirus came from China motivated the shooter, even though as of this writing, there has been no evidence whatsoever presented that points in that direction.

We also saw it yesterday as media reports began to surface on Twitter about a mass shooting at a Soopers grocery store in Boulder, CO. 10 were murdered, including a veteran police officer. But before anyone had any concrete information on the suspect or the victims, woke leftists were again rushing to proclaim that white supremacy was behind the attacks, especially after seeing video and images of the then-unnamed suspect in news reports.

One of the most high-profile public figures to do so was Vice President Kamala Harris’s niece Meena because rushing to judgment runs in the family. In a since-deleted tweet, Ms. Harris wrote that “the Atlanta shooting was not even a week ago. Violent white men are the greatest terrorist threat to our country”:

Fast forward a few hours, and police have now given the public the suspect’s name: Ahmad Al-Issa, a Syrian-American, according to numerous news reports.

This person doesn’t neatly fit the profile prominent leftists like Meena Harris were expecting. Naturally, many of the same people who predictably jump to conclusions are now either deleting tweets and/or providing predictable “updates” on their original claims. Note that some of them are still clinging to their racist narratives much in the way a freezing Jack desperately clung to that door alongside Rose as they floated aimlessly in “Titanic”:

Twitter user Majid Padellan aka “Brooklyn Dad,” a prolific tweeter with over 900,000 followers and who was recently accused of being paid $57,000 in PAC money for pro-Biden posts, tweeted this yesterday:

He hasn’t deleted his tweet, but a day later, we now have an “it didn’t matter what the shooter’s race was” tweet because, of course, we do:

It’s unclear if Deadspin editor Julie DiCaro’s tweets from yesterday are still up because she now has her Twitter account set to “protected” status. Here’s her Monday conversation with a USA Today editor about the deadly Boulder rampage:

Hateful leftist pastor Talbert Swan (who frequently refers to his non-POC critics as “mayonnaise drippers“) joined in on the “blame the white guy” festivities Monday as well:

Here was his update today:

Prominent feminist Amy Siskind had this to say yesterday in response to the shootings:

And yet today:

Another tweeter who jumped on the bandwagon posted this hot take yesterday:

Here’s her update:

We have more, as seen below and via Twitter user Caleb Hull, who documented them extensively in a Twitter thread.

Twitter, of course, played an active role in the spread of misinformation:

Sadly, the Boulder mass shooting won’t be the last one that happens in our lifetimes, nor will the rushes to judgment we so often see from the “tolerant left” when these tragic incidents occur. It’s a page out of a political playbook that goes back centuries: Have many people say something untruthful so loudly and so often that the masses start to believe it.

And then, after deliberately misleading people and instilling panic, quickly craft government policy from it – even if it means taking a match to the U.S. Constitution in the process. It’s sickening, but it’s just who they are.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —

Tags: Colorado, Crime, Democrats, Kamala Harris, Racism, Social Media